Essay Sample: How Do Mindfulness and Meditation Help in Getting a Good Sleep?

Published: 2023-05-07
Essay Sample: How Do Mindfulness and Meditation Help in Getting a Good Sleep?
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Biology Medicine Anatomy Literature review
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 629 words
6 min read

Black, D. et al. (2015). Mindfulness meditation and improvement in sleep quality and daytime impairment among older adults with sleep disturbances.

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This is a secondary source. The main theme of the paper is to determine the efficacy of mindfulness meditation to enhance the quality of sleep in older adults with moderate sleep disturbances. According to Black et al. (2015), formalized mindfulness-based interventions provide clinical importance that remediates sleep problems among older adults. The effects carry over to reducing sleep-related daytime impairment that affects the quality of life.

The study supports its thesis by conducting mindfulness-awareness practices on sleep hygiene education interventions. The information is current to my research question as it was published five years ago hence would provide some insight on the subject. The source is credible and reliable, i.e., the US National Library of Medicine. The limitation of the study is that it focuses on sleep disturbances among older adults. It helps to answer my research question by analyzing the importance of mindfulness meditation in improving the quality of sleep.

Bruin, E. et al. (2020). The contribution of a body scan mindfulness meditation to the effectiveness of Internet-Delivered CBT for insomnia in adolescents.

This is a secondary source. The main theme of the source is to analyze the contribution of body scan mindfulness and its effectiveness in controlling the Internet-delivered CBT for insomnia among adolescents. The article uses the differences between the means of the groups and objective sleep outcomes as evidence to support its thesis. According to Bruin et al. (2020), the use of body scan mindfulness meditation in CBTI would provide additional positive effects on sleep.

The source adequately supports the thesis by addressing issues of body scan mindfulness and its relation to sleep-related issues, i.e., insomnia. The information in the source is very current, i.e., for the year 2020. The source is credible, i.e., Springer Link journal. The limitation of the source is that it focuses its sample population to adolescents. The source helps to answer my research question by analyzing the contribution of body scan mindfulness meditation to addressing insomnia among adolescents.

Ong, J. (2017). Mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia. Ebook. American Psychological Association.

This is a primary source. The book focuses on mindfulness as a therapy for insomnia. The book focuses on group interventions and mindfulness meditation principles and strategies from cognitive therapy to support its research question. Ong (2017) claims that the use of mindfulness-based therapy would help to mitigate insomnia and its related effects.

The source adequately supports the thesis using mindfulness-based therapy to reduce stress, sleeplessness, and insomnia symptoms. The source is current, i.e., published in 2017. The source is credible, i.e., obtained from the American Psychological Association. The source helps to answer my research question by providing a relationship between mindfulness-based therapy and insomnia.


Black, D. et al. (2015). Mindfulness meditation and improvement in sleep quality and daytime impairment among older adults with sleep disturbances.

Bruin, E. et al. (2020). The contribution of a body scan mindfulness meditation to the effectiveness of Internet-Delivered CBT for insomnia in adolescents.

Ong, J. (2017). Mindfulness-based therapy for insomnia. Ebook. American Psychological Association.

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Essay Sample: How Do Mindfulness and Meditation Help in Getting a Good Sleep?. (2023, May 07). Retrieved from

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