Free Essay Sample with Group Project Reflection

Published: 2022-03-18
Free Essay Sample with Group Project Reflection
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Reflection Presentation
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 915 words
8 min read

In the modern culture and dynamic environment learning institutions and workstations need learners and employees to work together in groups at a specific forbearing and coordinative intensities to illustrating the importance of working as a group. Learners are requested to work as a group since it enhances students to learn interactively and to acquire a better understanding of what is taught as well as retaining it for more extended periods (Hammar, 2008). Subsequently, this work will seek to reflect my experience in the group presentation process, how we managed our assignments and organization of work as well as ways of advancing the group project.

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Our team was designed to complete SWOT analysis for the Costa Company. The central objective of the assignment was to use SWOT analysis as a tool for assessing the opportunities, threats, strengths, and threats that are present in Costa Company. Costa is a British coffeehouse firm started by the Italian brother Sergio Costa and Bruno in 1971 (Costa Limited SWOT Analysis, 2017). It has various coffee stores across the world with multiple vending machines. Our top concerns were the manner in which we would manage our sessions, how to make other groups connect with our project as well as the question of how to carry out our presentations successfully.

Benefits of Participating In the Group Presentation Project

I learned that, for one to perform efficiently in a group, it was vital to manage and understand group processes satisfactorily. Consequently, we were all given an opportunity to come up with substantial contributions to the group project during the discussion period. Since I was not familiar with the field of research, I had to enhance my reading skills so that I could present compelling points to my colleagues. Subsequently, reading gave me the general understanding of how strong the Costa Coffee enterprise was in terms of their strengths and weakness. Nonetheless, during the discussion sessions, there was numerous exchange of thoughts which played a significant role in expanding my knowledge to greater heights (Schullery & Gibson, 2001). I was able to discover the significance of group work since it enhanced the activeness of the project. Moreover, I was able to understand that the firm had more strengths than weakness although they could have considered looking at other markets since they were located in relatively few states.

Difficulties Encountered

There were various challenges that we faced during our group project. They involve: taking a lot of time to come up with the company's strengths and weaknesses hence delaying the group progress. The delay was primarily attributed to the understanding that most of the company's opportunities were mainly connected with their weakness and approaches on how to improve their weakness. Nonetheless, when we were analyzing the task and were trying to point out the roles to be played by all members of the team, the group work was stuck, and some work was suspended. Additionally, there was also the problem of some members dominating the discussions by talking too much and not allowing other members to air out their findings of the company.


I was indeed privileged to be part of the group project since the discussions helped me to refresh my mind and enlarged my knowledge throughout our group work. During the presentation process, we decided each one of our members would present his or her part based on the topic of discussion. My presentation was on the introduction and strengths of the Costa Company. My research ascertained that the essential strengths that this firm has are its sources of beans which are licensed by the Rainforest Alliance (Costa Limited SWOT Analysis, 2017). This implies that the practices applied are sustainable. In that, they have the ability to deplete the environmental pollution hence enhancing long-term ecological balance. During my presentation, I realized that I was going through this content at a fast pace and sometimes I failed to explain. Maybe it is because it was my first-time presentation. Nonetheless, my presentation was a bit faster than planned since I had over-prepared and I forgot to create more time for discussion hence lacking the space to engage with the audience. Both the speed and posture were not suitable for the exhibition. This implies that in future I should focus more on the speed of my tone, gesture, involving the audience and providing an appropriate posture to enhance the group presentation.

Project Reflection

To sum up, our group was able to provide an efficient exhibition through the act of constructing and expanding ideas for the project and the presentation. Every workstation and learning institutions should embrace the concept of carrying out teamwork so that various tasks can be accomplished efficiently as well as enhancing the involvement of all members of the group (Shah, 2013). I feel that I have gained a lot from this group presentation not only learning about the Costa Company but also enhancing my skills in researching and presenting. As a result of our teamwork, we were able to accomplish a great outcome that advanced our knowledge, proficiencies and empowering the team at large.


Costa Limited SWOT Analysis. (2017). Costa Limited SWOT Analysis, 1-6.

Hammar Chiriac, E. (2008). A scheme for understanding group processes in problem-based learning. Higher Education (00181560), 55(5), 505-518. Doi: 10.1007/s10734-007-9071-7.

Schullery, N. M., & Gibson, M. K. (2001). Working in Groups: Identification and Treatment of Students' Perceived Weakness. Business Communication Quarterly, 64(2), 9-30.

Shah, S. A. (2013). The use of group activities in developing personal transferable skills. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 50(3), 297-307. doi:10.1080/14703297.2012.760778.

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