Essay Sample with Article Summary on the Current Stand of American Politics

Published: 2019-10-15
Essay Sample with Article Summary on the Current Stand of American Politics
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics United States
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 922 words
8 min read

Identify the issue the author addresses in the article.

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The issue addressed in the article is the current stand of American politics. Paul Krugman does this by alluding past political events and trends with the current politics. He evaluates the two major political parties i.e. Democrats and Republican as well as their candidates with respect to their prospectus.

Identify the authors claim. Is there a sentence, or group of sentences, in the article that articulates the claim? If so, write it down.

The author claims that the reason why the Republican establishment was easily overthrown because it was hollow at the core. The last line of the third paragraph in the article articulates the claim by illustrating how easy it was to put the party down.

All it took was the huffing and puffing of a loud-mouthed showman to blow their houses down.

Paul Krugman also supports his claim by quoting Donald Trump, who criticized the party for low energy from its leaders.

Explain three reasons the author uses to support the claim.

First, the fact that the party was easily overthrown is enough reason to show that it was not firm enough. Were the party to be firm and its leaders exhibited high-energy, it would still be ruling up to date.

Secondly, the conservative nature of the party leaders contributed to its downfall. For progress to take place, people ought to be open minded and welcome change. One reason why the Democrats overthrew the republicans was because of the change slogan that they devised and employment.

Thirdly, Republican was easily overthrown because it was no match against its rival party Democrats whose establishment was different and solid.

Provide one example of the authors use of ethos.

The writer uses ethos to describe the culture of American people as ones who welcome change and not conservative and that is why Republicans could not persist as their ethos was different.

Provide one example of the authors use of pathos.

The author uses pathos when he defends Mrs. Clinton against Trump and the so called Trumpism. He stands up for Mrs. Clinton saying she is the fairest candidate despite facing so much hostility from media unnecessarily.

Refer to page 24 in Writing Arguments and answer #2 in detail.

The author is Paul Krugman. He is a columnist in New York Times and his areas of interest include macroeconomics, health care, trade, social policy and politics. From his article, you can tell that has a keen eye on politics. His ability to link past political events with the current ones and make thought out conclusions with such precision is outstanding.

Refer to page 24 in Writing Arguments and answer #3. How do you know? Explain.

This being a public newspaper, Paul Krugman is targeting the general public. He seeks to shed some light to the two parties by stating facts and suggestions from his own point of view. His main target though, seems to be people with an interest in politics and have been actively following the same as there are points he expects them to know without having to expound further.

Do you think this author appeals effectively to the audience? Why or why not? Explain.

Yes. The author is Paul Krugman. He is a columnist in New York Times and his areas of interest include macroeconomics, health care, trade, social policy and politics. From his article, you can tell that has a keen eye on politics. His ability to link past political events with the current ones and make thought out conclusions with such precision is outstanding.

Does this article have kairos? Why or why not? Explain.

Yes. The most obvious and primary reason behind this writing is the oncoming U.S.A. elections. As the election date approaches more and more campaigns are being done. New tactics are being used all in the name of winning the voters trust. Whereas some tactics are downright rude and offensive such as insults, boasts and derisive nicknames, they seem to be getting in the heads of voters. Personally, I think Paul Krugman takes it upon himself to enlighten the voters to avoid being deceived by the candidates using their manipulative campaign strategies.

10.Answer #s 6 and 7 on page 24 in Writing Arguments in detail.

The nature of argument can be classified under two genres namely: Deductive and inductive. Deductive in the sense that the writer uses logical sequence to come up with an assertion of the truth; for example, he starts by comparing the election cycle to the falling of the Berlin wall. We are all quite familiar with this incidence and thus, he uses that as a way to get us to see the election cycle in the same perspective. The writer is opinionated and uses logical explanations and events to explain situations. An example is where he attributes the overthrowing of Republican to its hollowness and low energy from the predecessors.

The argument also takes an inductive form. An inductive argument is one whereby the conclusion is backed up by some degree of probability. For instance, the writer speaks of Democrat as a party which is constituted by social groups such as teachers union, Planned Parenthood among others which seek to benefit from government action in one way or another; this is a simple truth. However, the writer goes ahead and suggests that these social groups with diverse interests are the reasons behind Democrats effectiveness. This is not a fact but simple a probability that is deduced from the prior truth which may or may not be true.

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Essay Sample with Article Summary on the Current Stand of American Politics. (2019, Oct 15). Retrieved from

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