Global Issues Manual - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-26
Global Issues Manual - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Management
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1245 words
11 min read


There is an emerging supervision strategy that is used in management to help leaders in their supervision work to ensure work is done in the right manner. The new supervision strategy includes leaders being the role model for other people to learn from the activities of the leaders. Being a role model ensures that employees strictly follow the example given by the management (Tsui, 2018). The supervision strategy is applied in social work in instances where organizations hire people to do social work. Organizations participate in corporate social responsibility, and thus they hire professional to do the community work that helps communities solve challenges affecting the people. In such instances, the organization supervises how the professionals do their work.

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Integrated Supervision Strategies

Another emerging supervision strategy includes the integrated supervision strategy where leaders find qualified employees that work with unqualified employees to allow for the supervision of how the unqualified employees do their work (Tsui, 2018). The strategy is applicable in large social work that has to train new employees on how to do the work. Social work includes people from all walks of life both skilled and unskilled hence the strategy ensures that the unskilled employees get skills from the skilled employees when doing social work to improve communities. The supervision strategy ensures that all people get the opportunity to participate in social work.

Another emerging strategy in supervision includes task-focused supervision strategy where managers divide tasks into manageable tasks to allow easy supervision. The strategy is applicable in instances where people are engaged in different tasks. The strategy is also applicable in areas where people have specialized in different professionals (Tsui, 2018). The supervision strategy is applicable in social work where there are people from different professionals to work for different communities. People work in areas they are skilled; hence supervision is easy because the professionals are supervised by their own professionals with the required skills.

The last emerging strategy is the Holloway’s Systems Approach to Supervision (SAS) strategy that advocates the supervisor and the supervisee to work in collaboration without playing different roles depending on the rank of the person. Both parties perform similar roles regardless of the rank of the person (Tsui, 2018). The managers supervise how employees do the work as they complete different tasks together. The strategy is applicable in social work by encouraging employees and managers to work as one team in their social work. The supervision strategy employees in growing skills through social work by learning from people of all walks of life that participate in social work.

Modern intervention strategy in social work is meant to improve social work by promoting social wellbeing of the people such as promoting public health and wellbeing. The emerging strategy deals with challenges experienced over the years in social work where the objectives of the social work are not met (Sewell, 2018). The best social practices include involving professionals to do the social work that ensures the work is according to expectations.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership is a model of leadership where the leader encourages, motivates, and inspires the employees to innovate and create change that is necessary for growing and achieving the organization's goals (Robbins, & Davidhizar, 2020). In the field of social work, transformational leadership is effective as the leaders collaborate with the subordinates to achieve a shared goal. As a clinical supervisor, you are faced with new needs that need to be addressed. These needs are in populations such as the elderly and the children. 20th century has been marked with decreased infant mortality and increased life expectancy. This is attributed to improving economic and social conditions, but it resulted in the needs that should be met. Some of the needs for the elderly include vision and hearing difficulties as well as social and medical disabilities. The social workers are, therefore faced with the challenge of helping the elderly citizens while maintaining their autonomy.

One of the interventions of dealing with the social and medical challenges for the elderly is developing positive wellbeing (Cesari et al., 2016). The social workers should encourage elderly citizens to learn new leisure activities that will boost their mental and physical wellbeing. With technology, seniors can access social networks and grow their social network. They can also improve the quality of life by engaging in social activities and interacting with people through social gatherings. Social workers should, however, bear in mind that some of the elderly citizens cannot move freely, therefore, recommend other approaches such an interacting remotely or assigning them a social worker who will guide and help them.

Transformational leadership, interpersonal skills, communication and problem-solving are skills that are highly beneficial in achieving the set goals (Robbins, & Davidhizar, 2020). To address the social and health challenges that the seniors face, the clinical supervisor should ensure that the employees are motivated and have a positive spirit of helping the target population and that the moral standards are maintained. The supervisor has also to ensure that the ethical standards are maintained, and as the staff helps the elderly, they respect their autonomy. Since the staff are competent, they will be in charge of the tasks assigned to them and will be responsible for recommending and adopting the best interventions for dealing with the challenges faced by elderly citizens. This, therefore, means that the role of the supervisor will not be to dictate what should be done but rather to collaborate with the staff and the members of the target population to come up with the approach that will maximize the social and health outcomes.

One of the supervision strategies that are effective for a transformational leader is giving adequate feedback (Robbins, & Davidhizar, 2020). This helps in reinforcing in reinforcing the behaviour and motivating the employees to keep working. Another supervision strategy that can maximize the outcomes is measuring the performance. This includes evaluating the behaviours that employees can control and measuring the activities that they undertake rather than the results for their tasks. Measuring the performance of the staff is essential as it enlightens the supervisor on the areas where he/she should give feedback on. The supervisor should also ensure that the goals are written clearly, and they are easy to understand. The supervisor should also ensure that the rules are consistent. Consistent rules promote performance as the staffs are aware of what they want to achieve.


The guidelines for the integrated supervision strategy include ensuring that every person performs the assigned roles and completes the tasks according to expectations. The other guideline is ensuring there are clear instructions to ensure the work is done according to the expected outcome (Sewell, 2018). The guideline ensures people know how they are required to do the work. There is also the guideline to engage in social work on activities that reduce poverty and other challenges affecting communities. The activities must be able to deal with challenges brought by technology and immigration, where people of different cultures live in one community.


Cesari, M., Prince, M., Thiyagarajan, J. A., De Carvalho, I. A., Bernabei, R., Chan, P., ... & Manas, L. R. (2016). Frailty: an emerging public health priority. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 17(3), 188-192.

Robbins, B., & Davidhizar, R. (2020). Transformational leadership in health care today. The Health Care Manager, 39(3), 117-121.

Sewell, K. M. (2018). Social work supervision of staff: A primer and scoping review (2013–2017). Clinical Social Work Journal, 46(4), 252-265.

Tsui, M., 2018. Supervision Models. [Online] Available at:

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