Integrating Active Learning for Improved Outcomes in Online Courses - Paper Example

Published: 2023-08-16
Integrating Active Learning for Improved Outcomes in Online Courses - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Technology
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 546 words
5 min read


The integration of active learning into online courses is paramount in promoting student’s engagement in the learning environment, which improves the learning outcomes in the long-run. It is essential to incorporate effective strategies for active learning following the unique nature and numerous drawbacks associated with online learning. Some of the active approaches to promote active learning include identifying the learning objectives for the session, articulating instruction in a clear and precise manner, and identifying the core concepts in the course. Active learning helps build online learning communities by spurring the students to initiate and actively contribute to the community (Yukselturk, 2010). This paper seeks to identify learning objects, discuss the strategies, roles, and benefits of designing an online course that promotes active participation.

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Learning objects are digital entities that are usually based on what happens in the real world and are used to elaborate concepts while teaching or when students are learning. The two learning objects include multimedia content and instructional content. Multimedia content usually contains texts and illustrations using images, videos, and audio, an aspect that makes learning interesting, thus increasing students' engagement. When the students are familiar with the multimedia content, for instance, a popular video, they tend to discuss it during learning, creating online learning communities, which increases their comprehension of concepts. This promotes active learning leading to more engaged online learning sessions. Instructional content may contain explicit and simple directions that are easy to understand and the question thus increasing engagement. Also, instructional content may contain stories inform of video that emphasizes following directives failure to which repercussions follow, thus creating online learning communities.

Designing an online course that promotes active participation has numerous benefits, including addressing diverse learners' needs and promoting equality in a learning environment. Active participation reinforces essential skills like critical thinking, boosts motivation among learners, and supports the creation of relationships following peer-to-peer interactions (Caldarola, n.d.). Some of the things to do as a teacher for active participation include encouraging online debates, allowing students to brainstorm, and encouraging problem-based learning. Do not commence online learning sessions if, as a teacher, you unprepared and not planned. Do not divide students based on their intelligence levels, and do not implement unfair rules.

Strategies for engaging students in online communities include using multiple learning methods like storytelling, graphics, and images. Following a mistakes-driven approach to creating a series of questions that learners attempt providing answers and thus drawing their attention. Encouraging collaboration in online learning will lead to student engagement where they work as groups and generate discussions, ask questions, and express ideas freely (Gao et al., 2013).


In conclusion, active learning improves students learning outcomes in online courses. Active learning requires effective strategies like multiple teaching methods and collaboration to work in online learning. Learning objects like multimedia and instructional content can be reused and promotes students' engagement and create online learning communities.


Caldarola, R. n.d. The Effectiveness of Online Discussion forums on course outcomes.

Gao, F., Zhang, T., & Franklin, T. (2012). Designing asynchronous online discussion environments: Recent progress and possible future directions. British Journal Of Educational Technology, 44(3), 469-483.

Yukselturk, E. (2010). An investigation of factors affecting student participation level in an online discussion forum. The Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology, 9(2), 24-32. Retrieved 28 May 2020

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Integrating Active Learning for Improved Outcomes in Online Courses - Paper Example. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from

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