Intimate Partner Violence: Women Fighting Back for Self-Defense - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-14
Intimate Partner Violence: Women Fighting Back for Self-Defense - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Violence Domestic violence
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1688 words
15 min read


Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a common abuse or any aggressive behavior that is used to intimidate women, by the partner or former spouse (Tarzia et al., 2017). The partner tries to instill on physical or emotional violence. Most of the reported domestic violence cases women the victims, due to the physical power used by their offenders or the abusers. As a result, women try their level best to fight back as a means of defense rather than attacking. Charles’ action and the decision to burn her ex-girlfriend’s house was inspired by heavy drinking, even though he did not manage to instill physical abuse on her entirely. Never the less, his actions justified an action linked with attempted murder, forcing her ex-girlfriend to fear for her life.

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The action of setting fire on cardboards at the porch, causing charring the wood justified intentions of abuse and subjecting the victim to a more difficult moment. Under the California law, domestic violence is defined as a set of abusive actions that cause physical or emotional stress from a current partner, divorced or a separated partner.

The Assessment, Intervention and Prevention Strategies for Charles

Charles' behavior on her ex-girlfriend depicts a severe threat of domestic violence, which may even lead to her death. Never the less, it is essential to consider different intervention methods, that may insulate his actions from causing more harm to her. The application of domestic violence restricting orders is one of the suitable approaches that may be used for intervention purposes.

According to California Courts, (2020), domestic violence restricting order is a court order geared towards protecting people from abuse with a person who they have been closely related. The domestic violence restricting order will insulate Charles from ever setting his foot closer to her former girlfriend’s house, or even her work place, as a way of preventing and protecting her.

Scenario One

Theoretical Explanations for Intimate Partner Violence in the Scenario

The scenario describes an individual psychopathology theoretical approach, which highly focuses on the perpetrator, and their actions towards inculcating and causing violence to the victim. The theory focuses on the abusive behaviors, which results from a mood disorder, such as anxiety, depression, as well as a personality disorder (Santoveña & da Silva 2016). More so, the perpetrators are pushed by posttraumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, and personality disorder.

In the second scenario, the perpetrators are triggered by a series of events, such as alcohol abuse, as well as increasing demands from the victims. Gerald’s father is described as a polite man with little concern about family welfare. His role has been widely tied to the concept of providing for the family, through working hard. Therefore, he expected to have a peaceful moment back at home. However, his demands were not timely met, which triggers the violence to his uncompromising wife. Additionally, the use of alcohol and the victims yelling or demanding more financial support in the scenario is a standard variable that triggered domestic violence.

Thoughts about the Scenario

Economic hardships are among the leading causes of domestic violence. At the same time, society remains so divided in terms of class and wealth. African Americans are finding themselves as victims of economic differences, which triggers a state of unrest in terms of financial support. Therefore, this increases the probability of triggering a psychopathology theoretical approach, which ushers’ violence.

The Assessment, Intervention and Prevention Strategies for Gerald

The use of a domestic restricting order may not be a compelling concept to apply in this concept, especially considering that Gerald and his wife have been living in a peaceful moment. Never the less, Gerald vowed not to follow the footpath of his parents. Therefore, the suitable approach to intervene or reduce the possibility of domestic abuse is through conducting a therapeutic session, on Gerald and his wife, to help get them back on track. Moreover, Gerald should be more careful to reduce the possibility of sparking this character to his children as well.

Scenario Two

Some of The Questions that You Would Want to be Answered by this Teenager

One of the primary concerns is to understand how this situation has affected her life. More so, it is essential to understand how she views the role her mother has taken on defending herself, and if it will affect her in her marriage. Additionally, it will be essential to understand if she has tried any other therapeutic session to try and help fight back her situation.

The Current Concerns you might have

The current concern on the incident is about the effects of domestic violence on an innocent person, who has been profoundly affected by the behaviors of her parents. Susan divulged that both her parents are mutually violent, which makes her the center of concern on both her physical and emotional well-being. The concern in this incident is focused on Susan’s behaviors in fighting at school. As a result, this is an accurate indication of the damage of domestic violence, and how it is affecting her psychologically. Therefore, the main aim is to draw our attention to how we can help reduce the psychological torture on Susan.

Why Susan’s Situation is a Form of Child Abuse?

Even though there is no direct involvement in the scenario to justify the authenticity of child abuse, Susan has been indirectly abused by her parents. Therefore, she has remained to be vulnerable, especially from the two suspensions from school due to fighting. Additionally, Susan recalls trying to separate her parents during domestic violence, a decision, which she profoundly regrets. Thus, this indicates traces of physical assault, which has traumatized her entirely.

The Assessment, Intervention and Prevention Strategies for Susan and Her Family

Susan’s condition requires a domestic violence restraining order since she is above twelve years, and her parents appear to have taken part actively in domestic violence. Therefore, the separation will help bring the parents in a good understanding. Moreover, it will help reflect on the consequences of their behaviors, and how it has affected their daughter.

Scenario Three

The Concerns About this Scenario

Jim’s action towards Cindy is one of the major concerns and the possibility of Cindy becoming a victim from unforeseen threats that emanate from his second husband. Jim’s action perhaps is one of the significant concerns that may draw our attention to assess his current behavior, and what might be triggering his actions.

What Might Happen Next

Jim has learned to rectify his mistakes as a way of clearing his path. Never the less, his idea of retrogressing his actions by swiping the incident of domestic violence under the carpet, did not erode Cindy’s mental scars. Therefore, with the tension brewing that high, Jim may decide to go further more than what he had done in the past ten months and even cause more physical damage to her. Jim’s action this time may target not only Cindy but also their eldest child, who happens to be Jim’s step-child. Therefore, Cindy should take precautionary measures to protect herself and the children before further harm is inflicted on her.

Referrals for Cindy and the Family

Domestic violence restricting order may be of valuable use, especially if Jim is willing to comply with this decision. Therefore, the law will create a temporary barrier between the two spouses, which will help calm things down and protect Cindy and her two children.

The Assessment, Intervention and Prevention Strategies for this Family

Financial constraints in this scenario seem to be out of the discussion since the two have promising careers. More so, they are living in their property, which may also help rule out the concept of financial constrains being the trigger to justify his previous actions. Therefore, this matter calls for a critical analysis of Jim’s psychological behavior. Therefore, it is essential for both the spouses to effectively focus on therapeutic sessions, which will help Jim become more accommodating on Cindy and the children.

Scenario Four

How the Restraining Order Will Protect Brian

The restraining order defines has been defined as a court ruling, geared to protect the victims from the abuse or threat of abuse from someone they have a close relationship (Spencer et al., 2020). The restraining order is applicable under two distinctive circumstances to help protect the victim and his family. On the first occasion, the order is issued if a person has abused you, or threatening to abuse you. Secondly, the order is issued if you are closely related to the perpetrator, and you are divorced or separated. Brian’s situation qualifies to be protected under the restraining order since he has been threatened to be abused by his former boyfriend. Therefore, Brian needs to apply for the order and notify the local authorities to grand his protection and be on the alert of his former spouse in case he might show up in his house.

Is Brian’s Restraining Order Enforceable in his New Home State?

The restraining order has the power to insulate and protect Brian on both his current and his new location that he plans to relocate in. According to the California Court, (2020), once the restricting order is issued, it is entered into a statewide computer system (CLETS), which gives the law enforces across the state the opportunity to access it, and act accordingly. Moreover, the restricting order works anywhere in the US, which protects Brian in his new place.

What Options does Brian have to Protect Himself?

As Husso et al., (2020) outlined, moving to California with a restricting order from any other state, or a tribal issued order remains to be valid, which allows the police to enforce the order. Therefore, Brian can register his restraining order to California’s State domestic violence computer system to help protect against Tom’s actions.

Do you see this as a Stalking Situation?

Tom’s defiance and decision to look for Brian may be defined as the violation of restraining order, which may be obligated by the law enforcers. More so, his actions, in looking for Brian in the new state, justify the idea of a stalking situation, which may cause Brian to be more reluctant.

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Intimate Partner Violence: Women Fighting Back for Self-Defense - Essay Sample. (2023, Sep 14). Retrieved from

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