How Can Teaching Specific Content Vocabulary Build Language Acquisition

Published: 2023-01-04
How Can Teaching Specific Content Vocabulary Build Language Acquisition
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Finance Business Food Security
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1418 words
12 min read

Language acquisition is all about gaining the capability by human beings to be conscious of the language and to have consideration of it. It is also about knowing how to come up with words and sentences then using it for communication purposes. Language acquisition is therefore vital to every person, and all people should ensure that they build it for their benefit. One of the things that can make someone build language acquisition is by learning specific content vocabulary. In various institutions, therefore, teachers should ensure that they teach students various specific content vocabularies for them to build their language acquisition. There are various types of vocabulary such as reading, listening, writing and speaking vocabulary. Vocabularies help learners understand new words together with their meaning and in turn help them develop their language growth. Therefore, the paper will explore majorly on how teaching specific content vocabulary can help build language acquisition.

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Specific content vocabulary can allow learners to develop other skills. Vocabulary has a direct impact on the dimensions of building learners language skill as a whole. It is noted that some of the vocabularies create skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking easier to be executed by learners. When learners manage to execute all those skills, then they are considered to have moved to another step in language acquisition. This is because they would have learned something new that is considered to be fundamental in language acquisition. Teachers are required to play their part in ensuring that learners learn specific vocabulary and get used to it every day in their learning. The reason they should get used to it is that it is a solid foundation upon which whole language acquisition builds.

Vocabulary as well helps the learners to know more words and in turn, help them learn more. It is shown that learning of vocabulary help learners to learn more words that can help them build their language acquisition. Learners are therefore required to learn vocabulary by the use of conscious study and through focusing. Also, they can learn it through reading and listening. To figure out the meaning of certain vocabulary learners are required to use dictionary and context clues. It is noted that those learners with more vocabulary are the one with an advantage in building language acquisition as compared to the one with less vocabulary. So, teachers should teach and encourage the learners to have more vocabulary by ensuring that every day they learn at least new vocabulary. Consequently, teachers should make learners know that by improving their vocabulary then it means they have improved their capacity to build language acquisition.

Also, vocabulary is the key to communication to learners. It is clear that the main reason why the learners involve themselves in studying is to enable them to communicate in a new language. Vocabulary is considered to take a crucial part when it comes to learning foreign languages just like other areas. Learners should l, therefore, learn vocabulary because learning a foreign language is like building language acquisition because it is part and parcel of it. According to many researchers who have conducted the study on vocabulary, they found out that without vocabulary then there is nothing to be conveyed. But, they found out that with poor grammar there is at least little to be conveyed. This, therefore, gives enough prove that vocabulary is very important when it comes to building language acquisition. Teachers are then required to maintain the practicing of the new vocabulary by inspiring learners to speak more often and coming up with vocabulary -centered games and activities.

Continuous use of the vocabulary while speaking by the learners can help build language acquisition. It is evident that learners who like using a lot of vocabulary while talking can be considered more advantageous over others. This is because the use of vocabulary regularly makes the learner fluent when it comes to communication. Also, it helps the learners to be judged by others as positively. The use of vocabulary while speaking is considered part of learning that is crucial when it comes to building language acquisition. Learners are required to memorize vocabularies so that they will be using it while communicating to others. In this way, they will have to improve their language proficiency. At home parents should motivate the learners to keep on using new words until they get used to it. Teachers should encourage the learners to memorize not only the new word but also their meaning. In doing so, the learners will have built their language acquisition to a higher level.

Vocabulary is very important when it comes to expanding the mind of the learners. It is evident that the use of vocabulary by learners will help them even acquire more languages skills that in turn can help in building language acquisition. Vocabulary helps students to think widely to know the meaning of certain new words. The process of thinking widely makes your mind to expand and acquire more knowledge on language skills. This is because as you are checking, for instance, the meaning of the certain new word in the dictionary, it is possible you will find the synonym and in that case, your language acquisition will have been built. Teachers and parents are therefore requested to encourage when looking for the meaning of certain new words they should also look for their synonym to foster their language skills. To have a deep understanding of the new words by the learners, they are required to associate them with their picture. In doing so, they will have brought a clear picture of the meaning, and they will remember it for the rest of their life.

Most of the vocabulary words are directly allied to reading comprehension. Comprehension is important when it comes to building language acquisition meaning that vocabulary words are also part and parcel of it. Many institutions normally administered reading comprehension to their learners so that they can read and identify vocabulary words in it with their meaning. In doing so, the language acquisition of the learners is built. As the students read different comprehension every day, they will encounter different vocabulary words, and they will look for their meaning. Teachers are therefore required to help the students in looking for the meaning of the new words in reading comprehension. Learners will after that use the new words they acquire while speaking and in turn, their language skills will improve automatically. When the language skills improve, it will then aids communication and expression of the learners who are also vital in building languages acquisition.

Specific content vocabulary helps the learners understand what they are reading and what other people are talking about. It is evident that languages acquisition is also about understanding what people are talking and that what vocabulary is all about. When people talks using a specific complicated new word that maybe you as a learner is not familiar about, then it is important to look for its meaning immediately. In doing so, you as the learner will understand upon looking for it meaning, and it will guide you whenever you come across while reading. Teachers are required to be addressing students using vocabulary words that are new to them so that they can act as a challenge to them.

Vocabulary helps learners to think logically and grasp ideas that they can use to build their language acquisition. When learners come across new words, they will get the urge of knowing their meaning. The act of wanting to know will make them think logically and to have ideas that they can use it in building language acquisition. Learners will regularly be coming across new words in their learning because it is hard for them to learn the same things always. Teachers are then required to give them full support so that they can know the importance of vocabulary in building language acquisition.

In conclusion, the use of the specific content of vocabulary can be advantageous to the children in many ways. It gives learners the ability to say what they mean. Learners having more new words can be important when sharing their opinion and ideas. As well, having more vocabulary will help the learners to have greater power of persuasion. Many vocabulary words help learners to communicate more engagingly. It also helps the learner to create a good impression to other learners. When a learner has much new vocabulary, it will make other learners be impressed hence encouraging them to learns vocabulary as well.

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How Can Teaching Specific Content Vocabulary Build Language Acquisition. (2023, Jan 04). Retrieved from

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