Impact of Organization, Audience Awareness, and Research Proficiency on Writing Skills - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-03
Impact of Organization, Audience Awareness, and Research Proficiency on Writing Skills - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Writing Education
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 617 words
6 min read

Writing is a progressive process in which the writer picks a discussion topic, provides the background information and other relevant issues, and then builds up the discussion going forward. The development of the content can take numerous styles and forms based on the writer, piece, or audience. The organization of thoughts, paying attention to the audience when deciding on the genre, and research proficiency are critically essential when developing high-quality content. Applying this in wring ensures that the author knows where to focus on and direct his writing, thereby capturing the attention of the readers. Therefore, the reflection paper examines the concepts of organization, audience, and research proficiency in writing and how these have improved my writing skills.

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The organization of academic writing is the foundation of any piece. Authors employ different techniques when developing their content. The organization and development of these contents, in most cases, consider an introductory section, the main content, discussion subject or argument, and finally, the conclusions deduced from the piece. An excellent example of applying the organizational concept is using a plot to present an author’s train of thoughts. The approach involves giving the content by exploring the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement in a piece (Ashida 103). Implementing this in the organization of academic writing ensures that the authors hold readers captive through tensions and suspense available. Before taking the course, I rarely employed an organizational concept. In most cases, I assumed that the readers knew what I was writing, which is not always the case. Therefore, the organization has developed my writing.

The audience is a critical pillar in any form of writing. The readers are the people who determine the genre, tone, language, and choice of words, among others, in a piece of writing. Understanding the audience gives the author a leg up on addressing their needs through writing effectively (Grant 457). For instance, an author focusing on an audience that suffers from mental illness will have the advantage of using a setting that reflects this group (Grant 457). Throughout the course, the concept of understanding the audience has been vital as it has helped me to narrow down my writings and focus on a specific audience, thereby presenting quality content.

Research proficiency os the foundation of any excellent writing. An author is someone specializing in writing and can deal with topics from different walks of life. Therefore, the writer needs to research to ensures that their informative backgrounds are continuously updated. Additionally, research proficiency provides that the author can write on historical timelines, topics that are not their core, and other foreign communities just like a native to that society (Mastan 75). The concept of research proficiency from the course has widened my writing scope and improved my reasoning and critical thinking skills.

Conclusively, writing is a gradually progressive process that calls for the input of an author. The three crucial concepts from the course on developing writing skills include the organization, attention to audience, and research proficiency. The three are vital and essential in any form of writing. They help the authors to identify and target a specific audience and present them with content that fits their life experiences.

Works Cited

Ashida, Atsushi, and Tomoko Kojiri. “Plot-creation support system for writing novels.” International Conference on Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, and Applications. Springer, Cham, 2017.

Grant, Maria J. “Writing for Your Audience.” A Guide to the Scientific Career: Virtues, Communication, Research, and Academic Writing (2019): 457-461.

Mastan, Mimi Estonella Binti, Nooreiny Maarof, and Mohamed Amin Embi. “The effect of writing strategy instruction on ESL intermediate proficiency learners’ writing performance.” Journal of Educational Research and Review 5.5 (2017): 71-78.

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Impact of Organization, Audience Awareness, and Research Proficiency on Writing Skills - Essay Sample. (2024, Jan 03). Retrieved from

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