Homeless Diabetic: Challenges and Solutions for Claudette - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-08-21
Homeless Diabetic: Challenges and Solutions for Claudette - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Diabetes Social issue
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 433 words
4 min read


Vulnerable populations refer to the individuals within a society at a higher risk of poor health status resulting from bars they face varying from the social, political, economic, environmental, and other limitations resulting from illness or disabilities. This analysis will review some of the challenges a homeless individual with diabetes mellites type 2 faces and how these challenges can be alleviated.

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Challenges; A Case of “Claudette”

Claudette, 69 has been homeless for the past 10 year and has been suffering from diabetes mellitus type 2. Claudette is among the statistics of more than 3.5 million Americans who are homeless and suffer enormous challenges that are elevated by her chronic condition (Wahowiak, 2012). Some of the challenges include inadequate food and nutritional requirements. For her, she only enjoys one meal strictly at 4:30 p.m. daily, and if late from other engagements, means no food. Since she cannot walk or see properly, she is unable to strive for the food dropped by a few irregular trucks. The second challenge is the medication, since, without a permanent address, lack of insurance, and no means of stable income, thinking of a doctor is among the lowest of her concerns, yet, it is the most critical for her condition (Wahowiak, 2012). Lastly is the issue of stress and security concerns. The stress results from the uncertainty of the streets, including homelessness, rape cases, theft, and how, where, and when she will have the next meal.


To alleviate some of the mentioned problems, the Federal and County governments should find proper feeding programs at various stations. Moreover, they should register those with special conditions like Claudette, to ensure a constant provision of the same. The feeding program enforcers and the patients should have GPS to locate where each is, or for notification to make sure a majority receive this critical need. The ACA should have provision for free Medicare for such population, including mental check-ups, and form support groups. They should also be taught some self-defense mechanisms and be allocated security personnel at their shelters. Lastly, they can be taught some coping mechanisms, including casual jobs, to ensure that they can start affording even basic housing.


Vulnerable populations are exposed to many challenges, which can be elevated by chronic conditions such as diabetes. Therefore, it is necessary to review some of these challenges and propose measures geared towards alienation of the same conditions. These measures should be developed by the collaboration of the Federal and County governments, private sectors, and individuals.


Wahowiak, L. (2012) Homeless with Diabetes. Diabetes Forecast. Retrieved May 30, 2020, from http://www.diabetesforecast.org/2012/dec/homeless-with-diabetes.html‌

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