Gattaca and Harrison Bergeron - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-26
Gattaca and Harrison Bergeron - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Environment Movie Equity American literature
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 921 words
8 min read


The Gattaca and Harrison Bergeron stories have various lessons that people can learn. The narration mostly focuses on the interaction of people in a different environment. It also explains how the coexistence of different people can have a social impact on people who are living together. They both explain the influence that a group of people can have on a new individual joining their crew based on the group's character's interaction or assimilation. According to Rakhshan et al. (2019), an individual's character is highly influenced by the environment the individual is exposed to. So, the individual needs to choose whether to change the ways of behavior towards the opposite direction or get swayed with the larger group from the environment. It is essential to evaluate the lessons from Gattaca and Harrison Bergeron narrations and how good it is to behave the same as people around a given environment.

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The Theme of Equity

Both the short stories have a message of promoting equity in the environment. The stories are using the science of genetic inherence to explain how the environment shapes the people around it in ensuring that the people promote the desired equity in society. A similar behavior or people adopting specific side of behaving based on the characters of the society will portray to the other members of the public that no one is favored and it promotes equity which reduces cases of discrimination. The people adapt to the environment according to the way the surrounding people behave. For example, parents will give birth to children who will grow up acting to observe their parents. On various occasions, the children will learn a lot from their parents and add some additional teachings from those close to them. The children need to get exposed to an excellent environment to possess good character (Rakhshan et al., 2019). Similarly, if the children get exposed to a bad environment, they will keep a negative environment. Thus, the equal or same character of a specific generation depends on the proceeding generation.

The equity talk is likened to the science of the members of the society. It is influenced by the interaction of the public member that portrays the character of a specific society. On that occasion, when a new individual is introduced to such a society, they will start assimilating the trend or the character of the society that has been existing for a while. It will be easier for society to influence the new member's character than a new member influencing other people's character. The intrusion of an outsider to an existing society will make the person feel awkward if they don't change their character or behavior to be in line with society (Rakhshan et al., 2019). Thus, the change in behavior will provide equity on how people will be treated. Society will have no favors, nor will it not fail in delivering equitable treatment to an individual that is behaving similarly with the rest of the environment around it. Thus, it is good to behave the same way as the environment because it enhances peaceful coexistence and promotes smooth interaction between different people in the same society or environment.

Promotion of Respect

Behaving the same way as a member of society promotes the respect of society members with the others. Respect is an essential tool that ensures a peaceful society based on how each person behaves as per society's expectation (Wald, 2005). It is essential to study the behavior of a group of people interacting so that it becomes easier to interact with the environment. For instance, cultural and racial differences are a global problem that is dividing the world due to various abuses based on an individual's culture. However, according to the teaching of the short stories described by Gattaca and Harrison Bergeron that "Birds of same feathers flock together," it is essential for the people interacting with the environment to have respect for one another (Rakhshan et al., 2019). Respect is paramount because it shows the need for an individual is catered for by the environment without infringing anger in interaction. With respecting the society it is easier to make tremendous development because the individual would be having similar chance in increasing their well-being in the society. Thus, an individual behaving the same as the environment in the society will ensure they foster unity in a society based on the factor that every individual will respect.


Conclusively, the Gattaca and Harrison Bergeron stories have important lessons that people can learn. The narration mostly shows how it is useful for the interaction of people in different environments. It also explains how the coexistence of different people can have a social impact on people who are living together. They both explain the influence that a group of people can have on a new individual joining their crew based on the group's character's interaction or assimilation. The behaving the same as the environment will be useful in the peaceful coexistence in society. It also promotes respect among the members an individual is interacting within the vicinity. Therefore, it is good for people to be the same as the people one is interacting with society.


Rakhshan, A., Abbasi, M., Salimi, A. R., Hosseini, S. A. R., & Khani, Z. (2019). Comparative Comparison of the Principle of Free Social Services of Citizens of England and Iran Based on the Obligation of Human Respect. Bioethics Journal, 9, 7-23.

Wald, P. (2005). The Human Genome in Fiction, Film, and the News.

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