Great Inventions of China and Influence in the World - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-28
Great Inventions of China and Influence in the World - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  World Ancient history
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 876 words
8 min read

Ancient China brought much civilization while trying everything possible to bring the modern world closer and faster in terms of development. The invention of things that are used as the basis of coming with super innovative things lies in ancient China's contribution. The great discoveries in ancient China remain distinguished and celebrated in China due to their historical significance. There is no doubt that the four great inventions of China that include gunpowder, the compass, printing, and paper-making, have a tremendous global significance in the modern world.

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The great inventions result from ancient Chinese people who have brought a huge impact on the entire world. The invention of paper significantly contributed to civilization's development. Before the invention of paper, writing surfaces included bones, bamboo slips, and tortoise shells. The history behind the paper's development lies with a scholar Hui Shi who lived during the warring periods who had difficulty carrying his heavy books when teaching. In 105 A.D. Cai Lun, a learned man who lived during the Eastern Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD), invented paper from the bark of trees, cloth, and from worn-out fishnet. Since the materials were accessible at a lower cost, the production of paper was in large quantities. Before the emergence of printing, scholars used hand-written manuscripts.

It is believed that at the end of the Han Empire, the block printing technique was used for printing on paper and designs on cloths. Bi Sheng (970-1051) is the learned man behind the invention of the movable type of printing during the Song Empire (960-1279). In the Tang Empire (618-907), Chinese alchemists gradually improved the mixtures used to form gunpowder while experimenting with life-extending substances. Long before the compass's invention, people could observe the sun, moon, and stars to tell the direction. It is uncertain the actual period the compass was invented. On records, a man named Huangdi is believed to have fought his enemies by using a cart pointing southward to know his enemies' position. During the Song Dynasty era, there was remarkable progress in compass making.

A lot of technological items and facilities used in the modern world were invented in ancient times. The development of modern sciences finds its root in ancient China, a country that had discovered many inventions. The invention of the compass contributed significantly to the development of astronomy. The first sky maps, star catalogs, and atlases in ancient China led to the creation of modern-day calendars. Therefore, the compass's invention significantly contributes to the growth of many sciences in the modern world.

Most ancient people used primitive weapons while China was inventing gun powder. Today, the use of gun powder in the military field cannot be overestimated. This invention's influence is still felt as gun powder remains an essential requirement in the modern era. The invention of paper and printing continues to play a significant role in many countries. Literacy, the fast-spreading of information, and the opportunity to share information have increased dramatically due to writing materials. Books, newspapers, and other things made from paper have a significant contribution to modern learning.

In their culture, the Chinese people still celebrate the great inventions due to their historical significance. The inventions have significantly influenced the rapid advancement of science and technology in China. The four great inventions have been showcased at the Beijing Summer Olympics of 2008, whereby the four great inventions significantly moved the people. During the Song Dynasty, major social changes took place. There was an end to the old aristocratic order, and there was a dramatic change in the nature of the social elite. Inventions gave rise to a class of scholar-officials, ensuring the sharing of political power on a broader scale than in the past. During the Tang period, Buddhists were strongly influenced by art and mainly in sculpture. Today, the sculptures are still preserved in rock temples like Yongang in the northwest of China.

China is gradually becoming a global innovator. The four great inventions show that Chinese society is highly entrepreneurial and skilled. The people are eager to make cash and extract value from various innovations. The people use a market-oriented approach to reach for innovations with companies putting technical aspects that help them succeed in the market. The innovative people can copy a product and improve most elements to make it suitable for the Chinese market, representing a legitimate way of operation.

The Chinese government is supportive in cases of innovation-led growth. The government perceives innovation to be an essential ingredient in the creation of wealth and overall development. The policy "indigenous innovation" ensures the government provision of non-tariff barriers and practices that work in favor of domestic firms. Innovative Chinese firms, combined with a strong government committed to fostering innovation, will ultimately lead China to be a leading global innovator.


Haour, Georges. "4 Patterns Showing Why China is on the Way to Being a Global Innovator," 2018.

Hinsbergh, Gavin Van. "The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China." China Highlights, 2019.

Pan, Jixing. The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China: Their Origin, Development, Spread and Influence in the World. Reading: Paths International Ltd, 2019.

PBS. "China's Age of Invention." PBS. Public Broadcasting Service, 2000.

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