Individual's History - Free Essay Example

Published: 2023-10-26
Individual's History - Free Essay Example
Essay type:  Process essays
Categories:  Medicine Healthcare Disorder
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 878 words
8 min read

Mr. X is a 54-year-old accountant with hypercholesterolemia and polycythemia Vera and has been in good health until two months ago when he noticed chest tightness with exertion. The patient decided to engage in physical exercise in order to lose weight. When he was running, he developed a tight feeling in his chest that subsided around four minutes after he stopped running. Initially, the feeling was not very serious and was only felt during the running period with no other related symptoms. One night before admission while he was watching, Mr. X had the same pain, but this time it was more serious. The patient didn’t smoke and had no history of blood pressure, but his father died from a heart attack at age 40. The patient is worried that he might be suffering from the same problem, and he might die suddenly. Mr. X has avoided any intimate contact with his wife because of the fear of having pain, but he initially would have sexual intercourse with his wife two times a week.

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Physical Assessment

Mr. X's temperature is 100.2 Pulse 96 regular with occasional faster rate, respiration 23, blood pressure 182/102 lying down. He is a well-developed, slightly obese, elderly white man sitting up on the bench, breathing normally. He has lately started complaining of resolving chest pain. His eyes present extra-ocular movements full, reactive to light, conjunctiva clear, and gross visual fields of view complete to confront. Due to the likeliness of cataracts presence, the patient's fundi are not well-visualized. Initially, the patient heard clearly, but he currently has very poor hearing bilaterally. His nose indicates no sign of discharge, has no obstruction, and his septum does not deviate. The patient's mouth has a complete set of upper and lower dentures, and he is characterized by normal gag reflex. Mr. X's diaphragm moves well with respiration, with no wheezes or rubs. His heart doesn't indicate any sign of heaves or thrills, but it is characterized by occasional extra beat. Mr. X's pulses are notable for sharp carotid upstrokes. The patient's spine has no costovertebral tenderness, and his abdomen is a contender to palpation. His pelvic is not deferred, and the rectal is has prominent external hemorrhoids, and it is detrimental for blood.

Needs Assessment

One of the strategies for implementing health promotion and disease prevention programs is through health education. It enables the community with learning experiences on health topics. To make health education effective, it should be tailored to the target population. Health education provides information about health topics, benefits, and tools to build capacity in an appropriate setting (Stenberg et al. 2018). Effective health education is one with the proficiency of program staff to maintain the fidelity of the program model. Stakeholders involved should ensure completion of community needs assessment as a way of pointing the community’s capacity, resources, and needs. It is essential to ensure that health education is comprehensive and easily understood by the target group. Educators should know that patients are unable to understand health care information (Sharma, 2016). The significance of the above explanation is that history and physical examination can produce critical details (Durham, 2017). If there is a negative or positive family history, structuring a family tree is crucial. Consequently, inquiring about secondary causes such as physical activities, smoking, and diabetes is significant. Notably, educating patients has been considered a vital aspect of nursing care. Patients with chronic heart disorders are likely to have a successful outcome depending on the quality of nursing instructions. To achieve excellence, patients should take advantage of the technology, understand nurses’ teaching styles, and include family members.


The information was gathered in a community-based need assessment conducted in Texas. Methods used to gather information included written surveys, interviews, and focus groups. The therapeutic communication techniques that I utilized to collect data included assessing verbal and nonverbal communication needs, giving time to communicate with respondents, encouraging respondents and patients to verbalize feelings, and ensuring that I evaluated the effectiveness of communications with patients. Understandably, communication is an interactive process that sends a message from one human being to another (West & Turner, 2018). As a researcher, I understand that connectedness and interrelationships are brought about by communications. Therefore, I ensured that all components of communication were active to fetch the most reliable information. The strength of this needs assessment includes the partnership with other leading agencies in Texas. The other Strength was the strong relationship forged between the respondents and the researcher and the existence of articles that enhanced the credibility of the results. The limitation that existed is the inadequate survey response from the majority of service providers and the difficulty time of recruiting the participants. Therefore, education and training should be provided to all stakeholders to prevent the occurrence of certain conditions.


Durham, Jr, H. E. (2017). History and physical examination. Cardiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses.

Sharma, M. (2016). Theoretical foundations of health education and health promotion. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Stenberg, U., Vågan, A., Flink, M., Lynggaard, V., Fredriksen, K., Westermann, K. F., & Gallefoss, F. (2018). Health economic evaluations of patient education interventions a scoping review of the literature. Patient education and counseling, 101(6), 1006-1035.

West, R., & Turner, L. H. (2018). Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis And Application. McGraw-Hill Education.

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