HRM Essay Sample: Hiring Procedures

Published: 2022-03-14
HRM Essay Sample: Hiring Procedures
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Teaching Management Human resources
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 790 words
7 min read

Qualities I am looking for the position; the applicant for the teaching position should have abilities and the qualifications required. The applicant should have the ability to integrate the STEM curriculum in the learning process and be a holder of a diploma or a degree in teaching. The applicant also needs to add value to the school. This can be accomplished by them coming up with new ways of teaching, new methods of integrating technology and teaching lessons such as math with hands-on skills. For an applicant to be competent, he or she must fit into the culture of the school. The school uses STEM curriculum and this means that an individual ought to be fully knowledgeable on its applicability so as to fit in. finally, a teacher should be compassionate and have a good interpersonal relationship with fellow students and students. He or she should be sensitive to the needs of the students and be able to attend to them [K Zeichner, 2010].

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The school board of directors will be sitting on the interview table. This is because they are the ones who designed the qualifications, the policies and the benefits that will be enjoyed once a person has been hired. The same team will be used on the interviews of all positions so that we can get best teachers from the interview process. This is because they are able to analyze the information shared by the interviewee and choose the best from the group that has come to undergo the process.

The available positions such the one in Grade K and 1, will need to be filled first before filling the position in Grade 8. This is because the students in these grades need extra attention and thus the work will be overwhelming the teachers responsible for the two grades.

On the day of the interview, we plan to ask the interviewee questions such as; why did you decide to be a teacher? This will help us learn their motive and if they are really dedicated to being teachers. Second question, what kind of classroom management structure would you implement if you were hired? This will assist us to know if they will apply the STEM curriculum in their teaching technique. What is your teaching prophecy? This will enable us to know what the interviewee future goals are, what they seek to achieve when they are teaching the students [ML Wolraich, EW Lambert, L Bickman, 2004].

Behavioural questions will be included in the interview so that we can get to learn the exact behaviour of the candidates before we decide which one to hire and which one not to hire. Behavioural questions will assist us to know how the candidates would behave in particular situation and how they can solve problems that they encounter.

For legality purpose, on the application letter, the letter will include a statement that we are Equal Opportunity Employer. This means that each and every candidate has an equal chance of being hired. A statement on the application letter stating that the letter or the interviewee does not guarantee employment. For those who might misinterpret the message once they have received our letter. Draft a separate document to seek approval to carry out a background check that conforms to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. We shall finally conform to the OFCCP hiring and record keeping guidelines [A Amin Mohamed, JN Orife, K Wibowo, 2002]. If a candidate does not abide by some the requirement, they will lose their chances of being employed. Also, the board will know that any barer or the letter is not guaranteed for employment. To avoid these issues, we shall ask open-ended questions to allow the candidates to discuss their qualifications. We shall not allow making promises with regard to future employment. They will be no compromising statement such as; you are by far the best candidate we have. On the part of the employment application, we shall include EEO statement together with a statement that will state that the application is not a guarantee or an offer for employment or a contract [O Killias , 2010].


Amin Mohamed, A., Orife, J. N., & Wibowo, K. (2002). The legality of key word search as a personnel selection tool. Employee Relations, 24(5), 516-522.

Killias, O. (2010). 'Illegal'migration as resistance: Legality, morality and coercion in Indonesian domestic worker migration to Malaysia. Asian Journal of Social Science, 38(6), 897-914.

Wolraich, M. L., Lambert, E. W., Bickman, L., Simmons, T., Doffing, M. A., & Worley, K. A. (2004). Assessing the impact of parent and teacher agreement on diagnosing attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 25(1), 41-47.

Zeichner, K. (2010). Competition, economic rationalization, increased surveillance, and attacks on diversity: Neo-liberalism and the transformation of teacher education in the US. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(8), 1544-1552

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