How Is It Possible to Change the World of Communication? The Answer is in the Essay Sample

Published: 2022-03-09
How Is It Possible to Change the World of Communication? The Answer is in the Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Communication Organizational behavior
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1613 words
14 min read

According to Wikoff (p.1), with the increment in the convenience brought by the coming of the modern technology, few persons take their time in talking with each other orally and even if they do, it often takes place in bigger audiences; that is the one-way mode of communication. We tend then ask ourselves the expectations we have for our workers to fulfill the strategies and realize the goals of the organization if we fail to effectively communicate the very things. The need for understanding the value for the change in communication marks the very step towards the creation of new behaviors in the organization; behaviors that will lead to the presentation of the values of the business in the future. In the event that we ride on the assumption that the business functions will undergo changes due to our lean or reliability excellence, then we have given to the assumption that behaviors that are dictated by habits and rituals will also require change. To ensure change in the behavior, you must be in a position to communicate the necessity for change since it shares a relationship with business, you and I also included.

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Rai and Rai believed that communication is basic when seeking to increase the understanding level in the organization (p.45). Majority of consultants in the field of public relations will be quick at telling you that the tenet of communication is the use of various platforms or media for communicating the same message. The majority will be at the forefront of telling you similar message for either three or six times and I am not refuting it. However, I tend to believe that more emphasis is given on the way of communicating instead of engaging on what is needed to be communicated and who should be responsible for communicating the content. Meanwhile, Calhoun sought an inquiry on what could and require an achievement as democratic aspects of public communication (p.167). On the other hand, he rejects either docile admission or even the enthused cases of endorsement of what the commercial form of interests or any other coalition associated with power offer as approaches towards media. Mayer in his lyrics through chorus one noted that presently we see everything heading in the wrong direction. He also added that with the world and the persons in charge of its leadership, there is a feeling that we lack the means. Hence, we should rise above and beat it all together.

A number of studies show that there is a need for change in communication within the business, with the CEOs of organizations being the most effective communicator or the senior manager. During the design phase of communication, one starts with the preparation of the transformation of the organization form, its present state, practice or its future. At this juncture, the leaders of the entity need to undertake the preparation of the messages that define its documented values and principles. In doing this, leaders will embark on the state of setting behavioral and performance-based expectations. Consequently, Wikoff (p.2) noted that the core messages need to identify the below with respect to realization of changes;

The nature of transformation change itself; The question that I may ask here is why my company is engaged in implementing changes in the ways it has been carrying out business and the necessity for the change.

The process involved in changing from the present to the future; Both the analytical and the technical types of thinkers represent our business necessities towards understanding how we are aiming at reaching point B from A. Hence they offer the linkage with the dots in their respective minds towards the businesses as they are aware of it currently.

What role will change service in the process? Majority of the persons who are stakeholders in your organization are ever innovative and are also determined towards contributing their respective insights and suggestions that lead to improvement. During the period of communication within our project, we aim at engaging the 'early implementers' of change. Within the circles of change management, this is often not more than twenty of the percent of the organization you serve. These persons represent the free thinkers, shakers, and the movers, and basically, the resources we are aware of may routinely necessitate for ensuring that things get done. This represents our very first opportunity in giving recognition to these persons with the objective of assembling the project team.

Where is the change resistance situated? Our early mechanism of communication needs ensures the uncovering of the possible paths associated with resistance towards change. Unlike the activity that entails the passage of information, a good communication is often a two-way mode of communication. As we seek towards ensuring that others are familiar with the strategy we have and the call for change, we need again to elicit feedback for better understanding and the way our message gets received. Resistance always takes place in two basic forms; passive and active or the covert and overt. People tend to show these aspects of resistance in a different manner and it remains our goal at this stage of the deployment of the plan to proceed with the uncovering of the covert or passive types of paths.

Showing of your commitment towards change; When I one time pay a visit to the teams concerned with the implementation in a project, I find myself hearing the comments, voices linked with resistance that offer the challenge to the commitment from the leadership. Many of these workers wobbling between the adaptations towards the changes and express active resistance towards change. Hence, it becomes our intent of communicating to assist them in understanding that this does form the 'flavor of the month'. It does not imply being away from the same manner as the previous initiatives that failed. The business leaders have the commitment towards doing what it takes to be successful in ensuring the growth of the business. Where the commitment form of leadership receives challenges, the project teams end up being stagnant for a viable reason that their efforts and time are valued poorly.

How will expect change impact on me? This question has been there for the time and marks one of the sensitive questions needed to gain the desire within your institution into doing something that is not the same. More than half of people involved in the effort towards the transformation of communication have their supervisor who passes to them on how changes will impact on them. The changes linked to the process of improvement affect people in a different manner, even if it entails the daily activities to a larger extent or full change to their duties and responsibilities. Within every level in a firm, a direct supervisor to an employee enjoys the most influence over what people are aware of and also give responses to. During communication of the role played by changes, changes towards systems or equipment that workers use daily or change on communication towards pay, time or benefits; the direct type of supervisors remain to be the most efficient due to their close association with the individual.

Always, it is essential to remain consistent. Develop your messages based on the team of the leadership of the facility. Markel (p.37) established that one of the ways whereby people will end up into discrediting the commitment towards the process of improvements or challenge leadership is where they receive the variety of mixture of messages. Ensure the alignment of your peers and never be afraid to make use of a script. It is not all about the quality of the presentation but instead the communication content that is very basic. People will tend to recognize the position that individual has in the organization such as the senior manager or their respective direct supervisor and they will proceed with tuning to the message being delivered while not the delivery method.

Recently, social media has become one of the platforms that propagate the spread of crucial agenda by sociopolitical groupings (Olteanu, Weber and Gatica-Perez 32). For instance, Twitter while marking its tenth anniversary was instrumental in the publication of the various hash tags covering on social issues. The leading issues among the top three selected touched on racial matters. One of the issues was the #BlackLivesMatter that was ranked third. The tweets covering the hash tag totaled to 13.3 million and each tweet dwelt on the tone and mode of delivering the message. Regardless of the hash tags being composed in a manner seemed to be organic, some sects use them in the message promotion; for instance, in the year 2014, why rebuking aspects of police brutality, some activists used hash tags as the show of unity and also the passage of messages.

In conclusion, communication represents one aspect of the process of improvement that you can never have too much of. However, an effective type of communication has the capacity of derailing and process of improvement. You should be diligent in the communication plan you are using. If possible, consider engaging an expert in communication for assistance in crafting of messages. We should be at the forefront of evading another failure in communication.

Works Cited

Calhoun, Craig. Critical social theory: Culture, history, and the challenge of difference. Wiley- Blackwell, 1995.

Markel, Michael H. Practical Strategies For Technical Communication. Boston: Bedford/St Martin's, 2013.

Mayer, John. Waiting on the World to Change. Aware Records, 2006.

Olteanu, A., Weber, I., and Gatica-Perez, D., Characterizing the demographics behind the #blacklivesmatter movement. 2016.

OSSM. http://arxiv. org/abs/1512.05671.

Rai, Urmila, and S. M Rai. Effective Communication. Mumbai [India]: Himalaya Pub. House, 2009.

Wikoff, Darrin. "How To Communicate Effectively With The Change Process." N.p., 2018. Web. 22 Feb. 2018.

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How Is It Possible to Change the World of Communication? The Answer is in the Essay Sample. (2022, Mar 09). Retrieved from

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