Healthcare Quality Assurance Policy - Essay Example

Published: 2023-10-31
Healthcare Quality Assurance Policy - Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Data analysis Healthcare Healthcare policy Customer service Essays by pagecount
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 712 words
6 min read

The assessment of client satisfaction can be done using the online platform of sending them the rank of service on their viewpoint from the organization. The suggestion box can help with secret recommendations. Having repetitive visits of the client for service is credibility satisfactory of the clients, self-set assessment agency.

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The establishment of the emergency unit in the organization for matters of urgency. Having alarm alerts and free phone calls for communication services for an urgent problem. Setting aside ambulances for emergency services concerning quick transport (Cookson et al., 2018). Seeing up children sectors and a special personness section for help script from the accrediting agency

The signatory and questionnaire answering are free, and consent willingly responds. The verification of national identification for the age of majority personnel initiates consent availability (Gerber & Freeman, 2016). Having company of the guidance and parent to minors being served in the establishment, self-set, and accrediting agency

Particular establishment of an HIV section, mental depression, and counseling section to help with social issues. The link to the police and admiration to curb violence issues and drug violations to allow medics to work in safety speculated from the accrediting agency.

Policies in place for ethical consideration include involving the police in case of corruption to warn the employees (Lim, 2020). Termination of job and reporting the matter to the police for law enforcement in the situation of sexual harassment of client standards from accrediting agents

Section 2 - Data

Giving a unique identification to the patients. The in-room for the patient's treatments. The rotation on workers and the medics in the level of working hence keep the secrecy of all patients.

The secrecy of hard files needs to be kept in achieves with one-person access and responsibility for retrieving them. The online files containing information can be back up in external storage and a security password on personnel with the specific credential.

The keying in personness needs to have quick and unique identification of the data storage for natural retrieving (Barba-Vidal et al., 2019). The quality assurance officer and management are employed to take care of the austerity of data.

Every six months, we report the statistical presentation of considerate variables to the funders, the health organization in the ministry and the word class. Having pictorial representation to the government for proper allocation of resources.

Chart reviews help in deciding review of the parameters of measurement quickly. The information gather is the statistical variables and the gender of the patients with parameters of variable health condition. It is helpful in analysis and giving a clear picture on health sustainability goal level with a systematic allocation of resource more so the health sector (Barba-Vidal et al., 2019). It is done frequently after six months

Section 3 - Clinical Services

The testing kits are maintained in particular temperature condition and safe place to avoid expiring. The shelf-life needs to be used with its prescription and in low temperatures.

The frequent ensuring the precautions specimens for clinical service are maintained in constant requirements (Lim, 2020). The education and provision of precautionary steps to the medics to necessitate the clinical service.

The confirmatory testing is done twice, and the doctor's prescription on the confirmation is specific then inform the patients in the results by a realistic view.

The dust bin is located in every room for proper disposal, and later the biometric consumption is done to the decomposable substance (Cookson et al., 2018). Decomposable is disposed to burring and melting totally.


Barba-Vidal, E., Martín-Orúe, S. M., & Castillejos, L. (2019). Practical aspects of the use of probiotics in pig production: A review. Livestock Science, 223, 84-96.

Cookson, R., Asaria, M., Ali, S., Shaw, R., Doran, T., & Goldblatt, P. (2018). Health equity monitoring for healthcare quality assurance. Social Science & Medicine, 198, 148-156.

Gerber, K. L., & Freeman, K. P. (2016). ASVCP guidelines: Quality assurance for portable blood glucose meter (glucometer) use in veterinary medicine. Veterinary Clinical Pathology, 45(1), 10-27.

Lim, D. (2020). The relevance of quality assurance in developing countries. Quality Assurance in Higher Education medication, 105-119.

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