Essay Sample on Health Care Reform Interview

Published: 2023-08-07
Essay Sample on Health Care Reform Interview
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Employment Employment law
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 883 words
8 min read

Human resource personnel experience several challenges and issues concerning the rendering of their service. For example, one of the most common problems that human resource managers experience is the successful recruitment of employees who fit the company profile and needs. In the healthcare industry, similar to other sectors, there exist issues concerning human resource management, especially during hiring processes. In this context, this discussion focuses on the various problems associated with healthcare employment law basing the debate on an interview with a human resource specialist.

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As indicated above, one considers the firsthand experience of a human resource professional when considering such challenges since they can be dynamic and variable. In this regard, questions are usually the best way to communicate one's intended research concerning the topic. The three questions below and the discussions that accompany them are based on the answers received to identify and address the various employment law issues encountered in active practice (Fuchs, 2019).

Question 1: Which healthcare employment law reform would most improve the service delivery of human resources in the healthcare sector?

Upon careful research and review of the various reforms, laws, and policies that affect human resources in the healthcare industry, one identifies the prevalence of obsolete approaches toward employment as the biggest challenge in HRM. According to the specialist, laws that allow and solely rest the responsibility of financing and delivering health care is an obsolete laws in need of reform (Cutler, 2018). The current regulations regarding the funding and organization of healthcare in the country are majorly handled by the federal government.

For better service delivery, the key players in the administrative sector of the country must lobby for reforms that include sweeping changes in the entire healthcare machinery. In recent years, the priorities of the federal government in healthcare have been diminishing with the current government enacting laws that have reduced the budgetary allocations to the sector. According to Jaffe (2019), the recent debates in government have revolved around three key issues: the role of the federal government, the potential impact of policies that lower the growth of budgetary allocation to health; and provisions that allow qualified medical practitioners to provide counsel for advanced care planning.

Inferring to the apparent issues identified by Jaffe (2019), it suffices to say that indeed obsolete reforms are among the most impactful to human resources. Instead of the government amending the already existing laws that found the finance and organization of the healthcare industry under the federal government, it should instead allow the county and state governments to run the programs. Moreover, the different states experience varying financial demands and need relevant to the prominent health issues in their jurisdictions.

Question 2: What disqualifies the majority of potential healthcare workers from finding employment?

Unlike other sectors where employment for graduating professionals can be hard to come by, the healthcare industry is widely inclusive of graduate professionals. After all, the majority of careers in such fields require the students to participate in active service before achieving certification. Nonetheless, similar to any industry, some of the factors that affect individuals concerning employment laws include license jurisdiction, employment history, and references.

Regardless of the federal government being in charge of the funding and running of the healthcare industry, different state laws affect the practice of healthcare workers. It is common, for example, for a license obtained in a different state to be unrecognized in another. Often it is common for interstate practitioners to receive accreditation or approval before undertaking any responsibilities outside their jurisdiction (Aaron-Dine, 2018).

An individual's employment history will most definitely affect their future. Individuals with excellent track records and recognition for their service often successfully apply for jobs across the county. Additionally, they can also quickly achieve promotions that may include moving to new institutions within the industry. In the same regard, good references even proliferate successful employment seeking among healthcare workers.

Question 3: Are employment laws effective in the overall performance of the healthcare industry?

Sound and practical laws often increase efficiency in the technical and scientific fields. Therefore medicine being a field of science and most other specialties in healthcare belonging to the same category, the laws have been effective thus far. Comparing the laws that govern the healthcare sector in America and the rest of the world, one would appreciate the efficacy of the policies surrounding human resources, since it ranks among the best in the developed world. Apart from a few challenges and a questionable past, the healthcare employment laws have been effective in ensuring that the most qualified professionals attend to the needs of Americans.

Conclusively, an interview with a human resource specialist is indeed an enlightening experience on how the healthcare industry operates. The challenges identified and discussed also provide insight into what is expected in future reforms for the benefit of the people. Indeed, human resources is an underrated facet of the healthcare industry.


Aron-Dine, A. (2018). Eligibility Restrictions in Recent Medicaid Waivers Would Cause Many Thousands of People to Become Uninsured. Washington, DC: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Cutler, D. M. (2018). The Good and Bad News of Health Care Employment. Jama, 319(8), 758-759.

Fuchs, V. R. (2019). Does Employment-Based Insurance Make the US Medical Care System Unfair and Inefficient? Jama, 321(21), 2069-2070.

Jaffe, S. (2009, August 20). Key issues in health reform. Health Affairs.

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