Free Paper Sample: Interview with a Manager

Published: 2022-06-21
Free Paper Sample: Interview with a Manager
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Communication skills Leadership style
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1766 words
15 min read

I interviewed Margaret l. Callihan, a manager, known for her outstanding leadership skills that have greatly impacted other leaders. I have always had the passion of working in a bank and so I opted to listen to the ideas of a bank manager. My reference for this manager was my uncle who schooled with her in Vanderbilt University where she earned her degree. Many challenges hindered a face-to-face interview particularly the location factor, and so I interviewed her via Skype.

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Margaret has had various roles working at Sun Trust Bank. She started her profession in the organization in a management training program and later gained other various positions such as group retail line enterprise manager in Sun Trust Bank. Before occupying the position of human resource manager, Margaret was a president and CEO of the bank. She has worked in other places such as Georgia Aquarium in the board of directors. For years, Callihan has been known for her great participation in the community and serving multiple non-profit boards. As a human resource manager, has the role of overseeing human resource stratagem, operation and payroll, training, operation and payroll and employee relations.

Sun Trust in an association that is compelled by determination and personal touch. The organization takes pleasure in guiding clients, communities, and communities about financial well-being by assisting the gain the financial poise. It is among the most potent and largest financial firm in the country, and it offers several services and products meant to meet the wants of clients, institutions, and businesses.

Response and Analysis of:

Style of Management


Managers use different management styles in their businesses, which of those do you consider appropriate?

The manager said that the style of management used by managers has a direct effect to the output of an entire organization. With time, he has learned that controlling employees, coercing them and failing to heed their hard work only leads to demotivation. However, there are various styles of management, and each one is applicable, but a good manager will have the aptitude to discern when a specific style is essential. A fascinating aspect regarding style is managers who tend to be more flexible will certainly get good results off their people. Management style is not about which one is right or wrong it all depends on the individuals, situation, and tasks that are being managed. One of the management styles is directive, and it has the main goal as instantaneous compliance from workers. A leader using directive style thoroughly controls employees and motivation is usually through discipline and threats. It is considered effective in cases of crisis or whereby deviations are dicey and at the same time ineffective when workers are underdeveloped or highly skilled. Authoritative style is considered effectual when a manager is credible or when strong directions and standards are necessitated. Affiliative style has the key objective as bringing harmony between workers and managers and among employees themselves. Other management styles include democratic, pacesetting and coaching.

Kind of Managers


What roles are played by different kind of managers?

There exist different types of managers with each category responsible for handling diverse roles. Top managers are the ones with positions such as chief executive officer with a clear example of Evan Spiegel, chief financial officer, and chief operating officer. The managers plays a big role in the inclusive direction of a firm. They build a platform of change, progress the devotion of workers to the performance of an organization and also creating a positive organizational culture, they convey the values and also monitor the business environments. Middle managers take positions such as divisional manager or plant manager and they take part in setting objectives that are constant with the goals of top management. They also plan and distribute resources. First line managers take position such as department managers and they primarily control the performance of entry-level employees. They play a big role in encouraging, rewarding and monitoring employee performance.

Assimilation process


How do you assimilate new members in your organization?

Assimilation in an organization is the course of integrating new members into an organizational culture. The theory as projected by Frederic Jablin is comprised of two vibrant procedures whereby an organization tries to socialize the current and new members. In my organization, we first see to it that there is encouragement in their contribution. New members' needs to be recognized and shown that their work has an impact. We also encourage teamwork that ensures integration of old as well as new employees. Our culture is also flexible and revitalizing, which been advantageous to the new members. The initial stage of assimilation process is anticipatory socialization, and it is here that the new members develop a set several expectations and beliefs regarding the formal and informal communication of individuals in a given organization. The other stage is organizational encounter, and it is all about the organizational member entering and getting accustomed to the new firm. It takes place once the newcomers confront the certainty of their organizational responsibility. Metamorphosis is the ultimate stage of assimilation, and the changeover is well comprehended as psychological amendment that happens after the management of uncertainty. At the start of metamorphosis stage, workers commence altering their priorities for purposes of getting in line with organizational values.



Mentoring is common in most organizations, what can you say about its essence?

Mentoring can be defined as partnership between two individuals, the mentor and the mentee, who work collectively in analogous field and share same experiences. The relationship is dependent on joint trust, understanding and respect for one another. A mentor is a role model, a good listener, organized leader who is good at managing people, successful in his job, has exceptional knowledge and someone who can be trusted. Mentoring enables workers to do the right thing by exposure to senior employees that discern how to do the appropriate things. It assists employees to perform more efficiently, gives satisfaction and facilitates the growth. Additionally, mentoring hastens the method of bringing on new members, ensures employee retention, high productivity, and minimizes frustrations in the workforce.

Nonverbal communication


What is the importance of nonverbal communication in an organization?

When used together with verbal communication, nonverbal tools help in punctuating, strengthening, accentuating and enlivening the message. Communicating nonverbally can mean one thing to one person and another to a different individual. Example of nonverbal cues used in organizations include body language, posture, facial expression, gestures and eye contact. Human faces can express emotions such as happiness, resentment, confusion or tedium. For instance, people will attribute trustworthiness to individuals who maintain good eye contact during communication. The type of attire worn and appearance convey strong nonverbal messages with some being intentional while others are unintentional. A person who puts on conservative suits could seem unapproachable, but this message is not intended while a wearer of a low cut shirt might not want other people to her sexy then again sends mixed messages. Also, how employees organize or bedecks the office can tell a lot about them.

Communication styles


There are various communication styles used in an organization, what can you say about formal communication?

There are various forms of communication styles. Formal communication comprises downward communication which takes place once the management talks to its subordinates. It could include job tasks, procedures, expectations, feedback. On the other hand, upward is used in exploring job linked issues while horizontal happens when workers or managers converse with people on their level. Informal communication takes place when managers and workers converse using undesignated channels with discussion of individual interests and social problems falling under this category. Communication in an organization can also be internal as well as external.

Communication network/channels


What channel of communication do you use in your organization?

Communication channels are the methods by which communication takes place in an organization. Completion of diverse tasks in an organization necessitates communication thus choosing the right channels is significant because using the wrong channel for a task could result to negative consequences (Liu 28). One of the most powerful channel in an organization is face-to-face communication. Here, there is nonverbal cues such as facial expression, physical presence, monitoring of speaker's voice and these aspects helps interpret the intended message. Broadcast media comprises radio, TV which are essential when talking to a mass audience. For instance, if a business is seeking to inform clients about a new product, advertisements or promotions could be conducted using the channel. Mobile phones are used when communication is personal while electronic channels like internet or email be used for group or one-one communication. Written messages in an organization could be in form of a memo, manuals, and announcements.

Organizational culture


What is the importance of organizational culture in a firm?

Each organization has a culture, and because most of the employees will spend a lot of their time in the working place, organization culture tends to impact work as well as personal life. The culture encompasses ideologies, values, beliefs, and doctrines that people share in the working environment. Organizational culture plays a role in bringing unity to the organization among workers of dissimilar demographics. The culture also assists in keeping the workers inspired and dedicated to the management. When employees can visualize themselves as a component of the organization culture, they become zealous in contributing to the success of the business (Maximini 198). The way in which a company conducts business is determined by people who are in the organization, the clients, and culture.

Office politics


In cases of negative conflict, people tend to either fight or flight, how would you advise people to get past them?

What leads to office politics and what would be your advice on the issue?

People carry their emotions, desires, insecurities, and needs in the workplace and for this reason, the working environment becomes political. Everyone is determined to be successful, but the methods of attaining this prosperity differs among different individuals. When divergence of personality and judgment become daunting to manage, office politics will always arise. Accepting politics as a reality will help visualize it positively, and this is a foundation for making them beneficial. Office politics can be positive as well as the negative ones such as backstabbing, and the spread of malevolent gossip. Good politics can help further the interest of a team in a fair and appropriate approach. The very common responses to politics in the office are either fight or flight which are the survival mechanisms. Employees should realize that they have a choice in such circumstances.

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