Paper Example. Importance of Originality

Published: 2023-02-13
Paper Example. Importance of Originality
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Intelligence Movie Media
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 476 words
4 min read

The main aim of this paper is to explore a question concerning appropriation and originality present in the creative World by application of mashup video as the medium. The big question is, how can already old stories that are repetitive be transformed and deconstructed into new things? Personally, have already created an alphabetically ordered sundry of scenes/shots that contain letters/words from superhero films. By doing such, I do not provide a concrete answer to what is original in the present World. I would rather make an effort of encouraging audiences to provide participation in the act of viewing the experience of already carefully structured ontology. They have to strictly make view of an infinite possibility of mashup culture in modern-day life (Perlino, 2017). However, this paper accompanies a portion of a video of my thesis.

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Rip: A Remix Manifesto, is seen as a documentary film that keenly talks about remix and copyright culture. Brett Gaylor who is the filmmaker has encouraged people towards remixing his work, by making a raw provision of his film footage to every individual. Brett ultimately has the intention of mashing up all submitted remixes (Schwabach, 2018). An expert who is present in the Library of Congress makes a watch with an increasingly worried look present in her face and at a later time says, "This is a problem." The film nicely makes an illustration that current digital networks and technologies used for the exchange of non-rivalrous goods, are causing a shake in the conceptions of copyright. As we see media trying to put more restrictions concerning intellectual property, some individuals have whole legal and artistic movements, which arise purposely for challenging perceived products meant to be a closure of the commons (Frosio, 2018). The important thing to think about concerning the creative common approach is the fact that it offers tools to people to legally make a share of their creative work through the use of licenses. These licenses are meant to be of importance since it will hold individuals in the court of law the moment one is challenged.

In conclusion, by the look of whichever perspective, the movie is far from being "original". We are normally taught in schools that copying other people's work is definitely cheating and originality is the key to creativity. The film is making a clear indication of the feeling of unoriginality among the members involved. The movie has given me the importance of having my original work instead of a copyrighted one.


Frosio, G. (2018). From the oral-formulaic tradition to digital remix. In Reconciling Copyright with Cumulative Creativity. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Perlino, D. (2017). Interrogating Tales as Old as Time: The Subversive Power of Disney Fan Remixes (Doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo).

Schwabach, A. (2018). Legal Issues in Online Fan Fiction. In The Routledge Companion to Media Education, Copyright, and Fair Use (pp. 81-92). Routledge.

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