Functionality Of The Cell

Published: 2023-01-05
Functionality Of The Cell
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing Philosophy World
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 657 words
6 min read

Molecular cascade will have a significant appearance in the cell functioning and cell metabolic activities in the body of an organism. Biologists and chemists have tried with hither and thither to come up with so many investigations and search of the composing elements of the cell for it to undergo cell cycle with the help of an active enzyme that is CDKs enzyme.

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Molecular cascade is composed of synthetic polymer which resembles a treelike structure. The chains in this polymer come out from the central atom or may be clustered atoms which play a role in transferring genetic materials to all living cells in the body of an organism. A series of chemical reactions takes place in the cell of a living organism. The chemical reactions are mostly initiated by the use of a stimulus which acts as a receptor to the effector muscles of an organism. The controlling factors in this phase are introduced in order to make a regulation in cellular actions. The factors help to respond efficiently to the cue changes of the environment both internally and externally.

The composed compound present in the molecular cascade is the carbon monoxide, the motions caused by this carbon monoxide molecules results in the subsequent movement of one molecule and another. The expected movement temperature rate of the carbon monoxide molecules in the molecular cascade phase is a temperature of 6 Kelvin. According to the view, the cell been smallest but functional is composed of compounds that provide Adenosine triphosphate hormone that helps it to perform specific and advantageous functions in the body of an organism.

The cell is the main component of the human body according to biology. Different types of cells perform different functions thus helping the body to perform efficiently and effectively. Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK) is the main composts of proteins involved in cell control ( Vadala, Russo, Di Martino, & Denaro,2015). CDK acts as the multifunctional enzymes which bring about modifications in various substrates in proteins.

However, eukaryotic cells contain different types of CDKs and also their numbers. Cyclins play a role in CDKs by activating them. Thought the lifecycle of a cell there exist similar amounts of CDKs thus the manufacturing and the breakdown of cyclins depends on the various stages undergone by the cell cycle. For the better progression of the cell cycle, cyclin must undergo degradation.Specified enzymes play a crucial role in the breakdown of cyclins for it to perform effectively. If there is an emergent decrease in cyclin levels the resultant outcomes is the inactivation of the CDKs. If the cyclins fail to degrade there can result in cell cycle arrest. Cell cycle arrest can bring about complications in ones' health state.

The impact of cyclin inactivation by the CDKs results on both positive and negative outcomes. CDK5 is involved with numerous cellular event in the cell cycle. It plays a very important role in the auditory hair cells, in case of its inactivation it can result in hearing problems and losses. Cell being the basic unit have to undergo the cell cycle processes through the help of cycling which has an important enzyme helping it to undergo such.

In conclusion, the molecular composition of the cell gives it definitely and helps it to perform its function in the body without any complications in it. The presence of CDKs enzyme helps the cell to undergo multifunctional activities.


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Vadala, G., Russo, F., Di Martino, A., & Denaro, V. (2015). Intervertebral disc regeneration: from the degenerative cascade to molecular therapy and tissue engineering. Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, 9(6), 679-690

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