Character Analysis Essay: Hamlet Is a Man of Action

Published: 2019-10-04
Character Analysis Essay: Hamlet Is a Man of Action
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Shakespeare Character analysis Hamlet
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 650 words
6 min read

Hamlet is portrayed as the man of action who always has got control of everything around him. Faced with the death of his father in the picture, he develops a plan to avenge him. Hamlet is confronted with a difficult situation as the murderer of his father is his uncle who already wedded Gerutha, who is Hamlets mother (Shakespeare, 1763). Although danger lurked behind him, he takes action against the King, who had taken his fathers crown. He decided to follow the ghost, although he had been warned that he could go insane after being possessed.

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The spirit enticed him to avenge his fathers death as it was not an accident, but contemplated, a foul and most unnatural murder, (Act I Scene V. 25) (Shakespeare, 1763). The ghost tells him that a villain who is wearing his fathers crown is responsible for his fathers death. He afterwards confirms that Claudius, who was his uncle, murdered his father.

Hamlet confirmed his fears and suspicions about his uncle and exclaimed, O my prophetic soul. (Act I. Scene V. 40) (Shakespeare, 1763)He uses superior cunning as his protective subterfuge to save himself from the situation. Hamlet is depicted as one man who does not rely on finesse or idealism, but he uses unvarnished savagery instead. He used different opportunities to accomplish his aim and goal. He took advantage of the drunken enemies who loosen themselves and gave him an easy way to avenge.

When Hamlet saw that the men had drunk wine and had passed out, some were vomiting, and others were fast asleep, he knew that the perception that he had was right, and he took that opportunity and decided to perpetrate his mission(Critchley & Webster, 2013). He made sure that he set the four corners of the hall on fire such that nobody could be able to escape. Hamlet, therefore, seemed to be prepared for anything; he was indeed the man of action. He could not waste any opportunity in finishing what was in his mind. The fire conceived all the drinking men and due to the liquor, the fire had an easy way to burning them.

In every action that Hamlet engages in, it is calculated and well planned. His actions therefore indicate how much control he seemed to have. He understood the responsibility that he had to obey the ghost of his father and do as he swore(Critchley & Webster, 2013). He bemoaned the responsibility that he had agreed to and said that The time is out of joint: o curse spite that I was ever born to set it right! Act I Scene V. 189-190) (Shakespeare, 1763) In seeking out his uncle, he made sure that he obtained enough information on the whereabouts of his uncle. After realizing that his uncle had withdrawn from his chamber, he sought him out.

He reminded him the code of equivalent vengeance and the reason for his destruction. Hamlet cuts off his uncles head and finally ends his life. The action indicates that Hamlet could never rest until he emerged the hero who avenges his fathers death. As a son, he felt that he was entitled to avenge his fathers death, and it had to be him. He does not care if the burdens would lay squarely on him as Hamlet is a savage who believes in action and the law of vengeance.

Hamlet is a man of action who portrays the embodiment of a good son who cares about justice for his family. Even though his mother had been married to his fathers murderer, he obeys the spirit when he was told to spare her. The ghost said, leave her to heaven and to the pangs of her conscience, (Act I scene V.86) (Shakespeare, 1763)


Critchley, S. & Webster, J. (2013). The Hamlet Doctrine. London: Verso.

Shakespeare, W. (1763). Hamlet. London: Printed for Mess. Hawes and Co. B. Dodd, J. Rivington, S. Crowder, T. Longman [and 4 others in London].

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