HR Managers: Key to Creating Favourable Work Environment - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-27
HR Managers: Key to Creating Favourable Work Environment - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources Employment Human
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 608 words
6 min read

HR managers play a very critical role in the management of a company. Human resource managers have the responsibility to maintain and create a conducive working environment for the employees. Employees need to work in a friendly environment because it helps to increase the quality and quantity of work. Apart from creating a favourable working environment, human resource managers have other responsibilities, such as evaluating and implementing employee relations. It is, therefore, crucial for human resource managers to ensure that employees work in an environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. In this paper, I am going to write a plan on how to approach employees.

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According to the case given in the paper instructions, it is evident the female worker is facing harassment from the male employee. As a human resource manager, the primary objective is to solve the ongoing issue between the employees in the most amicable manner without losing any of the employees. Despite the current issue between the two employees, it is vital to retain the two employees because they play an essential role in the running of the company.

I would approach the female employee by first congratulating her for the step she had taken because not everybody dares to share personal issues. As an HR manager, I do not have the power to decide for employees the persons they should and should not go out with on dates. However, since the problem affects the working environment of my employee, I have the responsibility to step in and resolve the issue. I would make the female employee understand that she has the freedom to decide who she wants to go out with and who she should not. Therefore the male employee has no right to make the working environment uncomfortable for the female employee.

Harassment is unethical and illegal; hence it is unreasonable for the female employee to get harassed for not giving in to the demands of the male employee (Rospenda & Richman, 2005). I would ensure the female employee that I will get to the bottom of the issue, and she should feel free and secure while at work. I would also encourage the female employee always to come forward whenever she experiences any form of harassment and discrimination, and she should encourage co-workers to follow suit.

I would approach the male employee by first making him understand that we should not mix our issues with work. The male employee has the right to ask his co-worker out for a date, but he should not use force since it leads to harassment. I would also make the male worker understand that he should respect the decisions and opinion of others. Thus the male worker should not keep on disturbing the female worker while at work because she rejected his proposal. I would also make the male worker understand that it is illegal to harass and discriminate other co-workers. However, since man is to error, I would ask the male worker to size from his behaviour and warn him if he continues with the practice he will face the law and lose his job. I would also request the male worker to ask for forgiveness because workmates should stay like family.

As an HR, I have the duty and responsibility to safeguard the working environment of my employees. It is also crucial to have a good relationship with the employees because it improves the quality and quantity of work.


Poole, M., & Jenkins, G. (1997). Responsibilities for human resource management practices in the modern enterprise. Personnel Review.

Rospenda, K. M., & Richman, J. A. (2005). Harassment and discrimination. Handbook of work stress, 149-188.

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HR Managers: Key to Creating Favourable Work Environment - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 27). Retrieved from

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