Essay Sample on Important Roles That an Industrial Psychologist Performs

Published: 2023-08-27
Essay Sample on Important Roles That an Industrial Psychologist Performs
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Psychology Human resources Job
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 617 words
6 min read

Industrial psychologists play an essential function in an organization. They rely on psychological principles and knowledge to address various situations in the work environment. Below are the three most crucial roles of an industrial psychologist (Spielman et al., 2014).

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The first main important role of an industrial psychologist is employee selection, recruiting, and interviewing. All organizations are committed to hiring the right candidate suited for the posts available. Therefore, an industrial psychologist work alongside human resource manager, selecting the rights candidates. Choosing and recruiting candidates is a complex process as it involves developing a job description, agreeing on hiring criteria, and screening the applicants. After an organization identifies a candidate, the industrial psychologist can test the candidate's suitability for the position available. The psychologist also evaluates the candidate's knowledge, skills, and decision-making skills, among other abilities. During an interview, the outcomes rely on the question asked and, most importantly, on social and body language. An industrial psychologist will help determine non-verbal cues such as nodding, smiling, and important hand gestures.

Another critical role of an industrial psychologist is job analysis and evaluation. The psychologist will help analyze job requirements such as duties and responsibilities before selecting an employee for the job. An industrial psychologist explains the job description and evaluates the characteristics of the person necessary to accomplish the task. An industrial Psychologist ensures the nature of a post is understood before hiring. It is also the role of the psychologist to access and evaluate training and development programs put in place in the workplace.

The final most crucial role of an industrial psychologist is stress management, dealing with the demands of work. In any work environment, employees are subjected to challenges that influence their behaviors, affecting their relations with others. An industrial psychologist will focus on individual actions in the workplace and offer a solution that suits an employee's concerns. Stress can impact job performance, and thus an industrial psychologist helps employers improve their staff's well-being, increasing efficiency and ensuring a productive environment. If an industrial psychologist finds an employee to be stressed and unhappy, they may advise the management to include a work-life balance program to help decrease work stress.

How Industrial psychology experiences and knowledge will impact my life

Industrial psychology might be one of the most demanding courses as it includes a variety of applied psychology. However, what attracted me is the use of different skills to approach various workplace situations. I enjoyed the use of multiple skills such as understanding human behaviors, assessment of people skills, and creativity. The most existing part of the course was knowledge of analyzing and screening candidates. The course material focused on job analysis and evaluation, training, work performance and satisfaction, selection and staffing, and stress management, which will be beneficial in the entrepreneurial world. I have also gained enough knowledge to contribute to the execution of evaluation and assessment plans in my current intern job.

I am heading to the employment market, and I believe the knowledge learned in the course will be reflected during the job interviews. After completing the course, I plan on advancing to master's degree, and even doctoral level on industrial psychology. I believe my ideal job would be to serve an assessment and evaluation analyst or manager. Having the highest level in psychology will entitle me to the most top salary. The most significant contribution that I will make to society will be assisting individuals and employers in developing their workplace. Besides, the knowledge will help create a good relationship with my current employer and colleagues at the workplace.


Spielman, R. M., Dumper, K., Jenkins, W., Lacombe, A., Lovett, M., & Perlmutter, M. (2014). Industrial Psychology: Selecting and Evaluating Employees. Psychology.

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