Helping Victims of Human Trafficking - Paper Sample

Published: 2022-12-28
Helping Victims of Human Trafficking - Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Business plan
Categories:  Violence Human rights Human trafficking Social issue
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1887 words
16 min read

The following project is dedicated to helping the victims of human trafficking through the administration of services which has not been addressed over time. The project is only obliged to offer the victim services to the underserved population of people suffering from the issue of human trafficking in the country. The project also intends to work in relation to other contributors such as the victims of crime act (VOCA) which is the act that addresses issues of people that have suffered criminal activities in the country and who are not in a position to support their livelihood. Therefore, the funds should specifically address this population which belongs to the larger population of victims of crime. The project will thus account for the 100% involvement with the victims of human trafficking.

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Service Provision criteria

The following project intends to cover a wide range of population which includes a number of cultural groups that have fallen victims of the crime. Therefore, there will be the necessity to include the necessary training for the staff members of the organization as well as the service providers in the due course of the project. There are various aspects of the training that will be considered in order to administer both the shelter services as well as the planned education process. There are anticipated cultural barriers in the course of the project such as the communication barriers which have been covered for by the organization through the training of different languages. This will enable the service providers to relate appropriately with the audience especially in the language training of the population. Also, the training will include the understanding of various backgrounds incorporated within the target population in order to be culturally aware. This will prevent the probable errors or misunderstandings among the population that has been named above.

Specific Articulation of the Target Population

In order to offer the named services to the underserved communities which entails the people that have suffered the crime of human trafficking, it is necessary to decide on the specific manner of addressing the various groups that are present within the population. Underserved population, for instance, is the people who are not able to access the federal services of the government as a result of various reasons such as the geographic location, gender identity, sexual orientation as well as religion. There are other social reasons which hinder the appropriate service provision to these people such as the racial and ethnic orientation and the disabilities of these people (physical and mental disabilities, age and alienage status). The term culturally specific on the other hand implies that the following project aims at addressing the needs of the minority groups based on the ethnic and racial profiles. These groups include the American-Indians (Eskimos, Aleuts and the Alaska natives), Hispanic communities (people originating from nations that speak Hispanic), Asian Americans (people originating from the countries located on the Asia continent, as well as the black society (people originating mostly from Africa) (Toro, 1995).

Referral Process

There are various means of information transmission that have been employed by the organization in the effort of ensuring the services offered to the underserved communities is well displayed for client purposes. The organization has its internet web page from which the information regarding its activities can be easily accessed. This website is easy to find and has easy navigation in correspondence to the intended purpose of the client. In addition, there are brochures that have been printed and distributed which contain information regarding the various activities of the organization. Through the above mediums, one can see what the organization has planned for the named population and the relevant contributions can also be made through the above channels.

Project Abstract

The following project aims at addressing the needs of the underserved population of people that have fallen victims of human trafficking. The project intends to offer shelter services which are secure based on the various social communities present in the population. In addition, the project aims at offering education to people of all ages specifically addressing the issue of sexual assault and the accompanying counseling services. In order to achieve this, the project will have to involve a training program that is meant to teach the service providers on the different approaches to the situation. The staff members that are responsible for the administration of the services of housing, as well as education and counseling services, are also part of the training program. There is also the funding necessity which is the main purpose of the paper where the organization intends to work in partnership with other organizations and bodies such as the human rights organization who are well equipped with the ability to address the problems faced by the marginalized communities. Also, SOCA intends to work in relation to VOCA in order to realize the relative funds and equipment for the completion of the project.

Statement of the Need

The major objective of the project is the delivery of services to the underserved population of people who have fallen victims of human trafficking. The need for the project is to request for a grant which will help in the fulfillment of the planned activities of the project. The grant is appropriately planned and distributed to all the fields that have been covered by the project. This comes along with the need to work with the victims of crime act in order to address the needs of the named population. Therefore, two major fields of focus for the following project will be educating the target population about sexual harassment as well as provide secure housing for them. In consideration of the above needs of the project, it is anticipated that the project will work with other facilitators such as the trafficking officer who will offer necessary assistance to the situation at hand. Her contributors to the project include victims of crime act and other willing organizations. The human rights organization responsible for the treatment and protection of human rights is anticipated to get involved in the current issue of concern.

Research Demonstrating the Need

Human Trafficking is among the major concerns of the nation because more people are being moved into the country illegally based on fake promises given to them on their arrival. However, the conditions are not very conducive as the immigrants try to find their way out in the already populated country. As a result, the needs of these individuals have been taken with fewer regards where limited services are provided for them despite the financial support, they receive from the concerned government such as the VOCA. There is a big population of the individuals that have been faced by the problem which translates to the big amount of funding that is required to establish the set plan of the project. It is the intention of the organization to cover all the individuals that have fallen as victims of human trafficking. Although much is being done to find a solution to the trafficking problem including the efforts of the federal government, people and organizations such as the human rights organization. There are anticipated services that ought to be undertaken in the course of the project such as the provision of food for the marginalized communities.

There are various groups entailed in the general population of focus ranging from the Indians, Asians, blacks as well as Hispanics according to the surveys that have been collected. This, therefore, interprets the kind of diversity that is present within the population. As a result, different strategies have to be employed in order to successfully meet the needs of each individual in the groups present in the population. To do this, a big population of service providers has to be employed in order to match the amount of work required for the project within the designated period of time. Also, adequate training on the possible instances during the conduction of the project will be offered to the staff members and thus, they will cope with the situation and environment designated to them. The training includes learning various languages at a minimum of three which will make it easier for them to communicate with the affected population. Also, the teaching outline will be issued out to the staff members which is supposed to help them understand the scope of learning as well as acquire the learning objectives during the period of administration. These coaching strategies also include the interactive skills that ought to be employed and which should be practiced on 1V1 with the clients.

Project Activities and Timeline

As mentioned earlier, there are a number of activities as well as options that will be considered by the organization while implementing the course of the project. The project is estimated to run for twelve months in which certain goals have to be achieved. The projection requires the involvement of specialists in the field of human trafficking who are better equipped with the knowledge and skill of dealing with such situations. The specialist is supposed to offer necessary guidelines on what should take place first then what should follow next. The first position of the specialists will be the victim advocate that will be concerned with the legal matters pertaining well being of the individuals that have been affected by human trafficking. The basic salary stands at $5,940 for the 1 specialist for the position. Secondly, the project has 10 spaces for the assistants who will be concerned with the general settlements of the underserved communities and shall be reporting to their respective heads. The major task for the position will be to ensure that all the children and the guardians/parents will have secure settlements which are supposed to be kept in accordance with the national standards of housing. The following is the list of activities that need to be carried out in the course of the project.

First, the project will take into consideration the number of people that have been affected by the problem of trafficking in order to plan for the distribution of the resources. The first two months will focus on ensuring proper housing and settlements for the families present. The settlement plan will cover for the children present in various residences where the parents or guardians will be assigned to different houses where they will retire after the daily training activities. Secondly, the project will move on to the next stage of education administration which will be offered up to the end of the five months. This will basically account for three months. The major objective of education is to create awareness, offer advisories and help people of all ages within the population to understand the concept of sexual harassment.

Organization Ability to Manage the Project

The organization is well equipped with the labor as well as the equipment that will be necessary during the administration of the services. First, the transportation of people and equipment is well planned for which should cover the transportation of experts as well as the staff members from their residing premises to the specific regions assigned to them. The transportation will also include materials for construction which is a major concern of the project. Secondly, the project will set aside funds for food and emergency issues within the course of the project for both the service providers as well as the target population.

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Helping Victims of Human Trafficking - Paper Sample. (2022, Dec 28). Retrieved from

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