Free Essay: How to Win Friends and Influence People

Published: 2022-11-22
Free Essay: How to Win Friends and Influence People
Type of paper:  Book review
Categories:  Communication Literature
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 659 words
6 min read

According to Dale Carnegie's there exist several ways and techniques in handling people. The first technique is to avoid criticizing, condemning or complaining a lot to people. The second technique is giving sincere and honest appreciation. The third technique according to Carnegie is to arouse the other person an eager to want. This article tends to summarize Dale Carnegie's book How to Win Friends and Influence People.

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Carnegie gives six ways that can make people like you. The first way is by becoming genuinely interested in people. Additionally, smiling can also contribute to making people like you. The other technique is to ensure that one remembers someone's name. Substantially, remembering someone's name becomes the most beautiful and most vital sound in any language during communication. The other way is by being a good listener. Being a good listener involves encouraging other people to talk more about themselves. Additionally, it is essential to speak in terms of the interest of other people. The other tip is to ensure that the other party feels essential and more so by doing it sincerely.

According to Carnegie, it is very instrumental for an individual to know how to win people to your way of thinking. Carnegie gives different tips of winning people to our way of thinking. Firstly, Carnegie says that the best way to handle an argument is by avoiding it. However, if involved in one, it is advisable to show respect to other people's point of view and opinion. As such, an individual should avoid telling another that they are wrong. The other tip is admitting when in the wrong. Ideally, when one realizes that they were wrong, it is essential to recognize it certainly and quickly.

The other tip of winning people in our way of thinking is by beginning a conversation or an argument in a friendly way. Moreover, it is essential to let the other party do a lot of talking during the conversation (Carnegie P.65). The other useful tip is trying honestly to see or view things from the other party point of view. The other advice is to show and be sympathetic to the other par4ties desires and ideas. Moreover, Carnegie mentions another useful tip is to dramatize one's thoughts as well as throw down a challenge.

Carnegie also talks on how to change people without offending them or arousing any resettlement. Carnegie eludes that for one to change people's thinking without hurting them. People should first begin an argument with sincere appreciation and praise. Secondly, they should directly call attention to people's mistake. However, it is vital to criticize own mistakes before point fingers on others mistakes (Carnegie P.78).

Moreover, it is right to ask questions to the parties involved instead of giving direct orders because direct orders can be misinterpreted and annoying. The other important tip is to praise every improvement of thought in a friendly and ethical manner. Use of encouraging words is also an important tip in that it makes a fault seem very easy and possible to correct.

In a nutshell, Carnegie talks on criticism. The author mentions that criticism is dangerous and futile. The reason is that it wounds a person's pride and makes them strive to justify themselves. Moreover, criticisms destroy a person's sense of importance as well as arouse resettlement.

On the topic of dealing with people, Carnegie mentions that people should remember that they are not dealing with logical creatures rather they are coping with a creature that has emotions, prejudice, pride, and vanity. On influencing other people, Carnegie alludes that the only way of controlling others is by talking about what they want as well as showing them how to get what they want. Additionally, Carnegie gives a secret of success which is the ability to others point of view and see things from others angle as well as from your angle.

Works Cited

Carnegie, Dale. How to Win Friends and Influence People. GENERAL PRESS, 2016.

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