Essay Example. HR Management in Focus

Published: 2023-10-15
Essay Example. HR Management in Focus
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 901 words
8 min read

Most of organizations are trying to survive by putting a lot of emphasis on human capital so that they can be financially and competitively solvent in the turbulent dynamic market. However, other elements affect the firm’s success, and that is having or making sure that the organization has productive employees who are active and efficient. Moreover, most of companies concentrate on differentiating based on human capital because of many intangible traits such as skills, the motivation of the workforce, and knowledge that are increasing, and the firms need to stay sustainable in a specific market niche. Thus most firms have to possess employees who are capable of adjusting to any swift dynamic business environment. Most of the companies in the United States spend about $126 billion each year on employee training and development (Jain & Sharma, 2019). Therefore, the success of any company has to depend on the knowledge and the skills of the workforce by making sure they practice training and development on their employees. This paper will analyze some of the human resource issues from three articles addressing the training and development of employees.

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Article 1.Employee Training and Productivity

Most of the organizations have been practicing training on their employees since it does not only focus on enhancing them resourcefully but also gives them the best opportunity to virtually learn their responsibilities at a job and be able to perform more competently. Through increasing workforce productivity, the organization's productivity also tends to improve or change in a more positive direction in the market. Training is regarded as one of the most pervasive techniques that most firms adopt to enhance the productivity of the employees (Karim, Choudhury & Latif, 2019). For instance, the company that invests in employee training on decision making, problem-solving, teamwork, and interpersonal relations brings positive impacts on the company’s level of growth as well as the employee’s performance. Therefore the training is the most effective method of motivating and retaining high-quality employees in human resources within any firm.

Article 2.Employee Development and Productivity

Most of the organizations have issues for failing to incorporate development in their workforce which affects the company’s productivity .through employee development the organization can instill the character of morale which in turn affects the general skills and competence of the employee when handling a particular assignment at the workplace (Susomrith, Coetzer & Ampofo, 2019). Most of the employee development programs are geared towards reducing the workers turnover rate since most of the organizations that do not practice development end up losing their best workforce unit to their competitors in the same market niche who provide employee development. Therefore the employee development can achieve or accomplish many objectives such as reducing the workers' absenteeism and later increase the worker's commitment and satisfaction hence helping to reduce the turnover.

Article 3. Future Trends in the Training and Development of Employees

Training and development have to be designed by the organizations to meet the needs of the workers in a profound way where the workers can be not only productive but also satisfied with their career. Moreover, most of the organizations are adopting employee training and development since it has many positive impacts on the individuals when carrying out their duties effectively since they aid in equipping the worker with technical abilities, interpersonal abilities, and work motivation (Jain & Sharma, 2019). In the growing market trends, the training and development of the employees hold the key to unlock the potential development and growth opportunities when it comes to accomplishing a competitive edge. Companies have to make sure that they train and develop their employees to the fullest so that they can enhance their productivity. Some of the skills, knowledge, and abilities are along with the determinants of worker’s performance, which most firms need to analyze and invest it wisely for an extended period so that the workers can improve their production rate.

As HR Manager in the Future

I intend to improve the human resource field when I am a leader in the future by making sure that the health care practitioners receive enough training and development so that the quality of service they offer to the patient is of high standards. The best strategy to adopt is to make sure that there a lot of performance appraisals done every three months to gauge the service productivity of the employees and design which training and development have to be undertaken.

In conclusion, is that the articles emphasize training and development as the ultimate upgrade productivity of the organization and the employee. Employee training and development are recognized as the key to any firm’s sustainable development, and the workers have to be willing to adapt to an ever-changing world market. Organizations need to make a lot of investment in ongoing employee training and development so that they can keep employees and also be successful in their field of operation.


Jain, T. K., & Sharma, A. (2019). Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance in Retail Sector: A Review paper. Available at SSRN 3316856.

Karim, M. M., Choudhury, M. M., & Latif, W. B. (2019). The impact of training and development on employees’ Performance: An analysis of quantitative data. Noble International Journal of Business and Management Research, 3(2), 25-33.

Susomrith, P., Coetzer, A., & Ampofo, E. (2019). Training and development in small professional services firms. European Journal of Training and Development.

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