Free Essay on How to Collaborate Community and Faculty to Improve School Education Environment

Published: 2019-09-10
Free Essay on How to Collaborate Community and Faculty to Improve School Education Environment
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education School Community
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 630 words
6 min read

The importance of the community in the education process is a strongly-held belief in many circles. So I would organize with the faculty so that it can involve the community in activities like inviting them to teach and participate with their children in class. This helps to stimulate the learning environment.

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How to Mobilize Community Resources

The community comprises of people of diverse resources. I would make use of these resources by inviting different professionals in different fields like architects, entrepreneurs, doctors and others to mentor the students. Also, school trips within the community's establishment like the libraries, museums or hospitals can also be used as information resources.

Sustaining Positive School Relations with Families and Caregivers

It is clear that learning begins at home. By families and caregivers engaging in school activities and encouraging their children, it helps in the learning process. Also, the families and teachers should be able to communicate effectively to ensure positive school relations.

How to Act to Ensure a School System of Accountability

As much as a school should be accountable for a childs success in education. The parents and community also play a major role by involvement in school and the childrens work, like supervising their children's homework and teaching them social skills. This enables the teachers to be able to play their roles effectively by identifying the cause for lack of student's success (Ford & Ihrke, 2016). By each person playing their roles, it ensures fairness in making the schools accountable (Ford & Ihrke, 2016).

Model Principles of Self-Awareness

Everyone has different roles which they play in a childs education. When a child has self-awareness, he can understand himself better, as well as other people. By encouraging principles like self-awareness and transparency between the students and the teachers, there would be better communication and also an improvement in ethical behaviors. I would organize forums whereby the teachers and community will come together and strategize on how best they could improve on the childrens education.

Safeguard the Values of Democracy, Equity, and Diversity

For democracy to thrive, children must be taught to value it as a way of life. Teaching our children democracy, equity and diversity prepare them to become citizens of higher moral values. To be able to safeguard these values children should be taught to be able to take responsibility for their actions (Funge, 2011). By encouraging diversity many communities, races, and religious beliefs can come as one and not discriminate against anyone. It also promotes equity in the sense that it shows children that everyone is equal regardless of where they come from. This enables all the children to be able to learn in a peaceful environment.

Potential and Moral Consequences of Decision Making

Decision making comes with its many factors. In the school environment, a decision is made based on how severe or how best to improve the problem at hand. I would sit down with the parties involved to better determine the cause of the problem and find a solution which is best. Rushed decisions like hitting or suspending a child could lead to legal consequences which will not portray a good image of the school (Ford & Ihrke, 2016).

Social Justice

I would encourage social justice by being actively involved in the childrens lives. Learning about a childs background and where they come from, or if they have a particular interest in a certain area and encouraging them. Also linking them to the content that is happening in the real world would help to broaden their minds more (Funge, 2011).


Ford, M. R., & Ihrke, D. (2016). School Board Member Definitions of Accountability: What Are They, and Do They Impact District Outcomes?. Public Performance & Management Review, 39(1), 198-222. doi:10.1080/15309576.2016.1071173

Funge, S. P. (2011). Promoting The Social Justice Orientation Of Students: The Role Of The Educator. Journal Of Social Work Education, 47(1), 73-90.

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