Hazardous Waste Care, Storage, Disposal, and Remediation - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-15
Hazardous Waste Care, Storage, Disposal, and Remediation - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Economics
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1370 words
12 min read


In the current economy, people are very familiar with the hazardous waste (HW) categorization, storage and disposal facilities, HW care, and remediation of old HW sites. This paper will focus on the HW's four features, the HW's four lists, the HW manifest tracking program, the facilities of Fairchild AFB, and how they manage HW care, storage and disposal, and the HW landfill features which aren't in a municipal solid waste landfill. The paper will also explore the progress that has been achieved by CERCLA or superfund.

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Characteristics of Hazardous wastes

HW varies in type and actions from non-hazardous waste, which is typically a liquid. However, the waste can also exist as solids, sludges, liquids, and can be labeled as either ignitable, poisonous, reactive, and corrosive (Nathanson & Schneider, 2015). Toxic wastes are lethal toxins that affect li9ving things with acute and chronic effects. The toxin may possess carcinogenic or mutagenic reactions, which may trigger biological mutations from an exposed being inside an unborn.

The reactive wastes are toxic, and by fires or from harmful vapors and gases react strongly with air, water, or other components. Ignitable wastes burn at or below 140* F at reasonably low temperatures. Such wastes may be impulse -burning during storage, transportation, or disposal. The corrosive products are strong alkaline compounds with a PH value below five and above 12.5. The rusting or corroding exposed metals these amounts are capable of damaging metals and living tissues through a chemical reaction. Although wastes exhibit an HW feature, it may be excluded from regulations such as lead-acid batteries.

Lists of Hazardous Waste

The waste identified by RCRA is categorized into four waste lists, namely F, K, P, and u, which defines where a form of wastes fits and allows more efficient wastes stream management. The F-list has some subgroups derived from common sources. some of the sub-groups include dioxin bearing waste, wood protection, and multi-source leachate. (PegEx Inc., 2019). In total, the F-list includes 39 wastes. The k-list is considered as the source-specific for other wastewaters and sludges such as pesticide processing wastes. The k-list has also got some subgroups such as the manufacture of inorganic and organic chemicals, manufacture of explosives, manufacture of inorganic pigments, etc. In total, the k-list includes 148 wastes.

The p and u-lists regulate pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and pesticides that are not used. The p-lists contain approximately 239 highly hazardous substances and could be affected by more than one product due to each classification falling under 135 waste codes. Not all the p-lists pollutants are harmful, unlike the u-lists wastes, which is all harmful. The full lists of wastes on both u-lists and p-lists can be found under 40

Manifest System

The RCRA developed the manifest system, also known as the cradle to the grave system to track or control the HW's transportation journey from its point of origin to the final disposal location. The program monitors HW manifests and shipment data. The manifest or document documents the route taken by the produced waste, and the originator prepares it. It is established that the primary responsibility for wastes management rests with the generator. The carrier is responsible for compliance with DOT and EPA concerning vehicle transport regulations, service, and reaction to accidental spills.

The manifest is submitted to the authorized off-site storage, processing, or disposal facility by the transporter. The copies held by each party involved at each exchange must be signed on the manifest and submitted to the correct state agency. This method aims to curb appropriate or midnight dumping and provide data on the origins, types, and quantities of moving HW. It will ensure that the waste is appropriately managed, processed, and disposed of to ensure the safety of all concerned parties. It helps first responders by providing information in case of an accidental spill, leak, or fire about recommended emergency response procedures.

Fairchild AFB's Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities

Fairchild AFB adheres to the dangerous waste (DW) management system of the Washington military department (WMD). The plan proposes policies and practices for self-management and disposal of dangerous left-over. This permits the EPA the power to control HW from generation to final disposition. The five types of HW management activities governed by RCRA include production, storage, transport, treatment, and disposal. Before shipping to a treatment, storage, and disposal facility (TSDF), the base collects waste in containers locally. The waste is first collected at a satellite accumulation point (SAP) located in the unit sections that generate the HW or hazardous waste as the state of Washington refers to guidance.

The waste generating unit assigns a primary and alternate member to monitor the operation and processing of the waste produced by the store and contacts the environmental office when waste is ready for pickup. The environment office then schedules a pickup with dangerous waste accumulation area (DWAA) bases, set up before storing more significant amounts of DW. This is attributable to waste created at federal installations that must remain in place and disposed to the federal installation guidelines. The units on the base will coordinate with the department of the environment of all waste generation activities. Both WMD generators retain physical control of any hazardous waste before DRMO arrives on the site to clear if from joint-base Lewis Mc Chord. The WMD workers never send hazardous waste to their repair facility for eventual turn in to DRMO dangerous waste management program.

Hazardous Waste Landfill

An HW landfill is built to store HW in an underground site for many decades safely. It contains special liners to help prevent leakage by the HW into the soil. The hazardous landfills consist of separate compartments for the division and isolation of various waste products, depending on their composition, form, and reactivity. The HW sites typically include additional on-site facilities, such as wastewater treatment, well-control, and water storage structures. Such landfills create discharges of liquid waste known as leachate containing dissolved or suspended material of landfill soil is clay.

Because clay is considered a slowing down the natural barrier and prevents leachate leakage, a double geomembrane liner is used as a safety, in addition to the clay barrier (Arizona University 2019). They were allowing the waste streams to be collected with a drainage network above each liner. The treatment plan on-site cleans up the leachate obtained to avoid the release of toxic substances.

CERCLA Progress

In 1980, CERCLA or the superfund was developed to identify locations where hazardous waste has created an environmental and public health risk from contamination, spillage, and classifying the responsible party. Then ensure proper clean up when keeping the responsible party to account without taking corrective measures itself, the EMPA is responsible for finding the responsible party for any pollution. CERCLA is only implemented when the person responsible cannot or fails to comply. The costs allocated among responsible parties, however, were not established. Corrected by the superfund adjustments and reauthorization act (SARA) in 1986, CERCLA was improved, promoted negotiated mediation rather than litigation, underlined the value of permanent solutions and advanced treatment technologies, and expanded state participation the program.

The superfund accelerated cleanup model (SACM) was implemented in 1992 to streamline the inefficient superfund response mechanism by improving the risk management process and speeding up the implementation and public participation.

Finally, the superfund task force was established in May 2017 to provide guidelines for the enhancement and advancement of site cleanups and the promotion of regeneration (Superfund History 2019). CERCLA has been evolving since 1980, while at times rocky, it has been a success in revitalizing our country and its climate while enhancing living conditions for both humans and animals.


Arizona University. (n.d.). Hazardous waste landfills. Retrieved December 9, 2019, from http://binational.pharmacy.arizona.edu/content/hazardous-waste-landfills

Nathanson, J. A., & Schneider, R. A. (2015). Basic Environmental Technology: Water Supply, Waste Management, and Pollution Control (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ

NEW EPA Hazardous Waste Tracking System Launched. (2018). Professional Safety, 63(10)18. Retrieved December 9, 2019, from http://search.ebscohost.com.libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bsu&AN=132120612&site=eds-live&scope=site

PegEx Inc. (2019, February 11). RCRA Listed Wastes: Toxic, Acutely Toxic, or Hazardous? Retrieved December 9, 2019, from https://www.hazardouswasteexperts.com/rcra-listed-wastes-toxic-acutely-toxic-or-merely-hazardous/

Superfund History. Environmental Protection Agency, July 23, 2019. https://www.epa.gov/superfund/superfund-history-printable-version

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