Essay Sample on Identifying Non-Academic Distractions

Published: 2023-11-24
Essay Sample on Identifying Non-Academic Distractions
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Learning Analysis Emotional intelligence
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 529 words
5 min read

In the spaces provided below, identify and briefly explain, if necessary, possible non-academic distractions in your own life.

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  1. Cell phones or any kind of electronic gadget that is handy may distract someone while in class or library or anywhere else trying to study (May & Elder 2018). These gadgets disturb someone and they are hard to resist.
  2. Noise pollution. When a school or study area is located in a place with a lot of noise, it may cause a disturbance. The noises may come from hooting vehicles, or noises from factories.
  3. Emotional disturbance. This originates from the leaner. If there is an emotional feeling disturbing the person, it will be difficult to concentrate on studies.
  4. Natural calamities like hurricanes, storms, tsunamis, and such. Sometimes natural calamities may distract academic calendars abruptly bringing a lot of negative effects. For instance now with the outbreak of the coronavirus, most schools were forced to be shut.
  5. Inadequate money to pay for school fees. For paid education, money can be a challenge that may distract a student from learning as required. Lack of money may lead to expulsion, suspension, and other forms of harassment.

Identifying Galen Resources

In the spaces provided below, identify and provide the contact information for people at Galen who might support you throughout your academic career here. This could be someone you’ve already worked with at Galen, and you might also consult the ______ in the MyGalen student portal. Provide the name, title, and email address for each contact.

Identifying Personal Support Individuals

In the spaces provided below, identify personal individuals who would provide support for your academic career at Galen.

  1. Head of academic departments
  2. Guiding and counseling patron
  3. School head.

Reflective Statement 1:

Use the space below to reflect on the list you made for non-academic distractions. Now that you've identified them, what strategies will you employ to help manage them? Be specific, and useful tips from the presentations to help guide you.

It is also important to try and find solutions for the non-academic distracters that might face you. Using the example is given which deals with a relationship issue, try and find a way to solve the problem individually before seeking advice if possible. Some of the challenges can be managed to allow one to continue with their academics without any distractions

Reflective Statement 2:

Now that you have had several weeks to implement your time management plan and study routine, use the space below to reflect on how successful you have been in adhering to this routine. What are some adjustments you can make over the next few weeks to make this routine more effective and productive?

It is also important to try and find solutions for the non-academic distracters that might face you. Using the example is given which deals with a relationship issue, try and find a way to solve the problem individually before seeking advice if possible. Some of the challenges can be managed to allow one to continue with their academics without any distractions


May, K. E., & Elder, A. D. (2018). Efficient, helpful, or distracting? A literature review of media multitasking about academic performance. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15(1), 13.

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Essay Sample on Identifying Non-Academic Distractions. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from

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