Essay Sample on HR Management Interventions

Published: 2023-08-10
Essay Sample on HR Management Interventions
Essay type:  Process essays
Categories:  Management Human resources Job Essays by pagecount
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1143 words
10 min read

Human resource management is a strategic model that ensures the effective management of employees in an organization. The primary aim of the approach is to break the competitive margin by maximizing and monitoring of employee performance. In a corporate business environment, the human resource manager has to conduct a performance appraisal to have vivid information on how employees have performed over a certain period about their job description and contribution in terms of productivity towards the organization's objective and goals. The essay critically analyses the large technology cooperation (LTC) performance evaluation proposal and performance evaluation sheet.

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A performance evaluation system is an organized method of examining the effectiveness of workers concerning their job descriptions. The assessment should be well planned to pave the way for feedback which can be used by managers to know where improvements are needed. In a business environment, it is vital to conduct employee assessments regularly to ensure that the company identifies the wage structure, compensation packages, and salaries increase among other aspects as a way of employee motivation which will trigger an increase in productivity (Chou, Sun & Yen, 2012). Another objective of performance appraisal is to critically identify the strength and weaknesses of workers to reshuffle them and place them in their right jobs. Furthermore, appraisals play a part in maintaining and assessing the potential of an employee for further development and growth. Moreover, performance appraisals are key pillars in individual promotion, and training decisions are reviewed by the relevant department in an organization. Through the use of performance reviews, employees are entitled to know their performance in different sectors and be aware of where they need to improve their skills for career benefit and for the success of the organization (Rogers & Wright 1998).

Consequently, performance evaluation components revolve around training with the aim of developing a program that meets the management and employees' need effectively. The main components of an effective performance appraisal system include; job expectation, training leadership, performance standards, performance-based rewards, and employee promotion.

Job Expectations

Performance management begins immediately, after employee orientation, where the employees are briefed on their job description, which entails the responsibilities and task. Therefore, job expectation entails a vivid description of the responsibilities, duties, and methods that should be employed when performing their duties. The expectations entail the day-to-day duties of an employee and how the impact they have on the overall success of the company.

Training leadership

Conducting training programs to enlighten managers and supervisors on how to conduct employee evaluations is among the major components of developing an effective performance appraisal system. The leadership training help in improving the perspective in which employees perceive rating and performance appraisals. Moreover, the managers learn how to adapt the different coaching philosophies used by the organization while at the same time managers understand the techniques and policies to use during employees' feedback.

  • Performance standards
  • Performance standards act as benchmarks for managers and supervisors during employee performance ratings.
  • Performance-based rewards and promotions

The human resource department is in charge of remuneration in every corporate entity. The department management has the mandate to perform performance evaluations for employees based on their performance and salaries. When employees are promoted based on their performance, they get motivated hence working toward achieving the best ratings. On the other hand, when employees are demoted based on their work performance, they work toward avoiding such circumstances n the future. These promotions and demotions play a critical role in the entire performance of the organization.

Modern performance appraisal methods are embraced in measuring employee performance as a way of boosting employee outcomes and productivity. The behaviorally anchored rating scale is a model used to measure both the quantitative and qualitative analysis of an employee. BARS with a numerical rating and behavioral examples are used to compare employee performance. Each performance level is represented by multiple statements on the BAR, illustrating the typical behaviors that employees exhibit in the workplace. Therefore, the statements act as touchstones to gauge individual reactions against predetermined ethics applicable to the specific job level and job specification. The advantages of using BARS include improved feedback, decreased chances of bias, and elimination of construct-irrelevant variance, among others.

Additionally, one of the most challenging exercises in a business environment is the implementation of strategies without the overall support and commitment from the management and the employees. For instance, in case the management treats its employees poorly by denying vacations and insults, it will be difficult for employees to buy in any decision due to a lack of trust. Therefore the best method for encouraging buy-in from employees and managers is focusing on the relationship between the managers and the employees through various training to build trust amongst each other.

When giving employee feedback, managers should focus on performance more than personality. For example, a manager should pay more attention to what employees do rather than what they are like or look like. Also, managers should keep feedback private. Since some people don't like attention, it is advisable for the manager to consider written feedback to such employees. Lastly, managers should prioritize constant communication and transparency by having clear and specific goals to drive the company toward achieving set goals and objectives. There are various business evaluation criteria that could be used in the evaluation of employee performance. For instance, Jerome, J is an employee of LTC Company and faces the difficulties of negotiating with customers. Therefore, for Jerome to be able to negotiate with customers, he should be able to create a professional and friendly environment with the customers. Some of the checklists in the criteria should include eye contact and eye contact and smile. Moreover, Jerome should be able to maintain excellent communication with the customers. The problem-solving ability has been used by the manager in trying to solve manager-employee conflicts. For instance, Arick K is an employee of LTC, and the previous manager tried to help him in improving time management skills. It is unfortunate that Arick was not interested hence creating an indication that there was a conflict between the manager and the employee.

Lastly, attitude and behavior is a critical employee relation skill that needs to be addressed. For instance, Jin L is an employee of LTC organization and faces various challenges from customers since they believe that he is rude and arrogant despite working of working for the company for many years until his retirement. However, employee-customer conflict can be solved through a well-designed employee-customer relationship model.


Chou, Y. C., Sun, C. C., & Yen, H. Y. (2012). Evaluating the criteria for human resources for science and technology (HRST) based on an integrated fuzzy AHP and fuzzy DEMATEL approach. Applied Soft Computing, 12(1), 64-71.

Rogers, E. W., & Wright, P. M. (1998). Measuring organizational performance in strategic human resource management: Problems, prospects, and performance information markets. Human resource management review, 8(3), 311-331.

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