Essay Sample on Informative Research Report On Adult Literacy

Published: 2023-03-16
Essay Sample on Informative Research Report On Adult Literacy
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Knowledge Intelligence Cognitive development
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1375 words
12 min read

There has not been a better definition for adult education because the majority of people who work in the field characterize it as human resource training, workplace learning, or professional development. Adult education seeks to deliberate efforts by both men and women as well in an attempt to satisfy the thirst they have for knowledge. This way, they are able to equip themselves with the skills necessary for them to be responsible citizens and members of society. Adult education helps in promoting literacy that collectively enhances the skill set and promotes a democratic society where education remains a powerful force (Woelke 16).

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Definition of Adult Learning

Adult learning is classified into different fields that help to distinguish it from other types of education. In terms of formal education, adult learning is said to be accompanied by credentials that are inclusive of a curriculum that educational institutions such as universities, colleges, or technical institutes provide. This way, one can perceive it as being higher education (Hock and Daryl 134).

Adult learning can also be in the category of non-formal education, typically known as non-credential learning. It is done on a short-term basis. Various institutions, as well as groups, are formed to offer this type of adult education where they are required to meet social, individual, and also organizational needs (Woelke 2). In the category of informal education, adult education can be taken as being unstructured and it is more of a learning system that takes place on a daily basis.

Non-formal education is not productive for adult education because it tends to lack the social purpose that is supposed to be connected to adult education. There is the theory of social justice that suggests the society's existence needs to operate from a fair place and ensure the equitable distribution of goods and services (Woelke 2). Social change goals that include active citizenship, personal enlightenment, and also promoting a democratic society are emphasized in a society that has widespread concerns about poverty, isolation, and exploitation.

An Overview of Adult Learning

Adult literacy is necessary as it is a vehicle for transformation. It makes an essential component for a society to deal with issues of hunger hence reducing food insecurity, and foster empowerment for both men and women. Fostering better learning for the women helps in instilling more knowledge as well as the capacity that offer them a better life that they can rely on to take them out of poverty. Educating the women helps to build an identity for them hence enabling them to fully participate in social and also political life (Dutt, 159).

There is a connection between adult literacy and a gain for economic independence that has led to improved health practices and weakened the traditions that disempower people. The transformation is suitable for a sustainable future. Organizations and individual initiatives that are meant to provide measures for adult literacy help in widening the opportunities for the learners where they can discuss and form solutions (McCaffery, Juliet, and Millican 152). Majority of the people acquire functional, sustainable literacy and also numeracy skills as well as acknowledge the need for others to have the same knowledge. The present digital learning has helped to neutralize socioeconomic division and also break down cultural barriers.

The field of education was formed with a number of intentions that are mainly concerned with responding to the concerns of exploitation and poverty. People learn so as to fend for themselves. Adult literacy has enhanced civil society on a global scale. The collective belief of adult education is that people can be united in a common goal hence creating a catalyst for positive change (National Research Council 5). If people need to uphold the goals of lifelong education, they must align democracy and liberty with their efforts and accountability all together.

Importance of Adult Literacy

Adult education helps in passing to others a considerable amount of life experience, which they need to be better at the things they do (Scarborough 593). This way, adult education draws from the existing experience and further enhances it. There is no straightforward purpose of adult education and there are differing rationales on the justification for educating adults.

The objective of adult education has been more inclined on the aspirations of the society such as being a commission for building a nation or general unification. Recently, there has been a change to the objective, which has been more rooted in the economic purposes dictating and converging with personal advancement.

From an individual perspective, the importance of adult education is for self-development, recreational, social and also vocational. For the social purpose, adult literacy is important in maintaining a social system and the reproduction of the existing social relations. It helps in transmitting knowledge and also reproducing culture (Kruidenier, Charles, and Heide 5). It is even more useful for individual advancement as well as the selection and it provides for leisure time pursuit as well as institutional expansion. Generally, it is essential for further development and also liberation.

The emphasis on the individual element is that adult literacy helps in cultivating the intellect. There is individual self-actualization ensuring personal and social improvement. One gets to transform socially and they become effective for an organization.

Adult education is built upon critical foundations of practice. Growth in adult education can also be as a result of individual efforts. There needs to be cohesion at the government levels that help to align and also establish standards and the best practices for adult education. Regions are supposed to determine their own educational requirements on the basis of their respective needs.

Technology has been useful in introducing unprecedented flexibility for education through aspects such as space, cost, access, timing and also content (Sabatini 118). Generally, much of the learning that people receive when they are children and at the adolescent stage helps in creating the structure and the foundation for a long-term ongoing and life-long learning. The initial teaching is on how one can survive and as they advance, they are taught on how to thrive in the environment.


Adult education seeks to deliberate efforts by both men and women as well in an attempt to satisfy the thirst they have for knowledge. The objective of adult education has been more rooted in the economic purposes dictating and converging with personal advancement. The collective belief of adult education is that people can be united in a common goal hence creating a catalyst for positive change. If people need to uphold the goals of lifelong education, they must align democracy and liberty with their efforts and accountability altogether. The importance of adult education is for self-development, recreational, social, and also vocational.

Works Cited

Dutt, Khaleda Gani. The Role of Adult Literacy in Transforming the Lives of Women in Rural India: Overcoming Gender Inequalities: Comparative case studies in Bhilwara District Rajasthan & Howrah District West Bengal India. Diss. Department of Education, Stockholm University, 2017. 1-223. Retrieved from

Hock, Michael F., and Daryl F. Mellard. "Efficacy of learning strategies instruction in adult education." Journal of research on educational effectiveness 4.2 (2011): 134-153. Retrieved from

Kruidenier, John R., Charles A. MacArthur, and Heide S. Wrigley. "Adult Education Literacy Instruction: A Review of the Research." National Institute for Literacy (2010) 1-136. Retrieved from

McCaffery, Juliet, Juliet Merrifield, and Juliet Millican. Developing adult literacy: Approaches to planning, implementing and delivering literacy initiatives. Oxfam, 2007. 1-302. Retrieved from;jsessionid=CB813AB057093A5C5225C0349D955ED7?sequence=5

National Research Council. Improving adult literacy instruction: Options for practice and research. National Academies Press, 2012. 1-146.

Sabatini, John P., et al. "Relative effectiveness of reading intervention programs for adults with low literacy." Journal of research on educational effectiveness 4.2 (2011): 118-133. Retrieved from

Scarborough, Hollis S., et al. "Meaningful reading gains by adult literacy learners." Reading and Writing 26.4 (2013): 593-613. Retrieved from

Woelke Leanne, "The role of adult education." EDUCATION, ADULT, 2017. 1-16. Retrieved from

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