Hawaii Traveling Essay Sample

Published: 2017-12-26
Hawaii Traveling Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Geography Tourism
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1284 words
11 min read

My trip to Hawaii

Hawaii is perceived to be one of the most beautiful islands in this world. It is located in the southwestern part of the United States and is characterized by a warm tropical climate. I have never been to Hawaii, and from the circulating story, I assume it to be an aesthetically pleasant environment. Similarly, from movies, as a signature sign, one sees birds hovering all over the ocean with the sun rays illuminating on their feathers. My trip to Hawaii was the first topic that clicked in my mind when I was asked to write an essay. The trip was a surprise treat from my mother since it had always been my dream and luckily she had always noticed my keenness on Hawaii- related stories. I could vividly remember every bit of this trip and what transpired while there. This memories from the trip are still fresh in my mind: how I felt and how everything appeared when I first stepped on the land.

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Traveling essay

Coincidentally, the first time I went to Hawaii was also my first time aboard an airplane. My first close sight of planes is still freshly engraved in my mind. The planes were humongous unlike what we always see from the TV’s. I found myself glued to one of the aircraft, amazed by its size. As compared to other planes in the airport, this one bigger with a red stripe running on its sides downwards. I learned from my mom that the plane was referred to as a jumbo jet and it was the plane we were to travel with. My mood was elated, but at the same time, I was still in denial that a plane that big can actually take off from the ground. Once we boarded the plan, I started looking around at everything that was within my eye’s reach. Above us, there was a white circular air vent with some small lights attached next to it. The plane’s interior was organized and the control buttons were situated on my armrest. Also on the same armrest, there was a headphone port designed ease the listening to music without disturbing the next passenger. There was a big screen on the wall, separating the first-class passengers from the rest of the plane. I assumed that it was for displaying movies in order to ensure that the passengers are relaxed and comfortable. Unlike when driving, it was possible to travel to your destination while watching movies; I found this cool. After everyone had taken their seats, the stewardess' voice was heard over the intercom and the safety procedures were explained to us. This included fastening of seat-belts, what to do in case there was an emergency or if the plane crash-landed. The stewardess also assisted those who had difficulties with fastening their seatbelts and soon after that our taxi out of the runway began.

After a few hours, we arrived at our destination safely. When I emerged from the plane’s door, into the bright, dazzling sun rays bouncing off the burning tarmac, I was hit by a feeling of nervousness coupled with anxiety. Clutching on to my beach bag, I immediately switched into the holiday and with the hand slipping on my sunglasses. I landed off the plane. Just like in movies, overhead the screeching of the gulls could be heard mixed with the chattering sound of sparrow that could be spotted from a distance. It was not yet registered in my mind! I actually landed in Hawaii. The Hawaiian sun shone down on my skin, radiating my whole body from the head down to my toes. I took in a deep breath as I was hit by a sweet, flowery scent originating from a small, stand covered by a variety of flowers. There were roses of different kinds, and other types of colors with a range of dyes some of which I had never seen. I walked over to the stand and bought from the owner a garland whose scent attracted me. I plunged my face into the petals of the flower to feel the scent more closely. I asked the stand owner the name of the particular flower which she said was referred to as the tuberose. The smell was so lovely that I bought a bouquet. Though it cannot be equated to the opportunity of going to Hawaii, I offered this bouquet to my mom as a sign of appreciation.

Essay about traveling to Hawaii

“this is your time, go and enjoy” whispered my mom. I pushed my way through the crowd of tourist and managed to access our luggage. I pulled both our suitcases from the conveyor belt and found our way into the waiting room where we were supposed to be picked by our friends. As we drove from the airport and into the city, the view was getting more and more interesting. Along the way, there were trees aligned along the road with red-pinkish flowers on each branch, some of them were laden with fruits like the mangoes and the papayas. The scene was so beautiful that I had to take pictures; in one word, the town is gorgeous. The city was colorful with different rich hues that it made look bright and vibrant.

After a short drive, the dazzling ocean was finally in our vicinity. It left me gasping for breath. We took a brief stop on a ground that was made of black lava rock. The sun drove its rays into the ocean’s dancing waves which further displayed its reflection in our eyes. The ocean had a mix of colors in deep blue and others in aquamarine green. I could hear the crash of the water as it was forced onto the black lava rock, in style and striking pattern, the water rose and sprayed into the air displaying a rainbow of mist. Next, we stopped at the Sandy Beach, I bolted from the car and ran down towards the deep bluish oceanic waters. Under my feet, I could feel the warm sand from which the calf muscles struggled to maintain my balance and movement. I ripped my shirt off my bathing suit as I continued descending the beach towards the waters. The need to jump in was insane, as the sun warmly massaged the body. The water, as if eager to meet me, came to usher me the beaches.

The waves gently crashed against the lava rocks producing enjoyable rhythm. I took several deep breaths and went under the water. It was calming and slid against my body making the hair move with the waves. Despite the distance covered from the beach, I went further deep into the turquoise water; there were traces of sunlight piercing into the water making it appear gold like. The good feeling gave me the urge to go continue swimming. My hand and leg muscle surged and gained the strength to propel deeper into the waters. It was not until the time my lungs could not persevere any longer due to the lack of oxygen that when I came up. I took a huge breath replenishing my lungs with the precious breathing air. I could feel the taste of the salty water trickling over my lips down my neck. It is unacceptable if I bring myself to forget even a small event that happened during this trip. It was a memorable one that does not need to be forgotten or locked away in a dusty closet. The stories about Hawaii I had heard were confirmed, and Hawaii will forever remain and unforgettable experience for me.

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Hawaii Traveling Essay Sample. (2017, Dec 26). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/hawaii-essay?pname=speedypaper.com

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