Free Essay Sample on Organization Efficiency

Published: 2019-09-24
Free Essay Sample on Organization Efficiency
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Business
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1618 words
14 min read

Organization efficiency is mainly dependent on the ability of the different department to working effectively and in harmony in the company. Due to the importance of organization efficiency, the paper will dwell mostly on how to improve the efficiency of a various department for the profitability of the organization. To achieve the improvement in the functions of the department several aspects that affects the working environment needs to be taken into consideration. Factors that affects the departmental functions include the organization culture, the size of the organization and the type of business conducted by the organization. Implementing change needs to follow a procedure that will bring about certainty within the different stakeholders. Change is a process that requires support from the management as well as the employees.

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Management plays a crucial role in ensuring that all the department goals are aligned according to the organization's goals and objectives for the general benefit of the company. The departments are headed by the senior person who directly links the employees to the management. The challenges that affect the efficiency of departments are different from one another and through this they require unique mechanisms to mitigate them without transmitting effects to the other parts of the organization. Some of the challenges that affect the departments across many firms include the departmental loyalty, innovation and technology and restructure and reorganization. The above challenges affect the departments' performance of the organization's activities, and this affects the employees' morale in the service delivery. To improve the efficiency of the department and to mitigate the above challenges various challenges such as the organization culture need to change (Alipour, 2012).

Navy Exchange restructuring problem

Restructuring for any organization is the problem if not very well planned and would cause conflict among members of different departments. At Navy Exchange, the problem has particular hit the replenishment inventory department which handles all the inventory for the other departments. The entire department is being removed and its members being moved to another department which is quite drastic and random. Such a change faces resistance from employees and may cause conflicts especially when an organization is getting rid of an entire department. The fact that members of the inventory department will be moved to another department may lead to reduced performance due to change or roles and such as issues should be addressed before making such changes.

The change model

The plan will be based on Kotters eight step change model which will be made up of; the inventory department will have to push of the urgency of the need for the innovations especially to the executive management (Jones, 2010). The step does not only push for the urgency but also the importance of the need for the change providing all the necessary requirements. The next steps are just as a measure to ensure that the right aspects for the change are in place which are the right team, a vision and a communication of the innovations. There should be short-term goals for the department handling the changes which are supposed to be the measure of efficiency and performance. If the new change was to pass the performance test, there should be a team in place to ensure that it remains permanent as well as align it with the organization culture to ensure its knowledge is passed down to new employees.

How to Apply Kotters model on Navy Exchange

The top management should first create a sense of urgency explaining why it is important to get rid of the inventory department. May explain in detail the financial advantages that may arise from the change and gather peoples reaction to the change. Change implementation success is mostly dependent on employees attitude towards it and this step check their behavior.

The next step that the management should take is establishment of a strategic team that is supposed to handle the transition. Removal of the inventory department means that other departments will have to handle their own inventory which needs a team in place to help with the change. The team can be hired outside the firm or can be trained internally based on the budget set for change.

The guiding team and managements other task is to come up with a practical vision and strategy for implementing the change. There should be a clear vision justify elimination of the inventory department as well as a practical strategy which should address questions such as why make the change. The guiding team can be tasked with coming up with the vision and strategy or can be devised by the top management as part of the implementation process.

The fourth step of course after coming up with a clear vision and strategy is to make sure that the two have been well communicated to the employees. Other departments need to be informed on why the changes are being made but most importantly members of the inventory department need to understand why their department is being removed. Clear understating of the vision does not only create a resistance free environment but guarantees success for most changes especially those of great impact such as this.

Removal of obstacles in the implementation process of the new design involves the eradication of the possible hindrances within the organization. Navy exchange is likely to face various obstacle and the main reason been that change always faces resistance. Resistance to change is one of the common problem that the organization is likely to face due to the uncertainty the future holds. The Navy exchange needs to ensure that all the stakeholders are well informed about the changes that they will be facing. The elimination of the replenishment of the inventory department will not be accepted by all and due to this it may delay the process. The organization needs to engage the stakeholders to eliminate the obstacles.

The next step is producing visible sign that will help the stakeholders appreciate the progress achieved by the organization. The main reasons for the provision of the visible sign is to ensure that all the doubts the stakeholders have been diminished to eradicate resistance. In the case of the Navy exchange needs to show the employees in the department on how the efficiency has been improved as a result. Signs should show the positive impacts of the new mechanisms of the each department making its own management on the inventory.

The other step is sticking with the plan despite the challenges that faces the process within the organization. Sticking to the plan helps the management to implement all the necessary process even in the event of poor reception by the stakeholders. The Navy exchange will encounter resistance from the individuals in the replenishment department and they may negatively influence other about the changes taking place and in the process they decide to sabotage the whole exercise. Regardless of the situation the organization should hold on and implement the plan.

After all the above stages the nurturing of the whole new organization culture is the most important and the main reason it helps to growing of the organization capacity. In the case of the Navy exchange the top management together with all the other stakeholders needs to nurture and protect the new way of doing things to achieve success. Nurturing process involves provision of the all financial resources and non -financial resources to support the new inventory management system.


A proper budget means that the department can purchase, do research and employ all the necessary personnel to handle innovations. The next step should be benchmarking which involves doing research on firms which have installed the innovations and how they work. The process is meant to provide the necessary information on the best models that would work for the organization. The hiring of experienced personnel to the department should be the next step which means that a team that can handle the innovations should be in place to assist with the transitions. The hiring process can be substituted by training the existing employees in the inventory department if it's cheaper than employees' new ones but the goal is to ensure the right personnel is in the department.


The change plan is not complete until the entire organization has been informed on the importance of the innovation how to deal with the new changes and address any conflicts that might arise from it. The last part of the plan is particularly important since it not only addresses issues that might arise from the new changes but also ensures that the innovations align to the organization goals (Thomas & Hardy, 2011).


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