Information Management Today - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-01
Information Management Today - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Information systems
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1453 words
13 min read


After reading the article by Russell, I realized a number of aspects concerning information management, its importance, and were not necessary for use. Russell uses some assumptions to come up with the solutions pertaining to the system. Russel relates using five assumptions. These assumptions are directly translated to the current digital world, where everyone is hunting for information. The more information a company has, the more it is powerful.

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Crucial Weakness

According to Russell, in the first assumption, management information systems are built based on the premise that the absence of suitable information is the crucial weakness in which most executives work (Lyytinen & Grover, 2017). The journal suggests that even though they invest all their effort in having to do so, most executives get way more information than they can possibly handle. They are thus already suffering from an abundance of information. Misinformation to the managers is critical and the outcomes are negative. Managers are believed to be the head in the company and answerable under any circumstance. For this reason, they are expected to be well informed and with great influence in the system operation. They must spend quite a bit of time identifying the records that are important. The analysis used was too limited for broad conclusions, but the findings clearly suggest the degree to which even excellent writing despite the loss of details can be simplified. I keep from reaching the evident conclusions of poor prose. It seems obvious that condensation and filtration, carried out mechanically or otherwise, should be an important component of the MIS. Such a device should be able to handle most, if not all, of the information requested well as unsolicited.

Informative Model

In the second assumption, MIS designers "decide" what data is needed by telling executives what data they would like. This is focused on the premise that executives understand what information they need most. Unless an informative model of the evaluation process and the mechanism involved has been developed and checked, one cannot determine what knowledge is necessary for decision making. Without taking power into consideration, they cannot be planned sufficiently. In addition, whatever else regression tests can generate, they cannot produce comprehension and clarification of anomalies. They explain and, at best, they forecast.

Russell in his third assumption, if case managers are given all the information they need in a firm, they can easily use it or the company's better without any challenge. The moral from the first assumption is that how well management will employ the required information must be calculated. If they can't apply it well following the difficulty of the decision-making process, either evaluation criteria or performance appraisal should be given to them to recognize and improve from their errors. Managers should have all information pertaining all single units in the company. Currently this is greatly effected as the core thing to ensure the success of the company. When a manager is aware of all units in the system, he is likely to analyse and find a bug and make possible judgements. These judgements might be to fix the issue or call for assistance in fixing.

The assumption is directly affected in digital technology were information is the basis of everything. For a company to be successful, the manager should have the appropriate information pertaining to the operations. This enables the manager to provide better solutions.

The fourth assumption, most MIS features, is that they offer more recent knowledge to executives about what other executives and their divisions are doing. Underlying this provision is the assumption that improved interdepartmental contact helps managers more efficiently organize their decisions and thereby increases the company's overall efficiency.

In the fifth assumption, the manager does not have to know the system; rather, the manager should be interested in how to operate it. In the digital world, many technologies are used in the development of systems. Managers cannot get to know how all the systems were developed and the encoding used. Instead, the managers are not interested in the output of the system.

Information Management Revisited

From the first assumption, managers and management suffer a deficiency of appropriate information. Especially in the digital world, managers attend to institutions only to be taught something contrary to what they find in the filled with the application. This makes it hard to adapt to the deficiency of information and might result in an abrupt conclusion.

In the second assumption, for a manager to know the kind of management system that he wants, he must at least have ideas of what he wants to solve. The system is meant to reduce the challenges faced in the workplace. The designers rely on the information given to them by the management to come up with the plan. In the digital world, this is the same thing that happens. However, big companies that develop systems have ready-made systems that remain for simple customizations as per client request (Ruokolainen & Widén, 2020).

In the third assumption, if managers are supplied with data, they don't find it hard to implement. Globally, managers are given a complete manual before starting up their roles in companies and industries. This manual is aimed to help them to avoid challenges that they might face.

According to the fourth assumption, digital companies portrayed the scenario to make the message valid: if functional areas have incorrect performance measures that clash with each other, as is the case, the interaction between them will undermine firm productivity, not help it. Before opening the floodgates, organizational structure and performance assessment must be taken into consideration. Validity of the information given to the developers aid in helping them design a good system.

In the fifth assumption, in the digital world, managers do not need to know how the program files were encoded to come up with a management system and how effective it solves problems. In this respect, designers typically excel in keeping managers unaware. This leaves managers unable to determine the whole MIS. It also makes them scared to even attempt to do so, lest they publicly expose their incompetence. In failure to assess their MIS, administrators assign most of the institution's power to the developers and technicians of the framework, who have several virtues, but they rarely have professional skills.


Reflecting on the CPA Horizon Report, the accountant's benefit highly from the right content at the most appropriate time. The report consists of the primary instances that help in any situation that an accountant can face. Professionalism is the core principle dedicated and concentrated in the report (Cardona, 2018). With professionalism, an accountant can apply the skills of a CPA to handle complex mathematical situations.

Some of the skills not discussed in the paper that an accountant produces the correct information at the end of a term are artificial intelligence.

AI is the best fit for technological advances and rarely used when I come to accounting. The skill is vital since most AI-based Management systems are taking over the daily boredom and routine. AI systems are automated to reason the market advances and produce predictions for future streams.

The other skill that has not been discussed is the ERP experience. Under normal circumstances, accountants are taught less about the ERP systems, yet it is the most vital part of increasing effectiveness. Lastly, the skill in in-depth, complex excel spreadsheets is essential for any accountant previously not discussed in the paper.


In conclusion, the degree from UMUC and this class will help me in the future to handle the issues relating to accounting problems in case it happens. Information s the basis of everything, including power. As a manager, I will rely on the correct information and do in-depth research before requesting the Management System's advancement. Accounting and economics's expanding globalized nature should enable CPAs to grow in new directions. If they develop globally, CPAs are informed about the international market, and financial policies and standards will be able to direct companies. The role of the occupation as a financial data assurer can be extended to include company reporting in accordance with corporate responsibility, proper enforcement, and other growing areas.


Lyytinen, K., & Grover, V. (2017). Management Misinformation Systems: A Time to Revisit?. Journal Of The Association For Information Systems, 18(3), 206-230.

Ruokolainen, H., & Widén, G. (2020). Conceptualising misinformation in the context of asylum seekers. Information Processing & Management, 57(3), 102127.

Agarwal, I. (2020). Credibility of Misinformation and the Science of Sentiments. Journal Of Advanced Research In Dynamical And Control Systems, 12(SP7), 1738-1745.

Cardona, D. (2018). Reseña del informe: "Horizon Report 2017 Higher Education". Teknokultura, 15(1).

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