Geography in Choosing Either Centralised or Distributed System - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-10-17
Geography in Choosing Either Centralised or Distributed System - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Geography Architecture Business strategy
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1334 words
12 min read


In a centralized system, the system is like one unit, as there is one primary processor that controls all the operations. However, in a distributed system, the components of the system exist in different areas of the organization. It means that the system can be controlled from many locations. Geography plays a huge role in deciding to choose between a centralized and a distributed system. A centralized system is suitable for a smaller organization, while a distributed system is useful in an organization that covers a large geographical area (Sinaeepourfard et al., 2019). A centralized system is characterized by systems being in one place, while distributed systems have set-ups in different locations, meaning one can make changes remotely. A distributed system is highly scalable, while a centralized system is limited. A distributed system also, if the systems perform independent operations, while a centralized system is suitable if the systems perform dependent processes.

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Service-Oriented Architectures Evolution and Its Challenges

A service-oriented architecture is a development from a distributed system as it involves components that are apart, and communication occurs via a network. It is useful, for example, in an organization to perform different business operations. Service-oriented architecture has developed over the years in many ways. Service in the architecture is a black-box for users, has related services, self-contained, and has a specific outcome (Tan et al., 2016). It means that the users of the system only use what they need as per their needs, and administrators limit their operations. The main evolutionary points in service-oriented architecture include the following. It offers more value than strategy, meaning that it achieves more goals, and it is not limited to the set objectives. It has an advantageous communication system, meaning that operations in the system interact fast to achieve the functions and to deliver the desired outcomes. The service-oriented architecture allows sharing services, as some actions have underlying ones that are used concurrently by many users or operations in the system. Service-oriented architecture has become one of the most flexible systems available.

Goal Setting and Brainstorming Phases In Green Building

Like when developing a program, it is essential to create goals early. In different phases of green building, the team should collaborate to come up with the best project. The first step is to do away with the points and look at the bigger goals, like making the project cost-effective and with more integration (Li, 2018). The project team can then focus on optimizing the performance of the project. To achieve optimization, the project team has to use the best equipment and to avoid smart design. It, however, shows that green building is costly if the project team incorporates many technologies.

After goal setting, each of the phases requires monitoring to achieve the set objectives. Therefore, a project team member should be responsible for each stage as brainstorming on each of them starts. Brainstorming helps document the processes to occur at each phase of a green building, especially for big projects that could take more time (Li, 2018). Brainstorming is also crucial to compare the operations against the goals of green building in the project.

Use of Centralized Processing

In centralized processing, data assemble in one location, and the processing then starts, and it is in by one system. Such a computer usually is large with storage, processing, and memory units. However, centralized data processing architectures are best for a small organization with a small geographical area (Cheng et al., 2018). Centralized data processing does not require a lot of resources from the system or personnel operating the computer. Centralized data processing is very efficient if data is utilized and assembled in one location.

Distributed data processing is similar to the centralized data processing as it uses one storage location. Other than that, centralized data processing and distributed data processing are different in many ways. Distributed data processing has delocalized processing units, meaning that it can occur in several locations. It is, therefore, useful for large organizations or events spanning broad geographical areas. Distributed data processing is highly scalable, while centralized data processing is limited (Cheng et al., 2018). Distributed data processing can be arranged into architectures that can serve different operations depending on the desire of the system users. Distributed data processing also synthesizes data in a parallel mode resulting in a fast system. However, distributed data processing can result in redundancy of data and processes because of large volumes.

Components of a Built Environment and Sustainable Thinking

Components of a built environment include management, safety, accessibility, maintenance, materials, design, location, and the building environment. A built environment is, therefore, one that is efficient in utilizing materials, ware, and energy and has minimal effect on the environment and human health (Wu et al., 2015). It satisfies the building's life cycle and has efficient maintenance, operation, construction, and design. The main component of sustainable thinking is environmental, economic, and social aspects (Wu et al., 2015). Sustainable thinking is the utilization of resources for environmental preservation while satisfying human needs. It means the requirements are multi-generational and sustainable thinking works to maintain continuity into the future. It creates a space for future generations to implement their ideas in the future. Sustainable thinking is useful in many ways, including improving the well-being and quality of life. It is because it encourages urban regeneration and allows for financial resources recycling. It, therefore, enhances decision making and the economic and environmental security of society. Sustainable thinking supports equality as current decisions give an equal chance to future generations to develop. It also maintains the safety of existing industries, communities, and natural resources, therefore safeguarding human health.

Quality of Service Trends

Quality of Service is essential in network infrastructure as it helps minimize jitter, delay, and packet loss, maximizing IP performance. Implementing quality of service for IP performance requires identifications of the applications that make use of the bandwidth and their priority on the network. The next step is to monitor and analyze the traffic on the system. It will allow grouping data streams for more straightforward analysis on the system to establish priority differences, a process called queuing (Mushtaq, 2017). An example is where voice data is the main priority in the network; its traffic is given the highest priority and can be given more bandwidth for fast transmission. Lower placed data streams in the traffic, therefore only transmit when there is enough bandwidth.

Means of Communicating

Communication is key to the success of service-oriented architecture. The service-oriented architecture uses communication standards, meaning that it does not need further integration of communication protocols. Communication is critical to execute a service in the architecture successfully; for example, in a business, a customer may want to check their credit balance (Katsikogiannis et al., 2018). It requires communication from the client's device with the server containing the information they require. These requests are loosely coupled, meaning that the client does not need to be aware of how the process takes place and the exact location of the information. It shows that a service-oriented architecture can be scaled up quickly by a developer if there is a need to add more functionalities. Communication standards have, therefore, reduced the need for developing features of a service-oriented architecture from scratch (Katsikogiannis et al., 2018). It, therefore, makes integration fast and straightforward to implement.


The quality of service trends in IP performance metrics is mostly on video and voice transmission. The trends now focus on the internet of things as it is growing exponentially. An example is the use of a network in manufacturing to identify errors and delays. IP performance metric comes in handy to identify the problem as a manufacturing plant relies on the maximum performance of machines to maintain revenue streams (Mushtaq, 2017). Another example of a trend in the quality of service is the use of sensors that can collect information on location, humidity, and temperature. The IP performance metric is crucial to identify the errors in the network and to establish priorities in data streams as the data can be time-sensitive.

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Geography in Choosing Either Centralised or Distributed System - Free Paper Sample. (2023, Oct 17). Retrieved from

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