How the Media Is Biased Towards Progressive-Liberal Values. Paper Example

Published: 2023-02-09
How the Media Is Biased Towards Progressive-Liberal Values. Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Media Social media Social issue
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1186 words
10 min read

It has always been noted that media as a whole is made up of a lot of biases. This is directly dependent on the type of media sources (e.g. fox news, CNN Washington Post among others) in determination of the source which is biased to either conservative or liberal values (Kuypers, 2013). The challenge is that the media particularly those reporting news has all the information and many people are in full reliance on them for reporting of reliable and accurate stories. However, in many cases, the media has the liberty of reporting the news in any way that they want. The people involved in the news delivery in the media are the ones to determine the bits of information which they want to deliver as well as they want to report it.

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Both the liberals and conservatives have a claim that the mainstream media is biased. In situations where one watch, browse or listens to Fox News, then their biases are considered conservative. They always claim to be fair and also unbiased, but in addition, there exist some aspects of their stories which is bent to make liberals. However there have been unbiased sources that tend to bring in hate from both sides, for instance, PBS. The news media is a good example of the aspect of personal bias regarding the stated mainstream media (Phelan, 2018). There exist a big tendency in some people to be having the news outlets which effects confirmation of their own bias. The media does its news basing on reliable sources, science, history and even realities and make a conclusion that certain promises are considered unrealistic and undoable.

The conservatives often seem to claim disagreements with most of their arguments as being 'fake news' (Williams, 2018). In many cases, the information does not hold up, and where the story is incorrect or inaccurate, it is normally retracted post-haste by the news agencies which have a higher reputation in public. When a story is inaccurate or incorrect, it does not mean intrinsically that there is some bias in the network. The news agencies may typically have a given range of topics that they are more focused on. This is, therefore, an instance of bias in itself.

All the news publicized by the journalists in every media is supposed to be informative. The conservatives think typically that if it does not paint them in a perfect sense, it is some vast liberal conspiracy of the media. The liberals think in the sense that if it shows, then they are considered to be wrong at all on the basis that the conservatives manipulated the news (Williams, 2018). Many people have always criticized the media for the impending social change as well as serving the powerful interests.

The approach of conservatives treats news as an ideological product meant for shaping the mass consciousness in a manner that can preserve the hegemony of the ruling interests of the society. A few offices are explicitly inclined and one-sided in their composition. They will utilize stacked language, logical stunts and other exploitative strategies to get you ready. The majority of what moderates consider "left-wing media" doesn't fall into this classification. The media a considerable spot. Also, the majority of what traditionalists consider to be left is the center.

An example of the media bias in connection to sentimentality would be a picture I saw in a newspaper of political animation. The animation demonstrates Donald Trump getting a finger (the media) pointed at him and him holding a paper guaranteeing that he fully hates babies. Donald Trump, in the animation, says that the media is lying and that he adores babies. Clearly, the media is attempting to take an easily overlooked detail and explode it into something that it's not, which unavoidably prompts a greater amount of the conceivable negative popular assessment or even intrigue. Rather than infants, it could be how Trump treats ladies. Rather than ladies, it could be the reason he tweets continually about his life as an agent and now president. In the event that it isn't a certain something, it is the other, and that is melodrama at its best. The fundamental objective for this kind of journalistic spin is to catch individuals' eye all while getting their point through as intense and justifiable as they can whether it is valid or not (Phelan, 2018).

There is also another example of media bias that I came across, which was a Daily News magazine cover which claimed a man to be a terrorist. The pictures beneath the essence of the man are evidently potential fear based oppressors. In what capacity can the news/media rush to pass judgment, denounce or even accept that these accurate men were included? It is straightforward (Allcott, 2017). They can't, and this picture is simply one more approach to confound the popular conclusion and catch their eye. This picture could be an entire confusion, however again the whole issue is that the news/media discusses one issue, for example, the psychological oppression so much that in the long run, everybody is discussing it. There are such a significant number of papers, TV systems, sites discussing a similar issue over and again it forms into a significant disaster of contentions alongside predisposition suppositions.

The Americans' always have trust as well as confidence in mass media to report the news completely, precisely and decently which has dropped to its most minimal level in surveying history, with 32% saying they have a lot or considerable measure of trust in the media (Allcott, 2017). This is down eight rate focuses from the previous year. Gallup started posing this inquiry in 1972, and on a yearly premise since 1997. Over the historical backdrop of the whole pattern, Americans' trust and certainty hit its peak point in 1976, at 72%, in the wake of broadly commended instances of insightful news-casting with respect to Vietnam as well as the Watergate outrage (Allcott, 2017). In the wake of remaining in the low to mid-50s through the late 1990s and into the early long periods of the new century, Americans' trust in the media has fallen gradually and relentlessly. It has reliably been beneath a dominant part level since 2007." After all the surveying information appeared, I accept numerous individuals ask, "Would we be able to try and fix this issue?" Well, yes, and that will possibly occur in the event that we stick to what is a reality with regards to government/legislative issues regardless of whether there is a slight shot, it is impossible.


Kuypers, J. A. (2013). Partisan journalism: A history of media bias in the United States. Rowman & Littlefield.

Phelan, S. (2018). Neoliberalism and media. SAGE.

Williams, R. (2018). Fighting "Fake News" in an Age of Digital Disorientation: Towards "Real News," Critical Media Literacy Education, and Independent Journalism for 21st Century Citizens. In Critical Media Literacy and Fake News in Post-Truth America (pp. 53-65). Brill Sense.

Allcott, H., & Gentzkow, M. (2017). Social media and fake news in the 2016 election. Journal of economic perspectives, 31(2), 211-36. <>.

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How the Media Is Biased Towards Progressive-Liberal Values. Paper Example. (2023, Feb 09). Retrieved from

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