Harmonizing Growth: The Transformative Power of Music Therapy in Children's Cognitive and Social Development

Published: 2024-01-15
Harmonizing Growth: The Transformative Power of Music Therapy in Children's Cognitive and Social Development
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Music Child development Cognitive development
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 953 words
8 min read

Music therapy enables children to overcome situations that can be stressful and painful too. This minimizes chances of child stress and thus ensures that they develop in their cognitive and social aspect. Through therapy music, the cognitive aspect of the child is developed and is in a position to understand things faster. Several benefits are associated with music therapy in children and thus they can develop faster. Through music therapy language skill development is facilitated and a child can speak efficiently. Music therapy needs to be used in all children to ensure that children can develop their speech. Parents from many parts of the world have used music therapy. They include songs, tones, and rhythms among many others. Music is emotional and can facilitate the learning building blocks. The music therapy uses unique aspects which are melody, rhythm together with harmony. Music therapy promotes the development of both verbal and nonverbal skills of communication. The use of therapy enables children to develop in their minds as they enjoy themselves. Music therapy can be done even at home where one can be motivated to move and even have a dance. A playlist of songs can make you relax and feel free. Music therapy has the capacity to benefit all people who have mental needs. People who have other kinds of disabilities can be helped through music therapy and thus improve their mental condition. Music therapy has been used in many parts of the world to help children meet communication goals. Many of the children who are subjected to this kind of process have autism disorder.

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Music has the treatment of children especially those who have disabilities. Music humbles children to pay attention and thus listen to it especially when they enjoy it. This enables children to join music in various ways which include dancing and watching and thus they pay much attention (Schmid et al., 2019). In this regard, music has the treatment capacity and enables children's development of their cognitive skills. This form of treatment has been proven to be one of the most effective to offer emotional support.

There are several benefits which are associated with music therapy. The social skills within a child are developed through music therapy and this is a great benefit to the child ("Music Therapy for Children Living in Harmony: Music Therapy in (Winchester& Hampshire", 2020). Through music therapy, children can improve their confidence and thus grow as people who believe in themselves. Music therapy enables children to improve their listening skills and helps achieve development in their growth faster. Music therapy also enables children to develop emotionally and psychologically. Thus music therapy has many benefits to the children and facilitates their well-being in their development process. The risk of this kind of treatment is the fact that it may not work for all children. Several researches have been done. They have admitted that music therapy is effective for children's development. This is because music has been proven to facilitate learning in children. Music therapy is thus an effective aspect in children and has been proven to have positive results. Music therapy has several benefits for children. It has been proven to be effective in the learning process in children. It helps serve the special needs of children among many others. Music is effective in children's learning development and thus needs to be encouraged. Through children undergoing music therapy, they are able to develop their motor and psychological aspects. There are risk factors that are associated with music therapy because there are not all children that the mechanism may be effective to them. Children who may have a negative attitude towards music may not realize the benefits of other children who have a positive attitude towards music. Advancements in technology have helped in determining the brain of children and those who have disorders can be helped through therapy. Through music cognitive and social needs have been addressed. A specific example refers to the music therapist who had been working in the United States. A six year girl had developmental and physical delays in regard to the verbal aspect. She was exposed to music therapy at the age of three years and was able to play the Piano. She was able to develop in a greater manner as a result of the therapy process.

This kind of treatment if done by encouraging children to music such as listening and dancing. Through taking part in the active role they are able to enjoy the power of music. In the process, they learn through listening to the song. Children get treatment through being engaged in music through various aspects such as dancing among many other forms like listening. Parents and teachers can effectively use this form of treatment for children and thus achieve the benefits of the therapy mechanism (Sutton, 2019). Organizations that take care of children like the children's homes have the responsibility to ensure they use the mechanism and ensure children are able to develop in their various aspects.


Mössler, K., Gold, C., Aßmus, J., Schumacher, K., Calvet, C., Reimer, S., ... & Schmid, W. (2019). The therapeutic relationship as predictor of change in music therapy with young children with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 49(7), 2795-2809. From https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10803-017-3306-y. From https://livingwithharmony.net/music-therapy/children.

Music Therapy for Children — Living With Harmony: Music Therapy in Winchester, Hampshire. Living With Harmony: Music Therapy in Winchester, Hampshire. (2020). Retrieved 2 December 2020. From https://academic.oup.com/mtp/article-abstract/38/1/89/5805365

Sutton, J. (2019). The sound-world of speech-and language-impaired children: the story of a current music therapy research project. In Art and music: Therapy and research (pp. 152-163). Routledge.

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