Free Essay on History Yesterday and Today

Published: 2023-12-11
Free Essay on History Yesterday and Today
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Racism Martin Luther King Civil rights Social issue
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 875 words
8 min read

Racism has been around since the 18th century, and it has become a battleground since its abolishment, and the movement of Civil Rights by Martin Luther King started (Clayton, 2020). Even in this current time, racist acts can still be present in people's lives around the world. Since the early ages, Most American people have held racist thoughts and have practiced racism toward other American people with skin color (Green, 2018). There have been many recommendations put in place to spot racism, but the only possible solution is to remove it altogether.

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In 1787 the slave traders wanted their opinion to be taken into consideration in the government for the last time (Green, 2018). Therefore the American constitution combined the three-fifth, which were measurements taken from the colored people congress representatives of the southern and northern state into a registration (Clayton, 2020). The intention of doing the act was to mitigate any government laws created from hindering the trade of slaves. Therefore the roots of racism were born.

Despite all the racism acts in America, Some Iconic heroes tried to fight against it. During the Civil War, Charles Darwin's efforts were against racism, and even to this day, he is remembered as a slave hero. In 1831 Charles Darwin sailed to Africa to study the evolution of man, and after his study, he concluded that man had evolved from the apes (Green, 2018). His theory report reached America and misinterpreted it.

The white supremacist used the theory to fuel racism by justifying that the white man was very superior and ahead of evolution against people with skin color. The ideology of Charles Darwin was that a race with strong or outstanding traits would shadow or overcome a race with weaker features based on endurance. This ideology has since affected some people's physiology, and even at this current time, most people have questioned their purpose and existence in life, therefore solidifying racism roots to the world (Burton, 2020). It has resulted in racism being seen as a national epidemic.

In the 20th century, outstanding peoples contributed to the fighting against racism in America (Burton, 2020). Rosa Parks showed her support against racism by choosing not to sit in a segregated part of a bus. By doing this act, she was arrested, and a new movement of civil rights was stated by the help of Dr. King. One of the most remembered words of Dr. King was, "I have a dream." His speech opposition to racism was very powerful enough and resulted in the passing of the Civil Rights in 1964 by Congress.

The Civil Rights Act legally banned all the discrimination that was based on color, sex, race, and individual national origin (Green, 2018). Therefore some of the population believed that fight against discrimination and racism had come to an end. Unfortunately, racism is still carried on from generation to generation, and the act that made racism illegal, only made the act of practicing discrimination unlawful, but the spirits of most racist were not changed.

In the present time, the case of racism have been rapidly emerging, making some of the states being dubbed as racially toned (Green, 2018). In 2004 some of the southern states of America, such as Texas, had been participating in gerrymandering with intentions based on race. Racism has rapidly increased and can be found even in the law and enforcement sectors.

One of the most noticeable cases was an incident that happened when a white skin police officer treated a brown skin lady cruelly and unjustly when she was pulled and given a speeding ticket. After the lady resisted orders given to her, she was dragged off her car and smashed to the ground twice. Racism has even affected schools, where teachers offer more attention to white-colored skin students.

According to Washington Post by Mazama, a test for racial stereotype in students have given as concern to the ministry of education. Some teaches have used double standards with students of skin color. In addition, racism at the local level is still a significant issue. For example, in public areas such as parks or stores, both whites people and black people can be seen practicing racism.


Racism is still rooted in the heart of most people, but most people aged between 40 to 70 are still in denial that the world is changing, and people need to move together as one. There have been many laws passed against racism, and indeed it has been suppressed. Despite all this effort, it still remains mainly because its cruel face can be seen from the looks of the Americans.

Base on science, Charles Darwin talked about the American wound and that it is being worsened by practicing discrimination (Green, 2018). The United States government have been passing continuously passing civil right one after another. These Civil rights are depicted as bandages that are applied to the American wound. I would recommend that the United State government, instead of covering it up, they should focus on healing the wound by totally stopping racism.


Green, T. (2018). Islamophobia and Racism in America. Social Forces.

Burton, B. S. (2020). Racism in America: A Psychological Approach.

Clayton, C. (2020). The Changing Face of Racism in America.

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