Ibn Khuldoon National School - Bahrain. Paper Example

Published: 2023-07-23
Ibn Khuldoon National School - Bahrain. Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Analysis School Strategic marketing
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 620 words
6 min read

The Ibn Khuldoon National School is a private school based in Isa Town, Bahrain. The school was established in the year 1983. Moreover, the American curriculum is offered based on the Bahrain syllabus in Arabic, Islamic, and social studies are offered. Additionally, the schools are part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) and provided the IB diploma programs constituting of Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP), and IB Diploma Program (IBDP) (Cambridge, 2012). Therefore, given the significance of the school, this paper analyses the marketing mix, such as people, process, and physical evidence, to comprehend the business aspect of the private schools using the IKNS as a case study.

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The people, process, and physical evidence constitute the vital marketing strategies intended to satisfy the targeted clients by the IKNS. The mix is controllable but heavily relies on external and internal factors. The combination of these tactics results in the marketing mix. Therefore, the first factor of the mix is people. In the case of IKNS, the people refer to the staff who are the vital elements of the school in which the school has invested enormously in acquiring the best teachers and staff at an affordable cost. In that regard, the school provides various incentives and many opportunities for career promotions. The working environment for the staff is conducive, thus encouraging them to be more meticulous, efficient, smart, and effective in discharging their duties (BD, 2018). Also, the attendance of teachers in Bahrain to the professional development seminar on the effective way of teaching the IB courses was an indication of staff promotion activities. Moreover, the staff is encouraged to engage in sale-oriented approaches while offering services to the clients. Furthermore, the internal communications within the school are more transparent, and staff is included in decision-making.

Another vital element of the mix is the process. The mix refers to the flow of activities and structures when the clients are interacting with the institution. In the IKNS, the processes are involved in such services as teaching, communication between the students and the schools, and also the processes of engaging with the parents, guardians, and students. A vital example is the fee payment, speeches of critical directors, vacancies, and other essential services, including graduate programs in which the school communicates through its website. Moreover, the school has its place on social media, including Facebook. Such platforms allow the school's clients to acquire services fast and efficiently for all the stakeholders.

The final element is the physical evidence. The design and layout of the school were designed in a sophisticated manner in which the facilities display modern structures. The school has over 62,000 square meters of land having composed of an educational area, middle school, and secondary school is composed of five buildings with an indoor sports complex, media center, computer laboratories, and careers labs. Moreover, the kindergarten and elementary school is made up of 300 seats purpose-built auditoriums, constituting a media center, art spaces, science many other facilities for their learners. Through these facilities, the school attracts many clients given their advanced physical facilities.

In conclusion, the marketing mix enabled the schools to increase enrolment and, consequently, increase their income. Nonetheless, there is a considerable cost associated with the implementation of the mix, but the end goal of becoming competitive is achieved. Moreover, the schools are recommended to include other mixes of marketing such as products and places to become the top performer in their line trade.


Anonymous. (2019-2020). IBN KHULDOON NATIONAL SCHOOL. Retrieved from the Facilities: https://ikns.edu.bh/the-facilities

BD, T. C. (2018). Winners of TradeQuest 2017-2018. Diss. University of Bahrain.

Cambridge, J. (2012). Pedagogic discourse: a language for the description and analysis of international curriculum implementation. International Schools Journal, 31(2).

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