Impact of Humor As a Device in the Discussion of the Education System - Report Sample

Published: 2024-01-20
Impact of Humor As a Device in the Discussion of the Education System - Report Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education United States Students
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 909 words
8 min read

Humor can be defined as the quality of being funny. The ability to express and perceive something clever or amusing in nature is still one of the ways of defining what humor is (Effectiviology, n.d). The irony is the expression of meaning using a language that implies the opposite, typically for humorous effect. These two words have different origins, and they are used in different ways and purposes. However, they have the same interrelations, and one can be used to relate to the other. This paper is going to look at some of the impacts of humor used as a device in the discussion of the education system.

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Humor has been described as one of the psychological phenomena that make people remember information well better when the information is perceived as humorous (Effectiviology, n.d). A good example is when students are taught using a funny story; the probability of them remembering is high compared to a scenario where something is taught in a non-humorous manner.

Increasing energy levels is one of the impacts of humor in the education system. For effective learning, students should have different forms of orientation, one of them is curiousness. Understanding what is being taught in class requires a good energy level and attitude toward the learning process. The concentration levels on a humorous subject are high, and there is an elevated sense of attentiveness and the desire to learn more. Increased energy levels and excitement in learning have a great impact on retaining memory and understanding something deeply.

Humor helps reduce all forms of negative emotions. Humor can be a good distraction from negative emotions such as anger and anxiety that might be experienced while processing certain information. Sir Ken Robinson's sense of humor makes his listeners laugh, which is a good way of releasing tension and all forms of negative thoughts (Robinson, 2006).

Concentration is a requirement in processing information and establishing a good memory, and with the influence of negative emotions, the achievement of this is difficult. When humor and negative emotions are brought together, people would rather focus on humor. The reduced tension effect of humor in a classroom creates an environment whereby students feel safe to try out something new.

Students have the freedom to go beyond their boundaries of expectations, and this expands their knowledge and capabilities. This state of reduced tension fosters imagination and creativity and creates an enjoyable learning session and the freedom to open up one’s mind and share knowledge. Students in a humorous classroom have no fear of asking questions and pointing out clarifications where not understood.

An increase in interest is also another impact of humor. For example, in the talk of Sir Ken Robinson, the audience is proactive and pays attention to every word uttered (Robinson, 2006). When humor is added to information being presented, it makes it more interesting and appealing to other people. The use of a sense of humor is one of the ways of attracting a learner’s attention. This enhances attentiveness concentration and attitude towards the learning process. The increase in interest has a direct positive impact on memory status, and something will be easily remembered when related to a sense of humor.

Humor improves other people’s impression of a certain matter of an individual in a positive manner. Through humor, other people can view an individual from a positive perspective. This happens by improving perception from the negative aspect to the positive side of the idea in terms of competence, especially when negative information is combined with positive information. The release of tension and the creation of an appealing, comfortable environment in humor make it easy for some of the negative information perceived to change to become positive.

Humor is applied when you want to cheer up someone, establish a good rapport with others, make a talk more interesting, and draw people’s attention. Upon reaching the stage, Sir Ken Robinson uses humor to cheer up the crowd (Robinson, 2006). In regards to memory, situations in which humor can be beneficial are, when trying to learn something new, when teaching others something new, when formulating information intended tin make the audience remember, and when slogan design. Humorous perception enhances such actions and makes it easy to happen. Humorous perception is directly linked and explained to long-term memory in learners.

Another benefit of humor is, it breeches the gap between students and their lecturers. It brings them closer to one another, joining them, and makes it easy to interact for knowledge. When teachers confront their negative students with humor, they find its use an effective way to neutralize their anger and hostile behavior.

Humor is a powerful tool used in the education system. Its application in the classroom has a positive impact on putting students at ease, making the learning process more interesting. As instructors become active participants of their student’s laughter, this allows them to engage with them freely; as a result, students feel more comfortable in some of the situations in which they are not in control over their emotions. Creative thinking, which a great tool for problem-solving is is best achieved by the use of humor.


Robinson K, (2006). Do schools kill creativity.

Effectiviology, (n.d). The Humor Effect. On the benefits of humor and how it is used effectively.

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Impact of Humor As a Device in the Discussion of the Education System - Report Sample. (2024, Jan 20). Retrieved from

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