Annotated Bibliography Example on the Inflation Rule in the NFL

Published: 2020-04-28
Annotated Bibliography Example on the Inflation Rule in the NFL
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Sport
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 880 words
8 min read

Falls, Gregory A., and Paul A. Natke. 'College Football Attendance: A Panel Study Of the Football Championship Subdivision'. Managerial and Decision Economics (2015): n/a-n/a. Web.

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The inflation scandal had been an issue that brought a lot of controversies last year in the NFL. According to Falls et al, the inflation rule was significant to control this scandal. It was evidenced that out of the thirteen balls that were set aside for the finals, during the World Championship, patriots deflate twelve of them. The inflation intensity in the ball is considered much important since it determines the resilience rebound of the ball. This aspect of rebound is also determined by the intensity of the playing fields.

According to Falls et al, the inflation rule enhances the use of the same ball by all players. Most of the couches may underinflate the ball intentionally in favor of other teams. There was an issue that the teams should carry their own balls to be used during the champions; this idea is expelled by the inflation rule in the NFL. All the balls that are to be used in the matches should be prepared in accordance with the rule before the match days.

Falls et al stated that there are situations in which the balls should be deflated to a certain pressure. During the rainy and windy days, various problems are faced when the balls are fully inflated; this could make the game ineffective since the effect of wind could decontrol the position of the ball. In addition, wet footballs have weight and could not be easily wafted away, difficult to through as well as to catch. Therefore, deflation could make the ball tensile and easier for the players to handle.

Roboredo, Marcos Costa, Luiz Aizemberg, and Lidia Angulo Meza. 'The DEA Game Cross Efficiency Model Applied To The Brazilian Football Championship'. Procedia Computer Science 55 (2015): 758-763. Web.

Roboredo et al suggested that all the playable balls should be inflated to a pressure between 12.5 to 13.5 psi as spelled by the NCAA rulebook. At this pressure, the footballs will have the desired spheroidal shape. In order to control the inflation scandals in the NFL, each team present their balls ninety minutes before the kickoff, to the officials. The officials then ensure that all the balls are regulated to a pressure of 13 psi during the normal weather days.

According to Roboredo et al, the referees in any game should ensure that all the balls are in the correct pressure depending on the type of the game. With their sufficient confirmation rules, all the balls are inflated appropriately. The main objectives of inflation rule are to ensure that professional football centered making the game comfortable and enjoyable for both the players and the supporters. The rule also ensures that the defensive and offensive schemes are not altered during the matches.

The NFA usually permits quarterbacks to prepare their own balls before the games. According to Roboredo et al, this rule allows for elimination of scandals in which other parties intentionally deflate the balls in fever for other teams. Inflation rule also enhance the genuine ranking of team in performance since the air effect in the balls is much significant as much as performance is concerned. Roboredo et al stated that the reserved balls should be used in the second half match in the contrary to other additional balls that may be presented. This is only acceptable when the balls are still in the right desired condition.

'The Glory Game: How The NFL Championship Changed Football Forever'. Choice Reviews Online 46.08 (2009): 46-4510a-46-4510a. Web.

According to the article, 'The Glory Game: How The NFL Championship Changed Football Forever', inflation rule does not specify the exact temperature at which the ball should be inflated. This rule may be inefficient suppose the ball is inflated to a minimum pressure of 12.5 psi at abnormally higher temperatures. At this pressure, under-inflation is considered effective especially during cold rainy seasons.

The rule prevented the teams to handle footballs used by other teams on defense. This enabled the quarterbacks to use the balls that suited them. The rule of inflation in the NFL provides brutal penalties to anyone who gets involved in tempering with the desired condition of the ball for self-interest. A suspension from the team is also guaranteed to any one charged with inflation scandal. In addition, anyone who is found doing the contrary to what that the rule requires should be fired encase he/she is an official with the NFL.

The incidence of inflation scandals brought the arrest and firing of many people that were associated with the tempering of the balls set to be used in finals during the championship. This rule facilitated the required discipline desired in the fields as well as the code of conducts that facilitates the effective performance in sporting activities.

Work cited

Falls, Gregory A., and Paul A. Natke. 'College Football Attendance: A Panel Study Of The Football Championship Subdivision'. Managerial and Decision Economics (2015): n/a-n/a. Web.

Roboredo, Marcos Costa, Luiz Aizemberg, and Lidia Angulo Meza. 'The DEA Game Cross Efficiency Model Applied To The Brazilian Football Championship'. Procedia Computer Science 55 (2015): 758-763. Web.

'The Glory Game: How The NFL Championship Changed Football Forever'. Choice Reviews Online 46.08 (2009): 46-4510a-46-4510a. Web.

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Annotated Bibliography Example on the Inflation Rule in the NFL. (2020, Apr 28). Retrieved from

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