Free Essay Example. Hopfenreich Brand Analysis

Published: 2023-01-19
Free Essay Example. Hopfenreich Brand Analysis
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Leadership analysis Branding Strategic marketing Social media marketing
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1499 words
13 min read

Hopfenreich is a craft beer brand in Berlin that was founded after the great success of the first Braufest in 2014 by its organizers to make sure their friends can drink good beer every day and not only at festivals ("Hopfenreich- Craft Beer Bar Berlin Bar Pub," n.d.). This paper aims at analyzing the Hopfenreich craft beer brand in terms of its introduction to the market, consumer segmentation, and promotion methods as well as discuss the role of social media marketing of the brand from both the company's and consumer's point of view.

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Brand and Product Benefits

Despite having been founded five years ago, the brand has gained a significant market share attributed by the brand's traditional and royal feel. Among the features that have contributed to the brand's traditional and royal feel include its logo made up of curvy foliage representing the art of nouveau style. Besides, the honey badger at the center of Hopfenreich logo brings out the brand as a royal and brave beer while the typeface of the logo which represents a slab font family gives the brand an overall ambiance and furnishings. The largely handcrafted and carpeted interior stuff gives the brand an old look as if the beer has been served for decades. Despite being in the process of developing the brand, the current design makes consumers feel home an attribute that has largely made the brand penetrate the market.

Another characteristic of the brand is the implementation of the cask rotation, which makes it distinctive from other craft beers in Berlin. The benefit of the cask rotation is that it allows the connection of another beer cask when the previous one is finished, thus allowing its consumers to have a different beer every time. Furthermore, Hopfenreich has a wide variety of beers to choose from, thus making it provide a varied choice of beers and styles. However, they are aware that offering a wide variety may be a bad idea and thus chat with guests to offer at most two beer types that the guest can choose from. By doing so, they have gained many customer's trusts since through the provision of samples; customers can choose their favorite as each has a different preference. Another benefit of Hopfenreich is that the management works together with their staff and customers to come up with different beers tastes based on the prevailing customer preference and the emergence of new ideas. It is through the understanding that for survival and prosperity of the brand in the market they need to come up with new ways of serving their customers so that the brewery can be viable in the long run. Additionally, they understand they only have the possibility of growing in their current location up to a certain level which needs to be maintained before expansion to new areas as the brewery has the opportunity of delivering its brand to any place they wish.

Consumer Segmentation

According to one of the Hopfenreich owners, the customers consuming their product are a colorful mixture coming from different countries in addition to the Berliners who also form a critical part of their customers. Another segment of their customers are the curious guests who visit Hopfenreich from friend's referrals, the simply interested people who would like to feel how craft beer is as well as people across the world involved in the beer trade. Most of the clients visiting Hopfenreich are of the age of 25 years and above as well as the traditional pub guests that appreciate craft beer. It is thus evident that a vast majority of their consumer segments include Berliners who have predominantly lived in Berlin, European and worldwide foreigners, beer brewers, beer-obsessed nerds and traders in the beer brewing business. Hopfenreich's ideal customer target are those above twenty-five years since it is the young generation that love beer but also the elder age make part of Hopfenreich's customer segment.

Based on reviews at Trip advisor, those clients that came as friends and couples gave the highest rating ("Hopfenreich- Craft Beer Bar Berlin Bar Pub," n.d.). Most of these positive reviews show that the majority of customers are satisfied not only with the beer offered but also the atmosphere created by the bar. Some customers also gave positive feedback on cleanliness as well as its restrooms. However, most of the negative reviews accessed indicate that there is the need for the bar to employ more trained staff as well as increase their numbers for better and convenient services. The bar manager also states that as a way of ensuring that they offer the best product to their customers, they sample different beers and beer styles and accompany them with a snack. The free background information on the beers and breweries concerned offer moderation to the beers as well as give tips and recommendations. Among other ways that Hopfenreich attracts and retains its customers is by organizing the craft beer tours as well as the provision of samples to serve customers based on their preference. By so doing, Hopfenreich can maintain a good relationship with its customers.

Marketing Communication and Promotion

Hopfenreich offers about 22 taps of beer with five of their beers tasted for between to 45 minutes to one hour. The purpose of the tasting session practiced by the bar is among the many promotional and marketing methods used to popularize the brand. Besides, Hopfenreich uses a variety of branding strategies that have made it establish itself as a leading craft beer bar across the world and the first ever in Berlin. The various branding and promotion strategies employed by Hopfenreich have enabled it attracts multiple customers around the globe who associate themselves with the brand itself. Advertising is one of the promotional methods used by Hopfenreich to market their brand. Billboards, and mainstream social media such as television, radio stations, and Facebook and twitter air adverts featuring the craft beer as well as their brand ambassador selected from the tasting events and tap take-overs (Anisimova, Weiss, & Mavondo, 2019).

Hopfenreich uses the website strategy to promote its product. The website gives the history of the business, available tastings, location details of the premises, contact details, descriptions of the craft beer taps as well as social media links that customers can use to interact with the business. By doing so, Hopfenreich has kept its customers informed about their products and brand every time. Additionally, Hopfenreich has made use of an email-marketing strategy to give email subscribers information regarding their brand (Hankinson, 2005). On the other hand, Hopfenreich has not been left behind in the utilization of digital marketing. Through ads running on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, the management has been in a position to keep their customers engaged about their craft beer products and give any feedback to the business.

So far, the marketing strategies have worked to the advantage of Hopfenreich as the brand has continued to be active as well as increasing its market share. Further, through the various social media channels of advertisement used by the business, both the business and the customers have mainly benefited as the business can receive real time feedback from individual customers as well as engage them on a personal level to improve their products. On the other hand, customers are always updated on any development regarding the craft beer products offered as well as other activities such as the craft beer tours and tastings session, something that has made them feel part of the business and increase their trust on the beer. However, despite the many benefits that Hopfenreich is reaping from the utilization of social media, they need to advance to other emerging social media platforms such as Telegram and Twitter to target the middle-class consumers between the age of 25 and 35 who make use of the platforms (Anisimova, Weiss, & Mavondo, 2019). Further, these online social media platforms can be used to carry out sales promotion games aimed at creating awareness about their products, and pricing, as well as how to advance their brands to suit customer needs.


In conclusion, Hopfenreich has gained a considerable market share of the craft beer industry across the world and in Berlin. Through the various product and the target consumers they have specialized in, the company continues to appeal to most people in Berlin. If Hopfenreich makes use of the emerging social media platforms to carry out their sales promotion, in the next few years it will likely be the leading craft beer bar in Europe and the world.


Anisimova, T., Weiss, J., & Mavondo, F. (2019). The influence of corporate brand perceptions on consumer satisfaction and loyalty via controlled and uncontrolled communications: a multiple mediation analysis. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 36(1), 33-49. doi:10.1108/jcm-05-2017-2199

Hankinson, G., (2005). Destination brand images: a business tourism perspective. Journal of Services Marketing, 19(1), 24-32. doi:10.1108/08876040510579361

Hopfenreich- Craft Beer Bar Berlin Bar Pub. (n.d.). Retrieved June 9, 2019, from

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