HRM Essay Sample: Training in MacDonalds Company

Published: 2019-09-24
HRM Essay Sample: Training in MacDonalds Company
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Management Education Human resources
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1925 words
17 min read

Introduction to McDonalds

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McDonalds is the worlds leading chain of hamburgers and fast foods. It serves around 68 million customers on a daily basis in all its 119 countries. It has 36, 535 food outlets. The company serves around 68 million people in the world. It is found in the United States of America and was founded in the year 1940. The firm started as barbecue restaurant that was operated by Maurice McDonald and Richard. They started by selling hamburgers. The revenue of the company in 2012 was 27.5 million US dollars, and that accounted for a profit of 5.5 percent us dollars. The company gets its revenue from the fees that are paid by the franchisees, rent, and royalties. McDonald is considered to be the second largest company in the world when it comes to private employment with 1.9 million workers and about 1.5 million of them working in the franchises. Its competitor is Walmart, and it is the leading company when it comes to private employment.

Definition of Training and Development

Training refers to planned activity that is aimed at passing information and instructions so as to improve performance. In business, it occurs when a train their workers to advance their skills and knowledge so as to be competitive. Development refers to the efforts that are undertaken by a particular business all the activities that are conducted by an individual company to increase the skills and knowledge.

Structural levels of training in MacDonalds Company

Organizational level

Under this structure, this type of training runs in the whole organization. This practice focuses on achieving the strategic and operational objectives of the business. The policy objectives are the long-term objectives such as maximization of profit. These goals set the primary benchmarks that lead to the success of a firm. The operational objectives are also known as tactical objectives. They are the short-term aims that often brings a firm close to its long-term targets. For instance, it may include unique technology development, improvement of health and safety, improving the job performance, the motivation of the workers, and execution of advertisement strategies, among others. This organizational level has to comply with the EU and UK legislations. The role of the government is to enforce laws and businesses have to comply with these rules that are set by the government so as to operate efficiently.


Departmental training entails reviewing the proficiency needs of the workers to determine whether they can meet the goals and the objectives of an organization. The needs of employees are taken into account because they are the ones who drive an organization into success. It occurs when a company offers to train to one of the departments so as to improve operational efficiency. The training may entail teaching the workers how to use new technology.


This is the type of training where a business provides training to an individual employee. An employee may be faced with challenges in particular areas whereby he or she needs some training to improve in that field. For instance, a firm may be having an employee may be performing his or her work well and may not be knowing how to deal with customers. In this case, a company may decide to train the employees so as to know how to handle the clients better.

Types of Training

Training is a crucial aspect when it comes to human resource management. When the workers are trained a company may enjoy the benefits of profit maximization since they produce their best. A company may offer different types of training to its employees. The types of training include on the job training, off the job training and induction training.

On the job training refers to training the employees at their workplace while they are performing their actual job. The course instructor is usually a professional trainer or an experienced worker. This type of training occurs in a formal classroom training. The employees are provided with the right skills that are required to perform a certain job. The workers can improve their abilities, and this is helpful because it improves their job performance. Both the employees and the business benefit from this type of business. For instance, the employees may be taught how to relate to the customers

The other kind of training is the off the job training that occurs when the workers are taken away from their jobs so as to be trained. In another word, it occurs away from the work environment. It is carried by the workers who have worked in a particular business for quite a long time. The workers often get skills which they may apply in their areas of work by bringing new ideas to the firm. For instance, a company may train its workers on employment laws, how to manage the workers or on other aspects such as recruitment ad selection. This is of benefit for the future of an individual business.

The last type of training is the induction training. This training is offered to the new employees so as to familiarize them with the kind of job they are going to do. It enables them to perform their new jobs with ease. For examples, the workers may be taught in how they are going to use the computers to perform their jobs. It does not have to be carried out to the new employees only. It can also be carried to the old workers especially when there are changes in things like safety and health rules.

Types of Training at Each Level

For the three structural levels, different types of training are required. McDonald is a company that utilizes all these types of training. The organizational structure helps the company to achieve its set goals and objectives. For this organizational structure, the company provides the induction training so that all the workers may know how they have supposed to perform their duties. Therefore, this allows all the employees are working in the firm to be familiar with the work environment before they start carrying out their duties. When all the workers begin performing their jobs, they are usually in a position to carry out their duties to better standards. Thus, for this organizational level, induction training should always be used. As discussed above, on-job training equips the workers with the relevant skills that are required to perform a particular job. Therefore, McDonalds can also utilize it to ensure that all the workers have the relevant skills that are needed to carry out their jobs. The firm may be faced with a lot of challenges when implementing this type of training because it is costly.

For the departmental structure focuses on training the workers in a particular department so as to maximize profits in that individual department. On the job training may be utilized by MacDonald Company. This because the workers need to be provided with extra skills for them to improve their job performance in the department. This kind of training is of benefit to the departments because when the employees learn to work with new machines, profits in the departments may increase because new skills are applied. MacDonalds should promote on-job training by ensuring that the departments have the relevant resources that are required to carry out that type of training.

Lastly, since the individual structural level requires training a particular individual so as to improve the area, he or she is weak. Therefore, both off the job and on job training may be applicable. If a manager has excellent management skills and is poor in communication skills, the company may decide to train him or her through the use of off job training. If Mc Donald focuses on training the managers, they may get the right skills that are required in management and they may transform the company. When they learn new ideas, they introduce them in the company, and this may lead to growth and expansion of the enterprise.

McDonalds Organizational Chart

From the above organizational chart of McDonalds company, it is evident that the topmost person is the president. The company has accounting and sales managers who ensure that the advertisements are the sales departments are in order. The operations and the human resource managers are in charge of the note-takers and copiers supervisors. The sales director is responsible for the sales staff. Note takers supervisor is in charge of the note-takers whereas the copiers supervisor is responsible for the copiers.


McDonalds is an enormous company that has numerous employees who have various job roles. For instance, the functions of human resource managers are different from that of operations managers, sales staff, copiers supervisors, among other employees. The company uses various types of training for these workers because the workers do not have the same responsibilities. Therefore, for McDonald to work efficiently, it should provide the correct training to the employees. This would improve their skills to perform their jobs better. The training which the workers get is dependent on the job role which they play.

McDonald offers induction training for all its employees. It is stated by the law that all enterprises should provide this kind of training to the employees so that they can meet their health and safety requirements. Induction training may be provided in either structural organizational level or departmental structural level. The company must also provide induction training for all its staff members because they require specific skills to do their duties. For the company to promote its staff, it needs to do some training to them.

McDonalds trains its managers on structural induction level. Nevertheless, such managers may get job training because the new skills acquired by the managers determines how they will manage the firm. McDonalds ensures that the training of the managers is provided efficiently because the decisions made by a manager often influences the business environment. Since the training is carried out on individual managers, it is often costly.

McDonalds has the supervisor role. The supervisors monitor and control the staff when doing their jobs. Unlike the managers, the supervisors do not need to come up with new ideas. Their responsibilities are related to their workplace. Thus, their training is either provided at either on the individual or departmental level. McDonalds can also provide off training for the supervisor in case they want to promote him or her.

It is stated by the law that all workers should get induction training at the organizational level. Besides, all the workers should be provided with further training so as to perform their duties well. As discussed above, McDonald provides individual training for its staff such as the managers.

How training differs for individual, departmental and organizational level

The three training levels are critical for McDonalds and any other enterprise. This is because they are of benefit to the organization and the employees. These three training levels share some have some differences. Instead of the organizational and departmental training, individual training focuses on one employee. Departmental training involves fewer workers as compared to organizational and departmental training which focuses on the knowledge of the employees. Organizational training differs from the other departmental, and individual training is usually combined with induction training rather than the other two types of training.

These trainings share some similarities. For instance, they have the capability to be flexible for the three types of training. That is, in training, off training and induction training. The individual, organizational, or departmental training use on training, off-training, or the induction training. Nevertheless, all the workers can undergo these types of training

P2 and M2

The Training Requirements of McDonalds


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