I Learned from My Mistake, Free Essay about the Decision to Return to School

Published: 2022-09-06
I Learned from My Mistake, Free Essay about the Decision to Return to School
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Students
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1038 words
9 min read

Since being dismissed, I have been more actively involved in my academics. I have engaged in a variety of measures aimed at improving my academic performance. In my time away from the University, I developed a set of goals in an effort to ensure that I can track my progress and adjust the areas that need to be improved. My initial goal when I joined this institution was achieving a 2:1. After being dismissed, I have changed my goal and I wish to achieve higher grades. I have also been able to exploit a variety of learning resources in my time away. It is apparent that using diverse learning resources provides with better outcomes than using a single resource. I used the public library and I was able to get a personal tutor. The thing about different resources is that they provide different perspectives and contexts. My personal tutor introduced me to a different learning style that I believe once applied in my learning, it will improve my academic performance. I was able to get through the frustrating period of being dismissed, and I through variation, I intend to make my classes more enjoyable.

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Spending that much time at home has made my return to school feel like I am joining for the first time. A key challenge I anticipate here is homesickness. While its impacts on my grades will not be adverse, homesickness might challenge my goals to catch up with the rest of the students. To achieve a balance between my school and home life, I plan to visit home once every month whenever I am not committed to school work. I also plan to call my family every day, since I know this might reduce my feelings of homesickness. Another challenge I anticipate is time management. Missing classes means that once the student is back, they have to achieve a proper balance between catching up with the rest of the class and continuing with current classes. College is challenging as it is, without having missed any classes. So, missing classes makes time management a key challenge facing students. To ensure that I effectively manage my time, I plan to take only 15 credits, as opposed to the 18 credits I was taking prior to my dismissal. I also plan to keep a schedule of when to deal with coursework, and when to revise the previous classes that I have missed.

My intended major is in accounting. I selected accounting as I wish to have a deeper understanding of the various methods which I can use to record, examine, and report financial information as well as the economic outlook of different entities to varying audiences. I intend to pursue auditing as a career path, and a background in accounting will come in handy. An accounting major will help me realize my career goals, which include being employed by both public and private companies, or any governmental agency. My career goals include working with a flexible schedule, building relationships, while at the same time further developing my experience in the field of auditing. Having a background in the various ways of recording, examining, and reporting financial information which is achieved through accounting- and basically forms the job description of an auditor- will help develop my career path.

A variety of factors contributed to motivating my return to school. While a majority of students are motivated by praise, grades, among others, I term these as extrinsic factors, and their influence is short-term. For me, a key factor for motivation was choice. I believe that choice will give me the power and control over the types of tasks I will engage in, and the measures I will put in place in an effort to complete the tasks. Having a choice gives you a sense of independence, resulting in better comprehension of concepts, improved grades, and increased determination in both academics and sporting activities. My self-determination while in school will derive from my choice since learning without a choice tends to make students feel controlled and only work for the subsequent rewards.

As with most students, my primary goal is to further my understanding of all classes and improve my grades. However, to achieve this, one should have some supporting goals. Upon my reinstatement at IUPUI, I plan to complete at least 4 sessions every week. I also plan to visit my class professors at least once in the course of the semester. I believe that my professors know my academic strengths and weaknesses better than I can understand, and building a better relationship with them will foster my performance. Another goal for me after returning to IUPUI is joining an extracurricular group. I believe that joining a student group will be an effective way of creating networks since it acts as a great way of knowing other students and faculty. It also reduces the stress associated with being dismissed from school, and thus, it is one of my goals upon reinstatement at IUPUI. Another goal is completing a project within the first semester to promote my understanding of the overall course. I am yet to decide whether it will be a project that solves a problem or a research project. However, I am clear with the focus area, and my project will be based on internal auditing. This will not only help understand my career path better but also improve my writing skills. I also plan to improve my reading skills and to achieve this, a goal I have in mind is reading at least 7 novels, journals, and articles.

My time away from the University has given me a chance to reflect on my previous goals and performance, and I am ready for a fresh start, with new and better academic goals as well as a renewed motivation. I intend to improve my participation in not only academic programs but also extracurricular activities. To that end, I can say with certainty that I have learned from my mistake.

Works Cited

Magnan, Sally S., et al. "Student goals, expectations, and the standards for foreign language learning." Foreign Language Annals 45.2 (2012): 170-192.

Moeller, Aleidine J., Janine M. Theiler, and Chaorong Wu. "Goal setting and student achievement: A longitudinal study." The Modern Language Journal 96.2 (2012): 153-169.

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