Essay Sample on Gender: Cultural Diversity

Published: 2023-10-15
Essay Sample on Gender: Cultural Diversity
Essay type:  Persuasive essays
Categories:  Gender Culture Diversity
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 400 words
4 min read

Due to emerging trends in demographics and workforce, societies are forced to adopt cooperate diversity. Cultural diversity in society involves appreciating the various individual differences such as gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, social status, and age (Seda-Cuevas, & Rojas, 2020). Diversity, in terms of gender, is faced with many challenges. To create an understanding and positive relations politics and different professional fields have had to develop means of dealing with them.

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There has been an emerging growth of prejudice and stereotypes. Women who were considered inferior and incapable are participating in different sectors of society (Yi, 2015). Although women have had great attainments in education, politics and in their professional lives, they have less been appreciated and acknowledged for their efforts. This discrimination is as a result of the stereotypes and prejudices that women are incapable and unable to achieve and not dependable due to possible maternity breaks (Seda-Cuevas, & Rojas, 2020). Intolerable attitudes due to prejudice and negative stereotypes from society and working environments can lead to conflicts. However, governments have developed legislation that helps to curb these attitudes and to promote women’s involvement in different governance and leadership positions in politics and professional fields.

The increase in female participation. Recently, women's involvement in different sectors in society has drastically increased (Yi, 2015). Women occupy a larger percentage of the workforce since they have acquired the required standards and professional qualifications. In this regard, they dominate various leadership positions in society and in professional institutions. Companies and governments have had to develop platforms and recruit members to represent women in different departments. Antidiscrimination policies have been developed to ensure there are gender equality and treatment in the organizations (Feeney & Camarena, 2019). Also, to empower women's participation, open dialogues and forums have been developed to enable women to communicate their needs. Offenses of discrimination on account of gender are punishable by law. These laws promote a conducive working atmosphere.


Feeney, M. K., & Camarena, L. (2019). Gender, race, and diversity values among local government leaders. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 0734371X19865009.

Seda-Cuevas, N. M., & Rojas, R. R. (2020). Assessing Diversity Across Cultures: A US-Hispanic Perspective. In Diversity and Inclusion in Latin American and Caribbean Workplaces (pp. 197-214). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Yi, X., Ribbens, B., Fu, L., & Cheng, W. (2015). Variation in career and workplace attitudes by generation, gender, and culture differences in career perceptions in the United States and China. Employee Relations.

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