Informative Speech Example: Apple, Inc.

Published: 2023-12-11
Informative Speech Example: Apple, Inc.
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Human resources
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1473 words
13 min read


In this room, who has ever owned a product from Apple Inc.? Just as I assume, a significant population owns or has ever possessed a product from Apple Inc. Without the products from Apple Company, our lives would be different altogether. Therefore, one man gets the credit for being the most essential and transformative leader in the technology industry for creating the products that have promoted lifestyles. At the time of Steve Jacob’s death in October 2011, the legendary ex-Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Apple Inc. had left a recognizable change in the understanding and application of technology in the world. According to the Forbes ranking on the Best 31 Tech Companies to Work for in 2020, Apple Inc. is generally ranked in the 84th position. The position was adopted relating to the model applied in the management and employees’ welfare. My name is [Insert Student’s Name]. I'm here to present the details of the models used at Apple Inc. that ensure the organization's effective performance is one of the world's leading technology organizations.

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So, let us discuss the primary model applied at Apple Inc. In 2020, Apple Inc. was ranked at 84th position of the companies that workers would enjoy providing their services and enjoy leading privileges as a worker. The primary model that the company applies is the human resource model that helps them provide a quality environment for the team to work with comfort (Jing, n.p). The key groups of employees that work at Apple Inc. are in the technical, marketing, and staff positions. The fundamental objective of Apple Inc. concerning the workers is to entice and retain excellent skills in the tech fields (Jing, n.p). Therefore, to attain the aim of enticing and keeping the leading talents in technical, marketing, and staff positions, the company has considered applying strategic human resource practices. The idea is used to attract skilled professionals that make the company position amongst the best organizations in the world with quality products and exciting work environments (Jing, n.p). Apple Inc. shows much interest in maximizing the efforts of the available workforce by making significant investments through the human resource model to invest in the worker's skills.

The company significantly recognizes human capital as an essential element that contributes to the competitiveness of the company. The human resources in every company is mainly remembered as the driving force used in the development strategy. Therefore, the management at Apple Inc. has concentrated on the team's competencies through the fundamental objective of attaining a competitive advantage in the market (Jing, n.p). The excellent management of workers' talents used in the organizations has enabled Apple Inc. to rank as one of the innovative organizations in the electronic consumer industry.

The human resource department at Apple Inc. focuses on maximizing the returns on the investment by minimizing the financial risks. Simultaneously, they also concentrate on the capitalization of the human capital that is only achieved by applying the Human Resource Model. Human Resource Management is charged with specific roles that include selection and recruitment, incentive compensation, employee relations, and leadership development (Kim, n.p). Human resource managers are the primary individuals responsible for the application of the most effective approaches. Therefore, the application of the Human Resource Model functions as discussed below.

Recruitment and selection

The Human Resource Model is considered the basic model applied by Apple Inc. on sustaining positive human resource welfare depends on the concentrations of recruitment and picking, which is the key to success. The organization has made significant efforts when concentrating on recruitment approaches with the fundamental interest of attracting the right task force that fits its culture. The company focuses on workers who are hardworking and display the company (Kim, n.p). The human resource departments, therefore, apply various sensitive recruitment approaches that us unique in the industry. The most effective strategy makes the employees own their careers by avoiding possible promises that other employers make for employers' employee progression. Therefore, the organization rarely supports the career path, and the workers are expected to create personal interests and seek information on their jobs and positions (Kim, 2018). The company also concentrates on recruiting other talented workers from other established organizations. Therefore, the company has created an environment where only the employee who is fit for adoption in the culture of Apple Inc. production is hired. The verbal interviews are the most applied selection process (Indrayani & Ramadhanty, n.p). Therefore, the applied recruitment and selection models enable Apple Inc. to get the right talent to serve the organization excellently.

Diversity and Equal employment opportunities are also significant elements of the human resource model applied by Apple Inc. The company focuses on creating equal employment opportunities for all the people involved regardless of race, gender, disability, or ethnicity. The company has a wide range of employees from different backgrounds (Indrayani & Ramadhanty, n.p). Therefore, Apple Inc. has attained a situation where it has attracted talented employees globally, thus promoting the company's continued growth and success.

Employment benefits and compensation are also a sensitive component in the human resource model used by Apple Inc. to attract talented staff. The provision of services is provided depending on the status of employment and the employer’s geographical position. Therefore, the Human resource model concentrates on some compensation and benefit concepts thus; Apple Inc. gives benefits such as employee stock purchase programs, insurance cover and investment plans, and product discounts (Indrayani & Ramadhanty, n.p). Also, the employee gets awards of bonuses for working and displaying experienced talents.

Employee appreciation and recognition

The human resource department at Apple Inc. has initiated an active program identified as the Apple Fellows Program, established in 1995 to recognize the employees who contribute extraordinarily to the company's performance and productivity. Therefore, the employees who are awarded under the program are given promotions as leaders in the company. The upgrade to leadership roles is necessary for providing visionary guidance to other workers in the identified fields of expertise. Therefore, since the reward program is associated with significant economic benefits, the workers are encouraged to work harder (Kim, n.p). Therefore, Apple Inc. values and appreciates the employees committed to achieving the top innovations, thus attracting some of the best and most committed talents in the electronic consumption industries.

Training and development are also effective ways that Apple has applied to succeed in spreading the human resource model. The company uses unique training approaches to equip employees with the most useful skills in their production fields. The maximum self-reliance is gained by the employees when the company only concentrates on leaving the employees to work on their own. Therefore, the workers would efficiently work from their mistakes. The approach has been applied to help the company focus on skills enhancements (Jing, n.p). The employees are also exposed to different units within the company, thus creating space for the employees to work interestingly on achieving the company's targeted approaches and interests. A unique approach is also applied when assigning roles to the employees. Therefore, various groups are set to perform a specific task. After task accomplishment, the teams are given an entirely different assignment, thus promoting the ability to act on something unique every time. The competition level rises since the best team is selected and enjoys various benefits (Jing, n.p). The approach is also applied to promote the general development and performance of the company.


In conclusion, Apple has recorded some of the leading Human Resource management strategies by applying the Human Resource Model. The idea that the company concentrates on the employees' interests has contributed to the ability it rank among the best organizations to work for in 2020. The model has been applied significantly through applications of different degrees through concentrations of other elements that make up the model. Some of the features include; recruitment and selection, equal employment opportunities, employment benefits, compensations and employee appreciation and recognition, and training and development factors that all concentrate on the workers' welfare. The company's interests in the employee’s welfare have also been considered some of the exciting factors that promote the company's excellent performance. Thus, Apple Inc. believes that the most outstanding deal in operation success is smart and effective recruitment.


Indrayani, Irma, and Anggi Ramadhanty. "Strategi Apple Inc. Dalam Penguasaan Pasar Produk Teknologi di Indonesia Tahun 2015-2019." Ilmu dan Budaya 41.67 (2020).

Jing, JuanJuan. "A case study on Apple, Inc which affecting the world of Smati Technology Leader or heading down?."(2018).

Kim, Pulum. Integration of Management and Culture: The Culture of Dedication in Samsung Electronics and Apple Inc. Diss. , 2018.

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