Free Essay Sample on Identity Management in Social Media

Published: 2019-06-14
Free Essay Sample on Identity Management in Social Media
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Communication Social media
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1106 words
10 min read

The social media identity of a person includes all words, photos, and videos about him or her that he or she has posted online (Cunningham, 7). He or she could have posted them himself, herself, or his friends or family would have posted them. All this information tells the reader almost everything they need to know about you. Despite being advantageous to ones self-esteem, this information assists in boosting someones career and reputation presently and in future cases (Labitzke, and Hartenstein, 23). Surveys by major career organizations show that at least 43% of job seekers use social media platforms as a source of relevant information regarding opportunities that can address their professional abilities (Cunningham, 34). The percentage of employers who also use social media is quite similar. It is useful to them because it helps in identifying some things that may prevent them from hiring certain candidates. This essay focuses on how one can maintain an effective social media identity to ensure that he or she leaves a lasting impression on his future employers and job-related contacts when they look up your profile online.

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One way through which you can maintain a positive identity is by monitoring your social media habits. If you can use your social media tools wisely, you are at a higher chance of increasing your professional visibility. The bigger question is how you do this. First, be discreet with the images or videos you share on the social media page showing yourself or others. To succeed at this, you should assume that the entire population will read your post. Do share your social media friends carefully too. With this, you can avoid instances where they share information that could damage your reputation. Online groups and activities could become a liability when a negative activity associated with the group or organization is posted online and searches show that you are a participant. If you love your job, you should be able to create a demarcation between it and your private life. This can be solved by creating a part profile from the one in your social network sites.

Daytime working hours are a thing of the past. Social media has made access to apps and information from several workstations the trend. Simply, the worlds current workforce is mobile. Employees from all over the world telecommute on a universal basis, accessing various corporate and noncorporate web-based applications to enable them to work lasting hours. Establishing ones identity in such times is much more important than posting company announcements on your twitter page (Labitzke and Hartenstein, 23). It can be used as a tool in marketing. If you have already integrated social networking in your identity platforms, you will soon realize your actions great value. Determining an identity management strategy offers lasting effects on an individuals success or failure in these new limits. Another significant tool is your ability to reimagining the perceptions of identity management as a tool for your firms internal controls, competitiveness, and market gain. This is important especially in an environment that is increasingly reliant on achievement in reaching clients in fresh and insidious social domains.

``Deal appropriately with negative posts. Searching the other names and nicknames that people have branded you is one way. If most of them are negative, naturally, you should be unhappy. In this case, you can try asking friends and colleagues who post such information about you to change the posted comments and conversations. You can also go ahead and untag yourself from inappropriate images on other peoples profiles. Being more active in social media will help you counterattack negative information about you with positive details about yourself (Labitzke and Hartenstein, 22). While doing so, follow the same etiquette you would use when conversing face to face. Proofread what you have just added to your profile always. You can also ask a relative or family friend to do the same for you. Set aside time to update your online pages making them consistent with your personal resume. If you are active on more than one social media platform, ensure all of them have identical information regarding you.

Understand your social networking options. Social networking will allow you to get acquainted with people you would never have been able to meet through other networking methods (Labitzke and Hartenstein, 12). It also assists in maintaining contact with everyone who matters to you. You can do this by signing up on social and professional networking sites, blogs, and photo and sharing websites. Social networking sites harbor connections with friends, new friends, and potential employers. Professional networking sites assist one in outlining their background, experience, skills (Friedrichsen, 21). It also helps those who are looking forward to bigger responsibilities, add people to their network. Blogs are of ones creation. They are useful for sharing thoughts on a particular subject, displaying someones knowledge, as well as outlining their area of expertise (Cunningham, 26). Those who wish to promote their practice can also use this option as a branding tool.

Ensure that all form of unprofessional information concerning you gets a lower ranking. How to do this is by projecting a constructive social media identity. To begin with, you can link your social media profile to online pages made of groups or project teams (Friedrichsen, 25). They should be relevant and those which you choose to be interested in. Such sites can assist you to promote projects that are related to your work thematic. If necessary, you can also your name but be cautious and follow the sites directions regarding self-promotion (Cunningham, 29). When you feel the need to comment or follow professional or volunteer sites, you can begin by checking the related blogs. By simply going through the wordings, you can comment. However, deciding to do so should not come outwardly. You need to develop a certain feeling for the content, the tone, and conversations put forward by the following audience.

Once you have done this, you are guaranteed that your comments are effective. When deciding on whether to make a comment on various sites, be wary of politics and religious websites. Such topics may not steer you in the right path (Friedrichsen, 28). Effective management of your online presence ensures that your social media activities have an affirmative say about you and set you up for a successful future.

Works cited

Cunningham, Carolyn. Social Networking and Impression Management: Self-presentation in the Digital Age. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2013. Print.

Friedrichsen, Mike. Handbook of Social Media Management: Value Chain and Business Models in Changing Media Markets. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2012. Print

Labitzke, Sebastian, and H Hartenstein. Avoiding Unintended Flows of Personally Identifiable Information - Enterprise Identity Management and Online Social Networks. Karlsruhe: KIT-Bibliothek, 2013. Print.


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