Essay on Interrogation Tactics: Maintaining Relationships Through Critical Thinking

Published: 2023-10-14
Essay on Interrogation Tactics: Maintaining Relationships Through Critical Thinking
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education Business Behavior
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1426 words
12 min read


Most people around the world do not like getting interrogated about their opinions. The way people frame questions can influence the people they interrelate with daily. Without being cautious, individuals can lose or destroy relations due to the uneasiness of those they interact with. Scholars suggest that to sustain relationships, it remains essential to understand the audience, one deals with and apply critical thinking tactfully (Browne & Keeley, 2007). The purpose of this paper involves an analysis of chapter two of the text 'Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking,' 11th Edition by Neil Browne and Stuart Keeley and applying the concepts discussed in real-world experience, issue(s), or problem(s) that occurs or may happen in the future life as a 22-year-old student, studying business at Pepperdine.

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Thinking Too Quickly

Slow thinking refers to the ability of people to utilize their brains to analyze and absorb logically important information. Quick thinking involves making impulsive decisions based on any petite evidence available without any sensible, informed thought (Browne & Keeley, 2007). As a business student, analyzing the market and economic dynamics remains an essential aspect of a successful business person. Besides, the need to critically negotiate for better terms when practicing business requires deep and thoughtful reasoning. Scholars argue that quick thinking makes people save the time of having to scrutinize and assess their opinions, denying them the chance for precision and understanding (Browne & Keeley, 2007).


Some people tackle various themes with certain initial principles or routines of mind. Believing in certain stereotypes makes individuals not to have open cognizance for strong-logic of critical thinking (ZivkoviL, 2016). Also, stereotype kind of thinking causes people to approach issues partially. People deserve attention and respect when conversing. Stereotype hinders the evaluation process. Critical thinkers always model inquisitiveness and sincerity (ZivkoviL, 2016). Stereotypes blocks careful deliberations during dialogues. It makes individuals disregard vital information by overcrowding their minds hastily.

As a business student dealing with a diverse group of people, it remains important to listen to others without making pre-judgment about them to ensure that any business proposal, transaction, or contract happens successfully to win the trust of shareholders. Allowing openness can ensure that business deals get transacted smoothly, and both parties remain satisfied at the end of the transaction (ZivkoviL, 2016). As a business student, I must grasp the concepts taught in classrooms and examine how they work in the real markets. Remaining flexible to new ideas ensures that I gather the necessary skills to help me in my future business career. Embracing openness and curiosity will ensure that I resolve any future difficulties during my job since the world keeps on changing, and new models continue to emerge.

Mental Habits that Betray People

Exercising a complete variety of critical-thinking skills enables humans to eliminate cognitive biases. Halo influence refers to people's tendency to identify a negative or a positive feature or quality of an individual and then relate that characteristic with the individual's entire personality (Desai et al., 2016). The views people hold on others determine how they obtain and value their opinions. Placing a halo effect on stakeholders or business entity may have a detrimental effect due to over-exaggeration or undermining that may cause a loss to the business venture.

Another mental habit involves belief perseverance. The various experiences, objectives, and culture that shape how people behave contribute to their beliefs. People tend to hold onto these personal beliefs, thereby creating a hurdle to critical thinking. Scholars argue that people become partial from the beginning of a discussion in favor of their present sentiments and decisions (Browne & Keeley, 2007). As a business student, relying on belief perseverance can result in weak-sense critical thinking and lead to loss of business opportunities.

Working together and respecting other people's opinions can enhance my business skills and enable me to seal deals that may seem impossible. Strong-intellect critical thinking entails the acknowledgment that conclusions remain contextual and tentative. Practicing business requires that I keep on looking for better methods to do business. Most people who undertake quick-thinking depend on the information they have, rather than the information they require to make sound decisions (Desai et al., 2016). The disposal heuristic denotes the mental shortcut people regularly deploy to making pronouncements on the grounds of any information accessible.

As a business student, the examination of markets and forces that control the supply chain operations remains crucial to my present study and future endeavors in the business environment. Another harmful mental habit involves people's perception of using the immediate available information (Browne & Keeley, 2007). The business environment remains dynamic and requires a high evaluation to make the right decision on current or future ventures. Therefore, it continues to remain paramount for business students like me to stay keen on tracking market changes.

Answering the Wrong Question

One of the human failures involves poor communication that impedes skilled critical thinking. Scholars assert that people often offer an instant involuntary response to a question without first reflecting on it (Desai et al., 2016). They, thus, answer the wrong question. It should remain vital for a critical thinker to note that whenever a person responds to a problem not asked, it distracts the consideration from the real discussion. In the business environment, it remains important not to get distracted on negotiations since it can lead to illegal business dealings that may become costly (Rezak, 2016). As a business student, it stays imperative to focus and have logical thoughts when undertaking business transactions to avoid losses and lawsuits.


Egocentrism refers to the fundamental role people apportion to their world, in contrast to others' views and experiences (Rezak, 2016). Business people interact with people of diverse backgrounds and varied needs. As a business student and someone who would make a career in the business field, it remains vital to start engaging with people whose lives differ from mine and understand the basis of their decisions. I need to stay focused on my audience, besides relying on my knowledge and skills.

Wishful Thinking

Wishful thinking has residing authority because of the rate of recurrence of people's renunciation designs. Scholars argue that people battle with the facts, trying to strengthen the world's objectives that remain healthy past the limits of fidelity. Anxieties and fears about the challenges humans face jointly and personally acts as a safeguard shield against viewing the real world that people inhabit (Rezak, 2016). One of wishful thinking involves magical thinking. Humans tend to depend on magic as a spontaneous elucidation for describing effects that science has not adequately clarified, or tried to regulate things that science cannot.

The business world has numerous challenges. However, wishful thinking or magical thinking cannot solve these issues. The solution to wishful thinking in business involves applying critical thinking to come up with solutions to immediate, short-term, and long-term challenges either as a business student or a business career individual (Davies & Calma, 2017). As a business student, I intend to employ critical thinking in managing several problems that I expect to encounter during my studies and when undertaking a professional career in the business field.


As a business student and take a business career in the future, it remains important for me to learn the concepts of critical thinking that will enhance my competency to navigate through difficult situations by listening, asking essential questions, and answering appropriately. Making business choices requires slow and sound reasoning to ensure value for money gets realized. Critical thinkers develop confidence and increase their ability to make sensible choices regarding social, economic, and individual matters. Such acquisition of skills and training can immensely enhance my capability to decide on the best business deal to undertake.


Browne, M. N., & Keeley, S. M. (2007). Asking the right questions: A guide to critical thinking. Pearson Education.

Davies, W. M., & Calma, A. (2017). Critical thinking in business education: current outlook and future prospects.

Desai, M. S., Berger, B. D., & Higgs, R. (2016). Critical thinking skills for business school graduates as demanded by employers: a strategic perspective and recommendations. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 20(1), 10-31.

Rezak, C. J. (2016). Developing your critical thinking leadership skills. 2016-01-10].

ZivkoviL, S. (2016). A model of critical thinking as an important attribute for success in the 21st century. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 102-108.

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