Free Report on Navigating Aging: Societal Perspectives and Health Realities

Published: 2024-01-05
Free Report on Navigating Aging: Societal Perspectives and Health Realities
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care United States Society
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 632 words
6 min read

Choose the Theoretical Perspective on aging that you believe is the healthiest for society. Why?

Functionalism is a suitable perspective on aging, especially considering that the theory addresses the role of each level in society. According to Bone (2017), functionalists analyze how each part of society works in collaboration to create a state of equilibrium. The theory focuses on gauging how each part of the society functions to keep the entire society running.

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What are some major factors that affect life expectancy? (Worldwide and in the USA)

Health has been a major factor affecting life expectancy across the globe. Even though the advancement in healthcare has improved significantly, life expectancy has continued to deteriorate, especially considering the increase in health complications. According to Hartley, et al., (2018), biological aging has reduced life expectancy in many nations, especially considering the increased number of cancer cases reported across the globe. Biological aging has increased the number of premature deaths across the globe, which is widely affecting life expectancy.

Despite the increasing campaigns on healthy living, biological aging has widely affected life expectancy. For instance, patients suffering from chronic diseases, such as lung cancer, may affect the patient’s health and even reduce their age expectations.

On the contrary, poverty has reshaped the degree of life expectancy, as children born in poor conditions are likely able to die, at a younger age. Lack of food, and medication, fuel the higher chances of death, especially those living in crowded areas in poor conditions.

List several of the problems facing older Americans.

Older Americans are facing numerous shortages of elements that can be used to improve their aging. One of the problems facing the older community is the lack of proper care. Unlike the younger, age who are energetic, and capable of doing all activities by themselves, the older American community does not tend to enjoy such a luxury (Schaie, 2016). As a result, this has affected them psychologically.

On the contrary, the older American community is not receiving equal healthcare treatment, especially for the older community suffering from breast cancer. Even though their subjection to treatment may not be server considering the younger generation, the concept is geared towards subjecting them to less complicated medication. However, it does not fully suit their needs.

How do you see yourself aging? How do you feel about the prospects of growing older?

Lifestyle has widely dictated the aging of many individuals across the globe. According to Raghupathi and Raghupathi, (2018), with the increase in fast food outlets, and a reduction in healthy eating habits, that are becoming part of American society, there is a higher chance of health-related complications in the future that awaits most of us in the US. This will have a higher impact on biological aging, as more health cases are recorded. Even though I do not have any current healthy eating habits that may result in health complications, there is a higher possibility that I might age chronologically, especially considering that I am aware of health issues and the effect they might have on healthy aging.


Bone, A. E., Hepgul, N., Kon, S., & Maddocks, M. (2017). Sarcopenia and frailty in chronic respiratory disease: Lessons from gerontology. Chronic respiratory disease, 14(1),

Hartley, A., Angel, L., Castel, A., Didierjean, A., Geraci, L., Hartley, J., ... & Taconnat, L. (2018). Successful aging: The role of cognitive gerontology. Experimental aging research, 44(1),

Raghupathi, W., & Raghupathi, V. (2018). An empirical study of chronic diseases in the United States: a visual analytics approach to public health. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15(3),

Schaie, K. W. (2016). Theoretical perspectives for the psychology of aging in a lifespan context. In Handbook of the psychology of aging (pp. 3-13). Academic

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