Paper Example. Immigration Policy for Joe Biden Campaign

Published: 2023-10-24
Paper Example. Immigration Policy for Joe Biden Campaign
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Politics United States Immigration Donald Trump
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1032 words
9 min read

In the recent past, the majority of presidential candidates have used Immigration as a tool and campaign strategy. They say that Immigration is a threat to the US economy and national security, and it contributes to the social and economic crisis. However, they forget that generations make the US of immigrants who provided vital military and economic strengths; Immigration should be considered one of the success stories of the US. For many years, the US has welcomed skilled people whom they find productive in the country (McLarty et al., 2009). The immigrants have been an economic advantage for the US; they work in many innovative and successful companies taking all kinds of jobs despite the low wages. In this paper, the focus is to sketch Joe Biden's campaign policy.

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Biden's Position

Vice president Joe Biden has been reaching out to many communities in a bid to secure the values of the nation's immigrants (Sotomayor & Memoli, 2020). However, his campaign plan shares the worst values, including weakening the immigration system. His campaign proposal is not much different from that of Trump's administration. From Biden's proposal, it is clear that he wants to ensure that all aliens who rely on government support are denied admission. Further, Biden ties himself with the failed 'gang of eight' (Arthur, 2020). He says that Obama's administration, where he served as a vice president is a failure. The Obama-Biden administration was to put the immigration policies at a stringer footing, offering relief and stability to thousands of undocumented immigrants. In his campaign policy, Biden has plans to secure the borders, ensure the dignity of immigrants, and uphold the legal right to seek asylum. Biden shows some disconnect to support any immigration policy given the fact that immigrants keep the country thriving and moving forward.

Trump's Position

Trump also outlines that illegal immigrants take away jobs and commit crimes that could not have been committed if they were not there. President Trump's position of strict immigration policies seeks to protect American workers as well as industries. In 2019, President Trump set strict standards for legal immigrants, for instance, those who need benefits such as Medicaid, housing, or food stamps would not be considered (Sotomayor & Memoli, 2020). Trump's administration moves to solidify the restrictive immigration policies. Furthermore, Trump's administration introduced four pillars, which include a bid to increase border security funding, limits on family-based Immigration, termination of the diversity visa lottery, and creation of a path to citizenship for Dreamers.

Biden's Options

Based on Biden's immigration campaign plans, he has options, which are likely to break some of his opponents. Biden promises to restore the DACA program which could expand and provide more opportunities for Dreamers (Arthur, 2020). The DACA program also promises to protect the immigrants who moved to the US as young children. In his campaign trail, Biden has promised for the first 100 days; he will tackle and restructure Trump's four pillars (Sotomayor & Memoli, 2020). Biden says that he will call for training and oversight of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Protection. He will also try to curb the swell of Immigration in Central America by striking an agreement with Northern Triangle leaders and providing economic resources if need be to combat violence and strengthen judicial systems.

Biden's Potential Voters Feelings

It seems that Biden wants to weaken the US economy. For instance, the bid to expand asylum eligibility reverses the country to the years of precedent in which a criminal activity will not constitute persecution (Arthur, 2020). Also, given that Biden wants to provide federal dollars to support the immigrants awaiting assessment of their asylum claims proves that some of the failures his proposal promotes. Biden's voters want an immigration system that is fair and humane, for instance, a system that will be able to keep bad guys out of the country, eradicating drug trafficking, and ensure that Americans secure their jobs.

Electoral Considerations

Some of the electoral considerations I may consider in his policy is his plan to back a suspension of deportations for the first 100 days then only deport those who have committed felony crimes (Sotomayor & Memoli, 2020). His party was concerned with the removal of barriers from border immigration and customs enforcement, as well as the removal of criminal penalties for illegal immigrants. Biden defines the outlook of the policy in his campaign.

Feelings on Immigration that Progressive, Moderate, and Conservative Voters have on Immigration

The concept of migration touches progressive, moderate, and conservative voters. Orrenius et al. (2020) avow that having the immigrants deported will have overwhelming consequences for the US, given that a significant majority of the immigrants occupy manual and unskilled jobs. The prosperity and well-being of the US economy depend on the immigrants. Deporting them, therefore, will mean a shortage of labor, something that will reduce domestic production in specialties such as agriculture, secretarial, accounting, and more.


Biden's political potency is growing for the recent weeks. However, voters may realize the fundamental failure of his immigration policy. Therefore, despite the promises from the voters, Biden has to work to convince the Latinos to vote for him. Biden should continue pushing on the plan that those individuals with no criminal record and children born in the US to be exempted from deportation; this will protect the interests of many people.


Arthur, A. (2020). Joe Biden's Immigration Plan. Center for Immigration Studies.,+Chairs+Edward+Alden,+Project+Director+U.S.+Immigration+Policy&ots=Rypb7Zxjbe&sig=nBTqiaEPRlefNjnYTweBgUMXviU&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=eb%20Bush%20and%20Thomas%20F.%20McLarty%20III%2C%20Chairs%20Edward%20Alden%2C%20Project%20Director%20U.S.%20Immigration%20Policy&f=false

McLarty, M., Bush, J., McLarty, T. F., & Alden, E. H. (2009). US immigration policy (No. 63). Council on Foreign Relations.

Orrenius, P. M., Zavodny, M., & Gullo, S. (2020). How does Immigration fit into the future of the US labor market?.

Sotomayor, M. & Memoli, M. (2020). Joe Biden releases two immigration-focused plans. NCB NEWS.

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Paper Example. Immigration Policy for Joe Biden Campaign. (2023, Oct 24). Retrieved from

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