Group Membership and Size - Essay Example

Published: 2023-09-26
Group Membership and Size - Essay Example
Essay type:  Evaluation essays
Categories:  Goal Relationship Mental disorder Interpersonal communication
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1626 words
14 min read

The group will entail members with commonly grown mostly on their medical perception of mental health disorders. The group's size will consist of five members chosen on a strict criterion on their understanding of the research topic.

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The group's purpose is to equip individual members with essential skills used in the treatment of mental health disorders. Through the use of occupational therapy skills, the group benefited the members by providing the skills required to facilitate them to have better medical experience. The chosen model of OTPF-III enables a comprehensive understanding of the research theme.

Group Goals

The group's objective is to highlight some of the mental health disorders through the use of the occupational therapy practice framework skills during group intervention in solving this health issue.

Anticipated Modifications

Based on the characteristics of the groups formulated, which are entirely based on the similarities of the participants, the modification expected is therefore on the exclusive accommodation of other members. Gender should be considered during the modification process to accommodate cross-gender members.

Skill Deficit

They are essential to group intervention skills that have a significant influence on the outcome. They are affected by different factors in two ways, such as upgrading and downgrading.


One way of upgrading the challenge to this skill during the group intervention procedure is to incorporate individual members' views on mental health care disorders. It provides a variety of platforms for achieving better intervention skill outcomes.


Downgrading the challenge in this skill is through the omission of various aspects of the participants' occupational therapy practice framework. It will reduce the efficiency of the intervention group.

Materials Needed

  1. Medical supplies
  2. Psychological counseling items
  3. Writing materials


This is the most troublesome advance for understudies to learn. Unpracticed gathering pioneers regularly skirt this progression altogether. Preparing includes individuals communicating how they feel about the experience, the pioneer, and one another. Sentiments manage our conduct more than we know, and they impact customers' conduct in word related treatment gatherings (Osborn et al., 2020). On the off chance that these feelings stay unexpressed, the result of the gathering can never be completely comprehended. Communicating sentiments is not so troublesome when the experience has been certain.

In any case, if there are contrary emotions, individuals regularly wish to dodge communicating them, and this incorporates both the gathering individuals, what's more, the pioneer. Preparing can uncover some significant what's more pertinent data. On the off chance that individuals felt on edge, humiliated, or disparaged while doing a movement, this will help clarify a portion of their reactions when sharing and examining it. Maybe they felt scared by the pioneer of different individuals. Emotions like this can supersede any conceivable advantage the action may have, on the off chance that they are not communicated before the gathering closes. At the point when they are communicated, the specialist has the chance to consolidate them into the ensuing conversation and to help the customers comprehend the essentialness of the emotions related to the gathering experience (Osborn et al., 2020). From the Framework's viewpoint, this procedure helps recognize issues that empower or then again dishearten "commitment in occupation" or feelings that encourage or present boundaries to interest.

Handling likewise incorporates a conversation of the nonverbal parts of gathering. Fundamental issues, for example, battles for force and control, subgrouping, scapegoating, struggle, fascination, and evasion, are elements that may never be verbalized yet will affect the gathering. These issues are profoundly perplexing for the starting understudy; in any case, they ought to be surely known by the start specialist. Basic elements, for example, those referenced can and do normally happen in all gatherings. They will impact our word-related treatment gatherings, both decidedly and contrarily, and must be dealt with transparently what's more, capably (Osborn et al., 2020). More will be examined about the hidden procedure of gatherings in a later part.


This progression tends to the psychological learning parts of the gathering. Here, the specialist intellectually surveys the gathering's reactions to the action and attempts to summarize them with a scarcely any broad standards. If the movement has gone true to form, a portion of the general standards got from the gathering ought to intently look like the first objectives. Be that as it may, few bunches go precisely as arranged. The general standards talked about in the gathering ought not to be preplanned; however, it ought to come straightforwardly from the individuals' reaction. For instance, a word related advisor did an activity called "Fragmented Sentences" with a gathering of sincerely upset youths. The gathering's objective was to explain their qualities, and truth be told, the gathering accomplished this. Notwithstanding, some extra standards were brought up during the preparation stage, which is critical to note.

The third standard is the one not arranged. During the handling stage, a part called attention to how great it was to have the option to request that the pioneer total the sentences, as well. The gathering felt positive toward this pioneer, who, not at all like their guardians, appeared to acknowledge them as equivalents. The remark delivered numerous unconstrained accounts of parental rejection, and it was apparent this was a significant issue for the gathering (Osborn et al., 2020). General standards might be shown up in a few different ways. The pioneer can take a gander at the examples of reactions among individuals. What sentiments do they share for all intents and purposes? What were the regular components of their drawings or stories? For model, individuals with liquor misuse may consider there to be a deterrent to arriving at their professional desire; jugs or glasses may show up in their drawings or talk about exceptionally ridiculous professional desire. These basic components are effortlessly observed as general standards.

Another approach to recognize general standards is to look at territories of difference. What are the tangled zones in the gathering? For instance, a few individuals may consider worry to be a spark to get going, while others may think that its staggering and the reason for their inaction. A third significant piece of information to the general standards is the gathering's vitality. The specialist ought to catch up on issues that appear to invigorate the gathering and animate unconstrained discussion. A model is the third standard in the "Fragmented Sentences" movement referenced prior. This is one of those eccentric parts of gatherings that makes them constantly energizing and fascinating.


The application stage intently follows the summing-up stage; however, it makes it one stride further. The specialist helps the gathering see how the standards got the hang of during the gathering can be applied to regular day to day existence. The objective is for each part to see how the individual in question will apply this gathering experience's outcomes to help make their own life increasingly practical outside the gathering (Friedman et al., 2017). To start this procedure, the advisor should endeavor to verbalize the importance or essentialness of the experience— "Since we realize that it is so critical to have our folks' regard and acknowledgment, every one of us needs to discover an approach to convey this need to our folks." The application responds to the inquiry, "Since you know how things are, what are you going to do about it?"

The response to this inquiry will be diverse for each person. Information on the customer's experience is useful. The specialist examines with every part how the standards learned in the gathering identify with issues or issues each has communicated before. For instance, Sue will have a hard time disclosing to her dad, who thinks about her as a kid, that she requirements him to confide in her judgment about whom she dates and where she goes on Saturday evenings. Laura, whose mother ventures widely on business, will experience issues simply standing out enough to be noticed long enough to talk about it. She, at times, thinks about whether her mom thinks about her enough to take the time. The two young ladies will experience issues in speaking with their folks, yet in altogether different ways. The application may now and then look like a sort of gathering critical thinking as individuals help each other discover approaches to apply the recently learned data (Cole, 2005). In customer-focused terms, this piece of the gathering's meeting empowers joint effort. In the Framework, the application tends to how bunch learning will encourage "interest throughout everyday life."

One way the specialist can assist the gathering with the application is through restricted self-revelation. The advisor can good example application by saying, "When I have to talk about something with my mom, and there never is by all accounts a great time, some of the time I recommend we cause a date to go out to supper together. She needs to eat in any case, thus do I, so that plan functions admirably for the two of us (Cole, 2005). How would you see that?" The self-revelation isn't so close to home as to divert, yet offers a potential technique for standing out enough to be noticed for the gathering to consider. It gives bunch individuals a solid model and opens the entryway for them to make their recommendations.


Cole, M. B. (2005). Group Dynamics in Occupational Therapy. The Theoretical Basis and Practice of Group Intervention. Thorofare, NJ: Slack. (5th Edition)

Friedman, E. M., Ruini, C., Foy, R., Jaros, L., Sampson, H., & Ryff, C. D. (2017). Lighten UP! A Community-Based Group Intervention To Promote Psychological Well-Being In Older Adults. Aging & Mental Health, 21(2), 199-205.

Osborn, T. L., Wasil, A. R., Venturo-Conerly, K. E., Schleider, J. L., & Weisz, J. R. (2020). Group Intervention For Adolescent Anxiety And Depression: Outcomes Of A Randomized Trial With Adolescents In Kenya. Behavior Therapy, 51(4), 601-615.

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